Insulin, the fasting rate of which depends on sex and age, is a vital hormonal substance that takes part in many processes occurring in the body of an individual. Both a decrease and an increase in its concentration lead to a failure of functions. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor its level. Regular monitoring allows you to identify pathological conditions at an early stage and prevent the occurrence of complications in a timely manner. Most often, a change in functional activity and secretion is inherent in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Basically, this type is formed in individuals of middle and old age who are overweight.
General information
The pancreatic hormone that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, is involved in the metabolism of fats and maintains the level of sugar in the bloodstream at an optimal level is called insulin. By nature, it is a protein that is produced fromproinsulin in pancreatic cells. Then it enters the bloodstream and performs its functions. Its deficiency provokes energy starvation of cells, contributes to an increase in blood glucose. All these factors adversely affect the internal processes occurring in the body of the individual, causing various endocrine disruptions. A study on this hormone reveals:
- The degree of insulin sensitivity, i.e. insulin resistance.
- Violation of metabolic processes.
And also to diagnose insulinoma (neoplasm) and diabetes mellitus, in which there is an increased breakdown of the complex carbohydrate glycogen in the liver and muscle tissue. In addition, against the background of this pathology, the rate of glucose oxidation, the metabolism of proteins and lipids decreases; the level of bad cholesterol increases; a negative nitrogen balance appears.

There are two types of diabetes:
- First, the body does not synthesize insulin. Its replenishment is carried out by taking hormones, that is, the individual receives hormone replacement therapy. The number of required units is selected by the doctor for each patient.
- Second - an insufficient amount of the hormone is produced. As a result, there is no way to regulate blood sugar levels.
Diabetes is a serious and dangerous disease that reduces the quality of life of an individual and provokes severe complications. Therefore, its timely diagnosis by determining the concentration of insulin is certainly important.
Indications for a blood test for insulin
Doctor recommends it in the following situations:
- Diagnosis of endocrine disorders, including gestational diabetes in expectant mothers.
- Examination of individuals with a predisposition to diabetes.
- Controlling the course of diabetes.
- Insulin dose selection.
- Detection of body resistance to insulin.
- Finding out the causes of low blood glucose.
- Suspicion of a neoplasm in the pancreas.
- Overweight.
- Examination of patients with metabolic failure, as well as women with impaired ovarian function.

In addition, when the following signs are detected, doctors also prescribe an insulin study on an empty stomach (the norms are presented in the article):
- wounds on the dermis do not heal for a long period;
- dizziness, blurred vision, double vision;
- weakness, increased sweating;
- memory deterioration;
- chronic fatigue, irritability, depression;
- constant feeling of hunger and thirst;
- dry mouth and skin;
- drastic fluctuations in weight while maintaining the usual physical activity and diet;
- history of heart attacks and tachycardia.
Preparation for analysis and rules for the delivery of biomaterial
To avoid incorrect results, the analysis is carried out before the start of pharmacotherapy and diagnostic procedures such as MRI, ultrasound, CT, radiography,physiotherapy and others or two weeks after them. For analysis, venous blood is taken from the cubital vein. The optimal time for biomaterial sampling is from seven to ten in the morning.
Rules for donating blood for insulin:
- The last meal should be ten hours before biomaterial sampling.
- For a few days, eliminate excessive physical and emotional overload, the use of alcohol-containing and energy fluids.
- For two days, exclude medication (as agreed with the attending doctor).
- Do not eat spicy and fatty foods, as well as spices during the day.
- On the day of delivery, it is allowed to drink water that does not contain gas and s alts. Biomaterial is taken from babies an hour after feeding. Smoking before analysis is not recommended.
- Twenty to thirty minutes before the study, you need to relax, take a sitting position. It is important to remember that any emotional or physical stress is prohibited, as stress provokes the release of insulin into the bloodstream.
The results of the study will be ready the next day after the collection of the material. Fasting insulin levels vary by gender, age, and laboratory method.
Why is it important to know your insulin levels?
Insulin is the main hormone that regulates metabolic processes in the body of the individual. Measurement of its fasting concentration is carried out in individuals who also show a study called the "glucose-insulin curve", or glucose tolerance test. In order to reveal the maximum production of insulin, a provocation with glucose is done. Before conducting such a test, doctors stop taking the following medications: salicylates, estrogens, corticosteroids, hypoglycemic agents. Otherwise, the results will be distorted.

