Vitamin B12 (shots): indications, dosage, instructions for use

Vitamin B12 (shots): indications, dosage, instructions for use
Vitamin B12 (shots): indications, dosage, instructions for use

Deficiency in the body of vitamin B12 leads to a number of different diseases. This is a very important component for the functioning of all systems, which reduces susceptibility to infection and increases endurance, and at the same time mental and physical activity.

About the drug

You should not be afraid at all if the doctor prescribed a prescription for cyanocobalamin. This term means vitamin, popularly known as B12. Like other substances from this group, it takes an important part in the functioning of vital processes in the human body. As for its lack, this can negatively affect overall well-being.

lack of vitamin b12
lack of vitamin b12

The name of this drug comes from the only active ingredient in its composition. This pharmaceutical agent can have a hematopoietic effect on the body, thereby stimulating cellular metabolism. It is prescribed for neurological and dermatological diseases, as part of the complex treatment of diseases of the blood and liver, and it can also berecommended in order to prevent the development of certain pathological conditions. Vitamin B12 in combination with other minerals contributes to the overall strengthening of the immune system, and at the same time improves the appearance of a person as a whole, as it has a very positive effect on the condition of hair and skin.

Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) promotes better tissue regeneration, it has a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous system. It can also have a beneficial effect on liver function by regulating blood clotting. In this article, we will talk in detail about this vitamin, learn about its contraindications and indications, positive and negative effects, consider modern analogues on the pharmaceutical market and patient reviews.

Let's give a recipe in Latin for cyanocobalamin. Rep: Sol. Cyancobalamini 0.05%, 1 ml, which means 1 milliliter (IM).

The role of B12 in the human body

Cyanocobalamin (that is, vitamin B12) was first discovered back in 1948. Scientists have isolated a new component from raw liver, and it was prescribed for the treatment of a malignant form of anemia. Over the past seventy years, the substance has been well studied by scientists, as well as physicians, as a result of which they were able to determine its effect on the human body:

  • Stress hormone blocking.
  • Improve blood clotting.
  • The process of amino acid synthesis.
  • Reduce blood cholesterol.
  • Implementation of detoxification of the body on the background of alcoholism.
  • Significant performance improvementliver.

For athletes, this vitamin helps to withstand a heavy load, among other things, it accelerates weight loss, preventing the development of heart and vascular diseases. The drug plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system. The vitamin supplements the basic therapy of cerebral palsy in children, the fight against Down syndrome, as well as the treatment of intercostal neuralgia, and so on.

cyanocobalamin price
cyanocobalamin price

Issue form

Cyanocobalamin is produced today in a single form - in solution for intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular, and intralumbar use. That is, people are given injections of vitamin B12. There are different dosages, depending on this, the color of the liquid may change, ranging from pink to a rich red tint.

The vitamin is produced in ampoules that are packed in contour cells, and it can also be supplied in cardboard packs that are placed in a box. Each ampoule contains 1 milliliter of a solution that contains 0.2 or 0.5 milligrams of cyanocobalamin. Auxiliary components are sodium chloride and water for injection.

Let's figure out how vitamin B12 is useful in injections.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

This drug belongs to the pharmacological category of vitamins. Cyanocobalamin usually enters the liver, where it is subsequently metabolized. Further, it is converted into the following two substances: methylcobalamin, as well as deoxyadenosylcobalamin. The first component is an active participant in the conversion of homocysteine to adenosylmethionine andmethionine. The second element is one of the most important in the process of carrying out the reactions of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.

Thus, a lack of vitamin B12 in the human body can lead to a disruption in the proliferation of rapidly dividing cellular elements of the epithelium and hematopoietic tissue, as well as to a failure in the formation of the myelin neuronal sheath. The most common and widely produced chemical compound with vitamin activity B12 is cyanocobalamin, although this substance is almost one hundred percent artificial. It is worth noting that cyanocobalamin does not occur in living organisms, but within the framework of a hit it can be converted into any active compound B12. In other words, cyanocobalamin is a vitamer (or form) of the original vitamin.

vitamin b12 injections
vitamin b12 injections

Regarding the pharmacokinetics, this artificial substance, penetrating into the bloodstream, can bind to transcobalamins, which transport B12 into the tissue. Subsequently, it accumulates in the liver and then independently consumed by the body through the excretion of bile into the intestine, and from there it can again be absorbed into the blood. The half-life of this element is five hundred days.

