Sage during breastfeeding: preparations from sage, recipes for decoctions, effectiveness, effect on the body of a woman and a child

Sage during breastfeeding: preparations from sage, recipes for decoctions, effectiveness, effect on the body of a woman and a child
Sage during breastfeeding: preparations from sage, recipes for decoctions, effectiveness, effect on the body of a woman and a child

Sage is a well-known medicinal plant that readily grows almost throughout Russia. Its name, translated from Latin, means "to be he althy." It fully expresses the essence of this plant. Its leaves and inflorescences are used to make tea and tinctures, which help out with a variety of ailments. And today we will talk about the features of the use of sage during breastfeeding.

sage while breastfeeding effect on the baby
sage while breastfeeding effect on the baby

At all times

Medicinal plants are widely used by herbalists for healing. And just in every family there are traditions of herbal medicine, which are carefully preserved and passed down through generations. Sage has been used by man for thousands of years. He necessarily included in most medicinal collections. But young mothers often asktherapists, is it possible to sage while breastfeeding. Today we will try to answer this question.

sage breastfeeding effect
sage breastfeeding effect

Plant property

Sage leaves contain a large amount of healing essential oils, acids and other beneficial substances. Sage has a positive effect on sex hormones and on conception. The possibility of taking it during pregnancy is not excluded. Many, keeping this in mind, decide to take it even after graduation. But sage when breastfeeding is recommended to be taken only after the child is one year old. That is, when breast milk ceases to be vital. We'll talk more about this below.

Sage has a tonic effect on the heart muscle, hematopoietic functions and the nervous system. It is shown with exhaustion and loss of strength. Does a long pregnancy and childbirth not fit this description? It turns out that sage during breastfeeding should be shown to every mother to restore strength. But do not take the time and consult a specialist. He will explain that the plant does not harm mother and child, but it reduces milk production. Therefore, the younger the child, the less desirable it is to take decoctions and infusions of this plant.

The healing power of the plant

This is a southern plant that is saturated with life-giving properties from the sun itself. It is worth noting that in nature there are more than 500 varieties of this plant, but only one variety is suitable for medical purposes. The healing power of the plant is concentrated in the leaves andstem. First of all, this is a large amount of vitamins of groups B, C and A. In addition, there are many microelements in the composition. These are potassium and fluorine, calcium and magnesium, sodium and manganese. It is distinguished by a high content of flavonoids and phytoncides, fatty and essential oils, tannins and alkaloids. But therapists do not recommend drinking sage while breastfeeding.

sage while breastfeeding
sage while breastfeeding

Local action

Sage has healing and anti-inflammatory properties. Infusions and decoctions of this plant are used not only for ingestion in the treatment of the respiratory system, urinary tract, liver, stomach, and intestines. Medicinal raw materials are an excellent helper for stomatitis and ulcers in the oral cavity, sore throats and toothaches. With the help of a decoction of sage, you can quickly heal wounds and burns. Therefore, speaking about whether sage is possible during breastfeeding, it is imperative to clarify what exactly you are going to treat and in what ways.

Hormonal herbal medicine

Of course, each woman is unique, and the effect of a medicinal plant on her body will be different. The main danger when using sage during breastfeeding is a decrease in milk production. But for one, this will mean stopping breastfeeding, and for the other, it will simply mean reducing the number of pumps.

Decoction of sage during breastfeeding is used to stop lactation. As it accumulates in the body, the production of prolactin, that is, the hormone that is responsible for the production of breast milk, is inhibited.

stop breastfeeding sage
stop breastfeeding sage

Effect on the child's body

This is one of the few medicines that cannot be blamed for its toxic effects. It is safe when breastfeeding. It has been proven that sage does not affect the child during breastfeeding. Therefore, in some cases, it is a great helper. Doctors usually recommend it in the following cases:

