Humanity has long known that based on the results of a general urine test in women, men, and young children, conclusions can be drawn about the state of he alth of the subject.
Currently, laboratories are equipped with all the necessary equipment and reagents, which makes it possible to carry out diagnostics in just a few minutes. However, it is necessary to prepare and collect urine for a general analysis correctly. This will allow you to get the most reliable and informative results.
Only a doctor can correctly interpret the analysis data. Self-decryption can lead to erroneous conclusions. However, everyone should be aware of what is included in a urinalysis and that suspicious results should be reported to a medical facility as soon as possible.
Indications for prescription
Urine is a biological material, which is one of the end products of the vital activity of the human body. Up to 99% of the volume of urine excreted is water. However, along withurine removes harmful compounds, s alts, hormones, etc.
That is why a general urinalysis is an indispensable diagnostic test. Deciphering the study takes the doctor only a couple of minutes, and the specialist receives a lot of information. If at least one of the indicators deviates from generally accepted norms up or down, additional studies are assigned.
During the analysis, the laboratory assistant evaluates not only organoleptic, but also physico-chemical properties, and also conducts microscopy. This allows you to identify almost any pathology, even at the earliest stage of its development.
Indications for study appointment:
- The patient has alarming symptoms, especially indicating impaired functioning of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system.
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the treatment.
- Prevention of the development of various pathologies. In this case, the analysis is assigned as part of the annual medical boards.
- Hospitalization in a hospital, including for the purpose of receiving surgical treatment.
- Monitoring the he alth status of women during childbearing.
The undeniable advantage of the study is that it can be used to identify even those pathologies that are asymptomatic.

Common urinalysis is a laboratory research method, the results of which are more dependent directly on the patient. That is why the delivery of biological material must be treatedresponsibly.
In preparation for a general urine test, the following activities must be performed:
- One day before the collection of urine, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that can affect its color. These include: confectionery, marinades, smoked meats, colorful vegetables and fruits and dishes containing them.
- For 48 hours, you need to stop drinking alcohol, as well as taking dietary supplements, vitamins and diuretics. By the way, coffee, beloved by many, also belongs to the latter.
- You must stop visiting saunas and baths within 24 hours.
- 2 days before the delivery of the biomaterial, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of physical activity to a minimum or not train at all.
In addition, if the patient is taking any medication, he needs to inform the attending physician about this. The specialist will either advise to cancel the treatment for a few days, or take this fact into account when deciphering the general urine test.
Test should be rescheduled if the patient has elevated body temperature or blood pressure. Menstrual bleeding in women is also a relative contraindication.

Urine collection rules for general analysis
It is important to know that the biomaterial sample should not contain foreign inclusions. That is why it is necessary to take a responsible attitude to the collection of urine for general analysis. The most informative are the results obtained during the study of urine accumulated overnight, that is, morning.
Howpass urine correctly:
- General analysis involves the evaluation of many indicators. To ensure that the results are not false, it is necessary to take a shower before collecting the material. In this case, it is better to use regular or baby soap, intimate hygiene products or shower gels.
- The most important rule for collecting urine for general analysis is that the dishes must be sterile. If you plan to use a glass jar, you need to disinfect it, but in the end it should not show traces of any cleaning agent. It is recommended to collect urine in a disposable sterile container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.
- Regarding how to properly pass urine. In the general analysis, bacteria that have entered the biomaterial from the external genital organs should not be detected. In this regard, it is necessary to flush a small amount of urine into the toilet and, without stopping the stream, substitute a previously prepared container for the biomaterial. Regarding how many ml. A general urine test can be successfully performed even with a small amount. Doctors recommend collecting at least 60 ml of urine. Then the container must be tightly closed with a lid and delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible. Biomaterial can be stored for 2 hours in a cool place. After the specified time, the urine will become unsuitable for research. Deciphering the general analysis of urine is likely to lead to erroneous conclusions.
The rules for collecting biomaterial are relevant for both adults and children. If urine must be taken from a small child, it is recommended to use a specialurinal.

