Artificial womb for premature babies. Medicine and science

Artificial womb for premature babies. Medicine and science
Artificial womb for premature babies. Medicine and science

The development of mammals (including humans) in the mother's womb is a long and complex process. Of course, it is familiar to us, and everyone knows what happens while the fetus is in the womb. Since ancient times, scientists have set themselves the goal of growing a fetus in artificial conditions. But this issue began to be actively investigated about two decades ago.

artificial uterus
artificial uterus

First experiments

Successful experiment to develop an artificial uterus was carried out by scientists from Philadelphia. Their method has already been tested and works quite well. In the laboratory of Philadelphia scientists there was not one fetus, but as many as eight - these are lambs that continue their development in artificial conditions. Their internal organs are constantly increasing in size. Lambs sometimes open their eyes, move, make swallowing movements - all that a fetus should do at a certain stage of its development. Scientists believe that in the future, an artificial uterus will become a ubiquitous way to safely carry premature babies.

Minimum period of intrauterine development, afterwhich the fetus can be considered viable is 20-22 weeks. In this case, the body weight should be about 400 g. Such babies are placed in an incubator, where the required level of temperature and humidity is maintained. Also in the incubator used artificial respiration apparatus, expensive medicines. However, even the most modern techniques cannot support an environment that could be compared to the mother's womb.

scientists have created an artificial uterus
scientists have created an artificial uterus

Scientists' dream

A real uterus is a three-layer “bag” of muscle tissue. The bearing of the fetus would be impossible without the coordinated work of its three layers - the endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium. Scientists have already studied the development process quite well: a fertilized egg is introduced into the inner layer of the uterus, the placenta is gradually formed, and fluid accumulates around the fetus. However, until now it was impossible for researchers to reproduce all these conditions. The idea of artificial incubation, like the idea of a homunculus (a person created by the hands of other people), has been haunting the minds of scientists for a very long time. Such achievements of progress, as the creation of an artificial uterus, pose many moral and ethical questions to humanity. However, progress cannot be stopped, and society will soon face these issues.

How does the device work?

When viewed from the side, most of all it looks like vacuum packaging. In fact, it is nothing more and nothing less than a biobag. Scientists called their development biobag, which is translated from English and means "biobag". FROMon the other hand, an artificial uterus is a system that has the same elements as a real uterus. The solution inside it removes the accumulated harmful substances from the body of the fetus. In fact, this solution is an analogue of amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid. All nutrients, including oxygen, the embryo receives through an artificial "umbilical cord". At the same time, gas exchange takes place here.

Scientists explain: the main problem that kills premature babies is the underdevelopment of the lungs. In the womb, the baby's lungs are filled with fluid. "Biobag" imitates such a state. And also, unlike other ways of caring for premature babies, it protects the fetus from the pathogenic environment. The artificial uterus works without a pump.

artificial uterus for premature babies
artificial uterus for premature babies

Importance of the problem

An artificial womb for premature babies could solve the global problem of preterm birth. According to WHO statistics, about 15 million children die every year due to prematurity - and this is one in ten of all newborns. About a million of them die immediately, and those children who survive may suffer from various physiological or mental problems.


The age of the lamb embryo, which was transplanted by scientists into an artificial womb, was equivalent to a 23-week-old human embryo. Before the experiment was set up by Philadelphia scientists, scientists from around the world tried to conduct the experiment. However, the fetus died afterfew hours. The problem was that the embryo needed a "bridge" between the womb and the artificial womb.

artificial womb
artificial womb

The device was first tested on lambs that were about 120 days old. After the embryos had spent four weeks in the "biobag", they were subjected to a thorough examination. The researchers found no problems. It may be objected that sheep are at a much lower stage of development than men. However, a start has now been made, and a similar device for infants will soon be invented. Scientists say that by the time an artificial uterus for humans is developed, it will take only 1.5 minutes to "switch" the fetus from the mother's body to an artificial device. If all further experiments are successful, then in a few years the first human trials will begin. This development will help save more than one human life.

Animals that had been in the device for four weeks had to be sacrificed - this was required for their further study and evaluation of the success of the experiment. However, one lamb, to which the researcher developed an affection, survived and was sent to the farm.

artificial uterus for humans
artificial uterus for humans

The future of R&D

The fact that scientists have already created an artificial uterus for carrying embryos indicates significant progress in this area. These experiments are of tremendous importance for mankind. However, despite the fact that the previousexperiments were quite successful, this is not yet a 100% guarantee that a similar device will be created for carrying human embryos.

If further experiments go well, premature babies after caesarean section will also be moved into the device. For four weeks, the kids will spend time in conditions as close to natural as possible. Scientists also emphasize that this technology will be successful only for those children who were born after the 24th week of intrauterine development.