  • With hyperlactation. Too much milk is no less of a problem than not having it. Constant pumping and a feeling of breast fullness prevent a woman from enjoying this amazing period of life. Sage tablets while breastfeeding are a convenient and safe way to regulate milk production. When it becomes enough for the child, and the mother no longer experiences a feeling of breast fullness, sage therapy is stopped. In most cases, a second course is not required.
  • If the child is already a year old, the therapist can also recommend sage to the mother. Stopping breastfeeding is every woman's choice. Someone takes a baby from the breast a year, others patiently wait up to one and a half or even up to two years. Planned cessation of lactation is another reason to use sage. With regular intake of herbal infusion, milk production begins to decline.
  • is it possible to sage while breastfeeding
    is it possible to sage while breastfeeding

An alternative to medical intervention

Today, in a pharmacy, every mother can buy drugs for the planned cessation of lactation. These are hormonaldrugs that suppress the production of prolactin. If you take herbal infusions regularly, you can achieve a similar effect, but without side effects. In addition, with lactation stoppers, you can no longer breastfeed your baby, while with herbal remedies, feeding can be gradually reduced so that withdrawal is as gentle as possible for mom and baby.

There are numerous reviews of moms that confirm the presence of a cumulative effect. At the same time, many people like the mild effect, as well as the fact that the plant is not a 100% analogue of the steroid hormone. Sage does not cause a sharp hormonal change, due to which the decrease in milk production does not occur immediately, but gradually.

sage tablets for breastfeeding
sage tablets for breastfeeding

How to use

There are a number of rules that allow you to achieve excellent results. In order for weaning to occur painlessly, it is important to organize the process correctly:

  • The chest is emptied. It is recommended to express milk only lightly so that there is no feeling of fullness.
  • The plant is taken as an infusion or decoction. The most convenient option is the express option, that is, sage in the form of tea bags. Dip two sachets into a glass and pour boiling water over it. Consume only after cooling. If dry grass is used, then you need to take a tablespoon per glass. Tablets are another convenient form that can be purchased at pharmacies. In this case, it just needs to be washed down with water.
  • Maximum daily dosedrink is 500 ml. They do not drink it immediately, but throughout the day. This decoction will relieve heaviness in the chest, as less milk will flow.
  • drink sage while breastfeeding
    drink sage while breastfeeding

Duration of therapy

For each woman it will be individual, but a single dose, as in the case of hormonal drugs, will not be enough. The infusion is taken regularly for a week, and then they carefully monitor the state of their body. Usually one or two weeks is enough. After that, you can stop taking sage. If milk production stops earlier, then the course of treatment can be interrupted at this point. It is worth emphasizing once again that sage decoction is not toxic and does not harm the child.

Decoction recipes

The success of the end of lactation depends on the choice of methodology. There are ready-made bags for brewing, which you just need to pour boiling water over. But it will not be difficult to make a medicine on your own:

  • Infusion. You will need dry sage and boiling water. A tablespoon of dry grass should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and divide into four parts. Drink 15 minutes before meals 4 times a day.
  • Decoction. To do this, take an enameled pan and pour a tablespoon of grass into it. Pour a glass of boiling water and let it boil for 10 minutes. After that, turn off and let stand for another 30 minutes.
  • Oil extract. If you come across sage oil on sale, then feel free to take it. You need to take it 5 drops a day, on an empty stomach.

Complex of measures

Bin some cases this will be enough to make the milk disappear, but for most women it will only cause a decrease in the amount of milk. To completely abandon breastfeeding, you must additionally adhere to the following recommendations. The effect of sage during breastfeeding has been studied well enough to be taken safely. It will not harm either the mother or the child. What are the rules to follow?

  • At planned weaning, the baby already eats any food. Therefore, the frequency of feeding should be reduced. First, the breast is offered to the baby in the evening and at night, then - only once, at night.
  • It is required to reduce the amount of liquid consumed as much as possible, especially for warm tea at night. This is to keep hot flashes to a minimum.
  • If there is soreness and tension in the chest, then you can express milk slightly until the condition is relieved.
  • Cold compresses can help with fever and pain. But if the temperature does not drop for more than two days, then you need to see a doctor.

Instead of a conclusion

Sage is a great helper that should be in every first aid kit. It is suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers, as it does not have a harmful effect on the baby. But you need to consider its ability to reduce milk production. Therefore, if the child is small, it is better to temporarily stop using sage. And if you have already approached planned weaning, then this medicinal plant will be a great help.
