Endometriosis after childbirth: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Endometriosis after childbirth: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention
Endometriosis after childbirth: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

This article will look at the symptoms of endometriosis after childbirth.

This is a disease of the gynecological sphere, not an inflammatory one. This pathological process is characterized by the development of ectopic areas of endometriotic tissues. This means that the tissue is functionally and histologically similar to the endometrium (the mucous membrane that lines the uterine cavity), which enters other organs where its presence is not typical. Endometrial tissue changes, which is typical for the menstrual cycle, and gradually grows into neighboring tissues. The disease occurs most often in women of reproductive age. There is an opinion that after childbirth, endometriosis goes away. This is not entirely true. Let's figure it out.

endometriosis postpartum symptoms
endometriosis postpartum symptoms

Causes of occurrence

It is still not fully understood why endometriosis foci occur and how this disease progresses. In accordance withTherefore, there is no definite method of treatment with which you can get rid of this disease forever. Most clinicians are inclined to the implantation cause of endometriosis. It is believed that particles of the endometrium can fall on other organs and take root there. These foci function in exactly the same way as before, undergoing cyclical changes under the influence of the hormonal background. Thus, every month some of these cells begin to be rejected. This releases some interstitial fluid and blood.

Many wonder if endometriosis goes away after childbirth.

Hereditary predisposition

There is a hereditary predisposition to develop the disease. It is often observed that all women in the same family suffer from this disease with varying degrees of intensity. Endometriosis is a hormonal pathology. Under the influence of gestagens (which are produced during pregnancy) and with a general lack of female hormones (for example, during menopause), the pathological process gradually regresses and during gestation, the foci decrease, which is also noted against the background of lactation.

Why does endometriosis occur after childbirth?

endometriosis resolves after childbirth
endometriosis resolves after childbirth

Provoking factors

These factors include:

  1. Caesarean section. This surgical intervention involves incision of the uterus, extraction of the fetus from it and suturing. Often during this operation, curettage (curettage) is performed. As a result, even with careful implementation and observance of all the rules, endometrial particlescan penetrate the layers of the abdominal wall, myometrium, peritoneum, ovaries and neighboring organs. The probability of progression of this disease against the background of already developed endometriosis, in an explicit or latent clinical form, is especially high. After caesarean section, the localization of foci is observed most often along the length of the postoperative scar. What else provokes endometriosis after childbirth?
  2. Manual examination of the uterus, which is carried out during childbirth with a scar of the myometrium, with complete or partial increment of the placenta, as well as with massive bleeding, impaired contractility of this organ. Manual examination in all such situations is a necessary manipulation that saves a woman's life. However, in its process, particles of the endometrium can freely penetrate into the deep layers of the endometrium, into the region of the cervical canal and other organs. Will endometriosis go away after childbirth? Let's figure it out.
  3. Uterus scraping. This procedure is very similar to the above, but is performed using a special tool - a curette. As a result, the endometrium can migrate through the blood and lymphatic vessels.
  4. Ruptures of the cervix and vagina during labor.
  5. Complicated childbirth. Doctors have long noticed that endometriosis is more likely to develop in women whose births took place against the background of a long anhydrous period, with difficult births (for example, when performing vacuum extraction of the fetus or using obstetric forceps) and with their long course.
Endometriosis cleared up after childbirth
Endometriosis cleared up after childbirth

Symptoms of pathology

Passingwhether endometriosis after childbirth? No, the disease is never completely cured, but this process may not manifest itself for some time.

As a rule, the symptoms of this disease do not immediately appear after childbirth. This can be seen several years later. But the pathology of the cervix can be noticed after a few months. The clinical picture of the disease depends on how widely the pathological areas of the pathology are localized and at what stage such a lesion is located.

Primary and secondary endometriosis

Primary and secondary endometriosis is distinguished, as well as extragenital and genital. The primary pathological process is called when its foci are identified precisely after childbirth. Secondary - if the affected areas were observed even before the onset of pregnancy.

Does endometriosis go away after childbirth?
Does endometriosis go away after childbirth?

Extragenital endometriosis and genital

Extragenital endometriosis - located on other structures (for example, on the skin), and genital endometriosis on the genitals. As a rule, pain syndrome is the main symptom of the pathological process. It is pain that brings the majority of patients to the doctor. In most situations, it is aching in nature and is localized in the lower abdomen. The pain is often observed throughout the entire menstrual cycle, but increases on the eve of menstruation and during it. In addition, dyspareunia may occur - discomfort, sometimes pronounced, during sexual intercourse. Pain syndrome is not typical for the cervical localization of endometriosis, andin this case, the foci are visually detected on examination.


Adenomyosis is a disorder in the muscular layer of the uterus after childbirth, which causes long and heavy periods. In this case, the pain may not be very pronounced. The uterus with adenomyosis increases in size, so when examining doctors often suspect fibroids. Bloody discharge from the genital tract with adenomyosis is abundant all days. The cycle of discharge is also disrupted, most often it is a delay in menstruation.


Suspicion of this disease in a doctor may occur already at the first examination. But to identify the pathological process, additional methods are used. These include:

Will endometriosis go away after childbirth?
Will endometriosis go away after childbirth?
  1. Ultrasound of the small pelvis - all the signs obtained in this study are indirect. However, an experienced specialist can sometimes determine the endometrioid nature of the disease with a 90% probability. Ultrasound should be performed at the end of the cycle before menstruation.
  2. Hysteroscopy is a technique that is used to confirm the localization of lesions in the cervical canal and adenomyosis. It is best spent from 20 to 25 days.

Laparoscopy is the method that is considered the most effective in the diagnosis of endometriosis. When conducting it, you can consider all the foci, carry out their cauterization or removal. This method provides the best opportunity to establish the prevalence of endometriosis after childbirth.

Therapy of disease

This pathology is a disease that cannot be radically cured. All therapeuticmeasures are usually aimed at eliminating symptoms. Often the effectiveness of treatment is short-term. So, the therapy of pathology, including after childbirth, is conservative and surgical.

The ideal method of surgical treatment of endometriosis after childbirth is laparoscopy with possible hysteroscopic manipulation. The advantages of these methods are their small invasiveness, good tolerability. They are at the same time diagnostic methods, so the volume of surgical intervention is determined when it is performed. With laparoscopy, it becomes possible to check the patency of the fallopian tubes, remove the cyst and all foci of endometriosis, as well as perform many other manipulations.

endometriosis gone
endometriosis gone

Hysteroscopy is most preferable for endometriosis, adenomyosis, postoperative scar, with simultaneous pathologies of the endometrium, etc. Conservative therapy is carried out before and after surgery. It can help prevent the progression of the disease and eliminate symptoms. The most commonly used medications for treatment:

  • anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs;
  • antispasmodics;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • contraceptives or gestagens;
  • antagonists and agonists of gonadotropin-releasing hormone;
  • vitamin therapy.

Of course, there are situations when some women have endometriosis after childbirth and never returned. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

endometriosis postpartum treatment
endometriosis postpartum treatment


The main measures aimed at preventing this disease are:

  • specific he alth studies of adolescents and women of reproductive age with complaints of menstrual pain;
  • observation of women who have undergone abortion and other surgical procedures on the uterus to eliminate possible complications;
  • complete and timely treatment of acute and chronic pathologies of the genitals;
  • use of hormonal oral contraceptives.