Biomaterial is taken on an empty stomach from ten to sixteen hours. Adults take a loading dose of glucose in the amount of seventy-five grams. Blood sampling is carried out three times: on an empty stomach and further, after sixty and one hundred and twenty minutes. Diagnose diabetes if at least one of the samples was above the acceptable values. In addition, a fasting test is done. On an empty stomach, glucose, insulin and C-peptide are determined in the blood of an individual. The patient is then restricted to fluids and food for twenty-four hours. At the same time, the analysis of the above three indicators is carried out every six hours.
What does high and low insulin mean?
Excess fasting insulin indicates:
- Cushing's disease;
- acromegaly;
- diabetes type 2;
- long-term use of corticosteroids, oral contraceptives and Levodopa.
It has also been found in overweight individuals with fructose and galactose intolerance.
Excessive concentration of this hormone contributes to the occurrence of hypoglycemia, which is characterized by the following clinic: dizziness, convulsions, severe sweating, increased heart rate, blurred vision. Lack of glucose can cause coma and lead to death.
Below fasting insulin concentrationobserved in the first type of diabetes, pituitary insufficiency, inflammation of the pancreas.
Connective C-peptide
This peptide and insulin are the end products of proinsulin conversion in pancreatic cells. They are excreted in the blood in equimolar amounts. The plasma half-life of C-peptide is twenty, while that of insulin is only four minutes. This explains the greater amount of the connecting peptide in the bloodstream, i.e., it is a more stable marker. C-peptide analysis is recommended for:
- Choosing tactics for the treatment of diabetes.
- Assessing the likelihood of fetal anomalies in pregnant women with diabetes.
- Polycystic ovary syndrome.
- Diabetes in obese teenagers.
- Diagnosis of insulinoma.
- Differential diagnosis of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
- Detecting and managing remission of juvenile diabetes.
- Assessing residual beta-cell function in diabetic patients while taking insulin.
- Predicting the course of diabetes.
- Infertility.
- Suspicion of artificial hypoglycemia.
- Evaluation of insulin secretion in kidney pathology.
- Control after pancreatic resection.
Deciphering the results of the analysis. Norm of C-peptide (ng/ml)
The acceptable range is from 0.78 to 1.89. Concentration below normal is observed at:
- diabetes type 1;
- alcoholic hypoglycemia;
- stress situation;
- removing part of the pancreas.

The level of C-peptide above the normative values is typical for the following conditions:
- insulinoma;
- chronic kidney failure;
- taking certain hormonal medications;
- hypoglycemia while taking tablets from the group of sulfonylurea derivatives.
Tolerable insulin level (µU/ml)
For a he althy individual, reference values range from three to twenty. The rate of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach in women depends on age, hormonal changes, and the intake of certain medications. If a lady takes hormonal drugs, including oral contraceptives, then the he alth worker must be notified about this, since in this case, overestimation of insulin is not an anomaly. During the day, the concentration of this hormone changes repeatedly, so its allowable values are presented in a fairly wide range. Deviations from the norm are not always considered pathological. Additional surveys and specialist consultations are needed to identify the causes and, if necessary, correct them.
It will help you understand what is the norm of insulin in women by age, the table below.
Age | Permissible limits |
25–35 | 3 to 20 |
35–45 | 3 to 26 |
45–65 | 8 to 34 |
Pregnant himthe allowable level increases to 28, since during this period more energy is needed to ensure the full growth and development of the baby. During this period, the placenta synthesizes hormones that increase the amount of sugar in the bloodstream, and it acts as a provocateur of insulin release. As a result, the glucose level rises, it penetrates the placenta to the baby, forcing the pancreas to work in an enhanced mode and produce a large amount of insulin. This phenomenon is considered natural and does not require correction.