Organoleptic indicators
The obtained biological material in the laboratory is studied in several directions.
What is included in the urinalysis:
- Organoleptic indicators.
- Physical and chemical characteristics.
- Biochemical indicators.
- Microscopic examination.
Initially, the laboratory assistant evaluates those characteristics that can be qualitatively studied using the senses. These indicators are described in the table below.
Characteristic | Normal indicators | Possible results and their interpretation |
Diuresis |
Estimated only when it is necessary to find out how much urine is excreted per day. The norm is 3/4 of the liquid drunk. Often, this indicator is estimated from the words of the patient |
• Polyuria. This is a condition in which a very large volume of urine is excreted. Causes: diabetes mellitus, nervous overexcitation, post-fever state, resorption of edema. • Oliguria - insufficient volume (up to 500 ml) of urine. Reasons: pathology of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. • Anuria. In this case, no more than 200 ml of liquid is released per day. Causes: tumors, acute renal failure, blockage of the urinary tract, nephritis, meningitis. • Pollakiuria - frequent occurrence of urges, indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. • Olakizuria- lack of urges. Speaks about the presence of neuro-reflex disorders. • Dysuria - pain during the act of urination. Indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. • Enuresis. In this case, the person does not control urination. Causes: feverish condition, acute inflammatory processes, disturbances in the central nervous system |
Smell | Should be specific but not harsh |
In medicine, several dozen smells of urine are distinguished. In practice, the following are most often encountered: • Fecal. Indicates the presence of a vesicorectal fistula. • Putrid. Talks about inflammation of the bladder of a gangrenous nature. • Ammonia. Is a symptom of fermentation processes |
Color | Straw yellow. Could be a little lighter or darker |
• Dark yellow. Reasons: pathology of the cardiovascular system, unbalanced diet, insufficient fluid intake. • Greenish, brown. Causes: obstructive jaundice, liver damage, hemolytic anemia. • Red. Causes: porphyria, hemolytic crisis. • Blue. Indicates the course of putrefactive processes in the intestines. • Black. Causes: melanosarcoma, melanoma, hemolytic anemia. • Pink. Indicates the presence of phenolphthalein, which, in turn, indicates a violation during the alkaline reaction. • Yellow-green. Indicates the presence of pathologies,accompanied by the formation of exudate |
Transparency | Normally, urine should be free of impurities and be transparent | S alt in the urine of an adult may indicate the presence of an infectious process, a violation of metabolic processes. In addition, they are often a sign of an unbalanced diet and non-compliance with the drinking regimen. S alts may appear in a child due to dehydration and high-intensity physical activity |
Foaming | A small amount of transparent unstable foam should form after shaking | Persistent and thick foam indicates the presence of protein in the urine. If it is yellow, this is a sign of jaundice in the patient's body |
If the organoleptic parameters go beyond the norm, this already indicates the development of the studied pathology in the body. Which one - will show a detailed analysis of other characteristics. Often, to make a diagnosis, complex diagnostics are indicated, including both laboratory and instrumental studies.

Physical and chemical parameters
At this stage, the laboratory assistant determines the specific gravity of urine and its acidity. In the forms, they are denoted by the symbols SG and pH, respectively.
The indicator of specific gravity directly depends on how many microcomponents are present in urine. Normally, it should be between 1010 and 1022 g/l.
Deviation from the norm inthe smaller side may indicate the presence of:
- Hypertension.
- Diabetes.
- Renal failure.
In addition, this condition often occurs on the background of long-term treatment with diuretic drugs.
High specific gravity may indicate diabetes mellitus and the presence of edema in the patient's body. In addition, an upward deviation from the norm can occur during pregnancy if a woman suffers from toxicosis.
Urine is a neutral or slightly acidic liquid. Therefore, its pH should range from 5.0 to 7.0.
If the acidity is less than 5, 0, this is a warning sign. Possible reasons:
- Jade.
- Acidosis.
- Gout.
- Tuberculosis.
Urine acidification can also occur if a person's diet is rich in meat products.
If the pH is greater than 7.0, it indicates that the reaction is alkaline. Causes of this condition:
- Alkalosis.
- Kidney failure.
- Hyperkalemia.
- The presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
In addition, the change in pH in this case may occur due to excessive consumption of vegetables and mineral alkaline water.