Indications for the use of this vitamin preparation

Vitamin B shots12 are used as adjunctive therapy. They enhance the effect of drugs, the medicine helps the human body to overcome many diseases. In rare situations, he is appointed as the onlyagents for the prevention of anemia. The main indications for the use of vitamins B12 in injections are chronic migraine along with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, neuralgia, radiation sickness, alcohol poisoning, dystrophy, anemia, sciatica, pancreatic disease, and liver disease. Among other things, it is advisable to use it for gastritis, photodermatosis and sclerosis.

Injections of vitamins B6 and B12 are prescribed for people with beriberi, and in addition, against the background of frequent respiratory diseases. The lack of this element in the body leads to a significant deterioration in the condition of nails, hair and teeth. For these reasons, the use of this drug in ampoules is produced not only for therapeutic purposes, but also as part of cosmetic prophylaxis.

Instructions for the use of cyanocobalamin injections

When a person is prescribed B12, the instructions will help calculate the correct dosage. The therapy regimen usually looks like this:

  • For the prevention of anemia, just like beriberi, from 200 to 500 micrograms per day is used. The course of treatment in this case is from seven to fifteen days.
  • To combat diseases of the nervous system, 200 micrograms are injected daily for the first three days. Followed by 300 micrograms over four days.
  • In the event that cyanocobalamin is used for complex treatment, the dosage will be from 200 to 500 micrograms per day.

Take this vitamin only in the amount recommended by your doctor. own itit is undesirable to use, since it is rather difficult to establish an individual treatment regimen. Instructions for use for cyanocobalamin injections must be strictly observed.

vitamins b12 injections indications for use
vitamins b12 injections indications for use

How to properly inject this vitamin?

The introduction of the vitamin in question can be carried out in various ways, for example, subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously, and also directly into the spinal cord. The instructions indicate that cyanocobalamin should not be used simultaneously with drugs that increase blood clotting, and in addition, with vitamin B1. In the event that there is an allergy to B1, B12 can further strengthen it. You can administer this drug intravenously, as well as intramuscularly, on your own. But if you need to inject vitamin B12 directly into the spinal cord, an experienced doctor should give the injection.

Storage conditions

B12 in ampoules is stored exclusively in a dry and dark place, with an air temperature of no more than twenty-five degrees. Some complex medicines may require refrigeration. This point is best specified in the instructions. The main thing to remember is that you can not use this substance after the expiration date indicated on the package.

Drug dosage

What is the dosage of vitamin B12 injections? The amount of this substance is determined individually, the dose depends on the age of the patient. The maximum daily allowance is typically 400 micrograms for children and 1,000 for adults. Dosing is increased gradually, while it is desirable to start with small portions of the drug. This is required to rule out an allergic reaction.

Contraindications and side effects of these vitamins in injections

Why do we need vitamin B12 injections, we explained. Subject to the instructions for use and the recommendations of the doctor, the negative effects of the drug in question as such are completely absent. In exceptional cases, unpleasant symptoms are likely to occur in the form of nervous overexcitation, tachycardia, headache, discomfort in the heart, increased blood pressure, and dizziness.

cyanocobalamin instructions for use injections
cyanocobalamin instructions for use injections

In the event that a person has an individual intolerance to vitamin B12 injections, an allergic reaction may occur in the form of skin itching, a rash, and a runny nose. When side effects are observed, the administration of the drug is immediately stopped, and the method of treatment is reviewed together with the doctor. Immediately before the start of the course of injections, it is imperative to study the list of existing contraindications, which are angina along with erythrocytosis, thrombosis, varicose veins, pregnancy and lactation, hemorrhoids and oncological diseases.

Another contraindication, according to the instructions, is the individual intolerance to the substance cyanocobalamin. It is important to follow the recommendations from the annotation in order to prevent an overdose of vitamin B12. Otherwise, in this case, the following manifestations may be observed:occurrence of heart failure, arrhythmia, pulmonary edema, rash, and anaphylactic shock.

It is worth noting that cyanocobalamin makes an invaluable contribution to the work of the human body. With its deficiency, various diseases develop, and in addition, the appearance and general well-being deteriorate. But you need to take a vitamin only after consulting a doctor and determining an individual dosage. Next, let's talk about the combination of B12 with various drugs. We will specify the price of cyanocobalamin below.


It should be mentioned that cyanocobalamin conflicts with many other representatives of group B, whether it be thiamine, riboflavin or pyridoxine. Its combined use with the first is especially dangerous, since B12 can increase the allergic reaction to thiamine. It is also pharmacologically incompatible with ascorbic acid.