The norms of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach in women in position depend on the timing of pregnancy. In the first weeks, the need is somewhat reduced, so the release of the hormone into the blood is reduced. And already from the second trimester, the production of insulin is growing. If at this time the pancreas copes with its function, then the sugar level is normal. In cases where the synthesis of a large amount of insulin is not possible, gestational diabetes develops. In the third trimester, insulin resistance increases by fifty percent, and insulin production triples. After delivery, the need for the hormone decreases sharply, the synthesis of the hormone is reduced, and gestational diabetes disappears.
It is quite difficult for women who are overweight or have diabetes to conceive a baby. The reason for this phenomenon is that the body is under constant stress. Both parents need to have insulin levels between 3 and 25 to conceive a he althy baby. A table of insulin norms for women by age is available inarticle (see above).
In the event of a lack of insulin, the muscle system will fail and it will be difficult for the body to cope with increased stress. At this time, the primary task is to maintain vital functions. Excess of it is also considered an obstacle to a happy motherhood.
In men, the rate of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach is more stable, unlike the opposite sex, and ranges from 3 to 25. In the strong half, the indicators depend not only on age, but also on weight, i.e. than it is higher, the more insulin is required by the body. In addition, excess adipose tissue contributes to a decrease in the number of insulin receptors, which leads to a decrease in sensitivity to the hormone. With age, the lower and upper limits shift upwards. The norm of insulin in the blood on an empty stomach in men in the older age category (after fifty years) is from 6 to 35. This phenomenon is associated with the following reasons:
- The body needs more energy for a full life.
- Ongoing drug therapy for chronic disease.
- Frequent stress.
- Weakened immune system.
- Decreased insulin sensitivity.

Kids are more active than adults, so they need more energy. If the child has a normal weight and no signs of hypoglycemia, then a slight increase in insulin above the values \u200b\u200blisted below is not considered a cause for concern. The reason for this phenomenon is natural maturation and growth. Normfasting insulin in children:
- Newborns and toddlers up to one year old - three to fifteen:
- Preschoolers - four to sixteen;
- Seven to twelve years old - three to eighteen.
- Teenagers range from four to nineteen.
During puberty, the lower limit increases to five.
Insulin levels (µU/ml) after meals
The norms of insulin on an empty stomach and after a meal will be different, since after a meal the pancreas increases and more hormonal substances are produced. As a result, its amount in the bloodstream increases. However, this only applies to adults. In children, the amount of insulin does not depend on digestion.

The maximum concentration of insulin, as well as glucose in the blood, is observed one and a half to two hours after eating. Thanks to such an analysis, the work of the pancreas and how it copes with the production of the hormone is evaluated. The result is evaluated by the level of sugar and by the concentration of insulin, since these indicators depend on each other and change in direct proportion. For women and men, the allowable limits are from 26 to 28. For expectant mothers and elderly individuals - from 28 to 35. In childhood, this figure is 19.
What does a blood test for insulin show?
The blood test for insulin on an empty stomach is considered an important diagnostic test. Complete or partial insufficiency of pancreatic hormone synthesis occurs at any age. Based on blood test resultsinsulin will show how the organ does not cope with its function. In young people and children, the onset of diabetes is fairly rapid and acute, and is mainly through ketoacidosis. The glycemic background in critical condition rises more than fifteen millimoles per liter. Toxic substances and dangerous compounds accumulate in the blood. They interfere with the penetration of glucose into cells and reduce the concentration of natural insulin in the body.
Complete blood count on an empty stomach or not?
This question is often asked to doctors. Just like the insulin test, a complete blood count is taken on an empty stomach. The only exceptions are emergency cases, which include emergency conditions, such as appendicitis. The biomaterial is taken from a finger or from a vein. When taking venous blood, along with a general analysis, it is possible to conduct a study on other indicators, including insulin.