Biochemical characteristics
At this stage, the specialist needs to determine whether the following components are present in the urine and at what concentration: protein, glucose, bilirubin, ketone bodies. Indicators and their interpretation are describedin the table below.
Characteristic | Norma | Transcript |
Protein | Normally it should not be in urine. However, doctors admit its presence, but not more than 0.033 g/l |
If its concentration is higher than the generally accepted value, it is customary to talk about proteinuria. Reasons for protein in urine:
Often, protein is found during pregnancy. This condition requires strict control, as it may indicate the presence of preeclampsia |
Glucose | Up to 0.8 mmol/l |
Normally, glucose that has not entered the bloodstream is completely reabsorbed in the kidneys. In other words, it should not be in the urine, or it may be present, but in a negligible concentration. Reasons for having glucose (sugar) in urine:
In addition, glucose often appears in the urine against the background of high body temperature |
Bilirubin | Normally, it is contained in the urine. But its concentration in urine is so low that it is not detected during a general urine test |
Causes of bilirubin in urine (at any concentration):
Ketone bodies ketone | These include substances formed in the liver: acetone, beta-hydroxybutyric and acetoacetic acids. Normally, they should be absent in the urine |
Causes of ketone bodies in urine:
At this stage, the laboratory assistant studies the indicators, the presence of which in the urine is accompanied by a deterioration in general well-being. Patients may complain of apathy, constant feeling of fatigue, discomfort.

Microscopic examination
At this stage, the laboratory assistant is studying the sediment. These are substances and cells that precipitate after a short centrifugation of urine.
Studying the sediment is one of the most important steps in conducting a general urine test. Deciphering the study involves the evaluation of several indicators. Their description and possible results are presented in the table below.
Indicator | Norma | Interpretation of results |
Erythrocytes | Must be missing. For minor injuries, 1-2 erythrocytes are allowed per field of view |
Erythrocytes in a general urine test may indicate the presence of the following pathologies:
Sometimes red blood cells in urine appear on the background of long-term drug treatment |
Leukocytes | For men - up to 3 pieces in the field of view, for women - up to 6 |
Reasons for upward deviation from the norm:
In addition, an increase in the number of these cells in the field of view occurs during the period of bearing a child. However, if there are more than 10 leukocytes in the general urine test, this clearly indicates that a pathological process is progressing in the body |
Hyaline casts | These are formations, the composition of which is represented by protein and cells of the renal tubules. Normally, they should not be in urine | Most often, hyaline casts are found in the general analysis of urine in pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. Less often, their presence indicates hypertension. In addition, they may appear on the background of long-term use of diuretics |
Grained cylinders | Their composition is represented by cells of the renal tubules and erythrocytes. Normally, they should not be in the urine |
Any concentrationgrainy cylinders may indicate:
Wax rolls | Formed if a hyaline or granular cylinder has been in the renal tubule for a long time. Accordingly, normally they should not be in urine |
Causes of kidney casts:
Bacteria | Must be absent |
Reasons for bacteria in urine:
The presence of bacteria always indicates the presence of urinary system infections in the body. Their discovery is a significant reason for conducting a more specific study - bakposeva |
Mushrooms | Normally they are not in the urine | The presence of them in urine is a sign of damage to external organs or the urinary system by fungi. Less commonly, they are a symptom of immunodeficiency states. In addition, fungi may appear on the background of long-term antibiotic therapy |
Parasite | Must be absent | The presence of parasites indicates helminthic invasion. In this case, a blood test for antibodies is additionally indicated. Based on the results, an antiparasitictherapy |
As can be seen from the table, the above indicators should not normally be detected. Their presence is the reason for conducting a comprehensive examination in order to identify a particular disease.

Where to return
Biomaterial sampling is carried out both in public and commercial medical institutions. In the first case, it is necessary to issue a referral from the attending physician and send urine on the appointed day, in the second case, it is enough to find out the working hours of the laboratory at the reception.
The price of the study directly depends on the type of institution and its policy. In public clinics, the analysis is free of charge. In private institutions, its cost, on average, is 450 rubles.
In closing
One of the most commonly prescribed is a general urine test. Deciphering the study involves assessing many indicators of urine. This makes the analysis very informative. Based on the data obtained, a conclusion can be drawn about the state of human he alth. If results are poor, more specific tests are indicated.