The absorption of cyanocobalamin is significantly reduced when taken together with substances in the form of aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, polymyxin salicylates, colchicine antiepileptic drugs, and so on. Cyanocobalamin is not combined with drugs from a series of coagulants, as well as with oral contraceptives. With the joint use of the drug with most antibiotics and antimetabolites, the actual content of cyanocobalamin in the blood cannot be determined within the framework of microbiological studies.

cyanocobalamin prescription in latin
cyanocobalamin prescription in latin

Vitamin B12 analogues

For some reason, people may need to change this drug. It is worth noting that there are only a few analogues of cyanocobalamin - these are pharmaceuticals such as Triovit, along with Neuromin, Medivitan and Neurocobal. Replacing cyanocobalamin with the above drugs can only be prescribed by the attending doctor. Additionally, a mandatory study of the instructions for each of the analogues is required in order to exclude certain contraindications.

Price of cyanocobalamin

The cost of the drug in question is affordable. For one package of ampoules, you need to pay only twenty-eight rubles. A prescription for cyanocobalamin in Latin will need to be provided to the pharmacist.

Next, we will find out what they say about injections B12 patients who happened to take the appropriate course.


Patients write that, like therapy with any other means, the main thing when using cyanocobalamin is the correct dosing in combination with an adequate treatment regimen and duration of the course. If you follow the elementary rules, then absolutely no he alth problems will arise. You can verify this if you study the reviews about the drug.

Despite the fact that this vitamin has a small price, according to consumers, it works great. It is reported that, whatever the indications for use, cyanocobalamin will fulfill its task one hundred percent, as quickly as possible filling the lack of vitamin B12 in the body.

In addition, people who have been treated with this substance report easy tolerability of the drug. Course therapy contributes to a noticeableimproving overall well-being. For example, patients in the reviews say that while taking this remedy, they have increased stamina, drowsiness and apathy have disappeared. Among other things, cyanocobalamin strengthens the immune system, positively affecting the hematopoietic system and improving blood circulation in general.

Those who managed to test this medicine on themselves already know for sure: if the doctor prescribed this drug to them, then you can expect high results from the selected treatment. In addition, many girls use the contents of ampoules to restore damaged hair. With the addition of a solution of cyanocobalamin, masks are prepared, and it is also rubbed in its pure form into the roots. In this case, the reviews can also be read only positive - the curls are strengthened, dandruff disappears, shine appears. Thus, if anyone else doubts the effectiveness of the drug in question, do not worry about it. The main thing is that the treatment is carried out as prescribed by the doctor.

Do injections hurt?

People often ask if B12 injections hurt. As you know, injections of B vitamins are always painful. But, as patients who have completed a course of cyanocobalamin say, you can not be afraid of it, since out of the whole group B such injections are considered to be less painful. Now let's find out what products this useful substance is in and whether it can be obtained from food, and not from artificial compounds.

Where is vitamin B12 found?

It is important to understand that this substance is not synthesized by animals or plants, and its assimilation after intake with fooddirectly depends solely on how well this vitamin is stored in the body. It is worth noting that animals are better at this, so almost all sources of vitamin B12 are of animal origin.

Thus, in order to add B12 to your diet, first of all, you need to pay attention to veal liver, and in addition, to salmon, lamb, beef, shrimp, cod and sardines. If a person is more interested in plants, it is better to choose seaweed (kelp) along with brewer's yeast, miso sauce and tofu. In the latter case, of course, we must remember that the content of B12 in them will be several times less compared to animal products.

vitamins b6 and b12 injections
vitamins b6 and b12 injections

Is it okay to take multiple vitamins at the same time?

Vitamin B6 is used for fatigue and stress, and is also often used in the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system, heart and joints.

Let's see if B6 and B12 injections can be given at the same time. The positive effect of the combination of these vitamins is widely known. The fact is that such a combination can mutually enhance the effectiveness of both medicinal substances. According to the latest information from American scientists, the simultaneous administration of these drugs helps to reduce the level of homocysteine in the body, which helps reduce the risk of heart and vascular pathologies.

In order for the intake of these vitamins to bring benefits to a person, and not harm, you need to take into account their pharmacological features. As part of preventionit will be enough to take nutritional supplements in capsules, and injections may be required directly for beriberi. These substances are allowed to be mixed with folic acid, but simultaneous administration of B1 with pyridoxine or cyanocobalamin is undesirable. In any case, you should consult your doctor before using.
