Chronic cystitis in men: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery and prevention

Chronic cystitis in men: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery and prevention
Chronic cystitis in men: causes, symptoms of the disease, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery and prevention

Many believe that cystitis is a purely female problem. However, there is a place to be chronic cystitis in men. But statistics show that this disease does not affect a strong part of the population as often as women. The risk group includes those men whose age is more than 45 years. They account for about 1% of all existing cases of this disease.

Man holding his crotch
Man holding his crotch

Features in men

The symptoms of chronic cystitis in men are in many ways similar to the disease that manifests itself in women. This disease is accompanied by pain and pain during urination, soreness over the pubis, blood impurities in the urine, as well as mucus formations in it. As a rule, such signs indicate the development of cystitis. The appearance of chronic cystitisin men, it is caused by damage to the mucous membrane that lines the bladder. During this illness, it begins to become inflamed, as a result of which it ceases to perform its functions normally.

As a rule, to make a diagnosis of chronic cystitis in men, a urine sample is taken for analysis, and an ultrasound of all organs related to the urinary system is also done. In some cases, cystography and CT are prescribed. The disease must be treated with the obligatory use of antibacterial drugs, herbal remedies and physiotherapy. Depending on the symptoms of the disease, a specialist may prescribe sedatives, painkillers and other drugs that can alleviate the general condition of the patient. But before starting the treatment of chronic cystitis in men, it is necessary to identify the main cause of its occurrence.

The man runs to the toilet
The man runs to the toilet

Causes of disease development

It should be noted that the older a man becomes, the more likely he is to develop this unpleasant disease. The main causes of symptoms of chronic cystitis in men are diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems. If a woman provokes cystitis from an ascending infection, among men, cystitis is a consequence of pathological processes that occur in the urethra, prostate, epididymis, and also in the seminal vesicles. Signs of chronic cystitis in men may also occur for other reasons, which are as follows:

  • Urological disorders,which contribute to urinary retention in the bladder. Quite often this is due to a narrowing of the urethra.
  • Formation of a mechanical barrier where stones or a foreign body should be placed.
  • Diseases of the prostate, where adenoma can be attributed.
  • Diverticula.
  • Vesiculitis, prostatitis, urethritis. It is against the background of these diseases that inflammation of the bladder often appears in men, because it is extremely difficult to get an infection from outside.
  • Latent infections eg gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.
  • In rare cases, purpura, schistosomiasis, and actinomycosis cause cystitis in men.
  • Viral and infectious diseases, such as influenza, tonsillitis, sinusitis, which are localized in the upper respiratory tract. Through the outflow of blood, bacteria enter the organs of the urinary system, so cystitis in some cases is a complication of certain infectious processes.
  • Infection during diagnostic procedures, which should include catheter insertion or cystoscopy.
  • Some abdominal and urological surgeries performed.
  • Malignant tumor of the urethra and prostate.
Feet in slippers
Feet in slippers

Signs and symptoms of disease

Treatment and symptoms of chronic cystitis in men will depend on the causes that provoked this disease. However, in most cases, the symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • At the acute stage of the disease, the patientexperiencing frequent urge to urinate. At the same time, the volume of urine at the exit is not more than 15 ml.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Soreness when trying to go to the toilet. As a rule, in such cases it is necessary to make maximum efforts. The peak of pain is observed at the beginning and at the end of urination. The nature of the pain can vary from tolerable to intense. Quite often, there is a feeling of pain and burning. Between the urge to urinate, the patient has pain in the suprapubic and inguinal region, as well as in the penis.
  • At advanced stages, body temperature increases, which is also accompanied by general signs of intoxication of the body. The patient suffers from headaches, chills, weakness. If there are such signs of the disease, then the patient must be hospitalized.
  • Gangrenous or hemorrhagic cystitis can form during a severe course of the disease. The urine that is excreted is cloudy and often contains mucus and blood. The smell of the liquid becomes sharp, putrid. The amount of urine decreases and in most cases does not exceed 400 ml for the whole day.
  • In chronic cystitis, the pain is more vague, there is only mucus in the urine, and no blood is excreted. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that periods of such calm are always replaced by exacerbation.
The man curled up in pain
The man curled up in pain


Before treating chronic cystitis in men, a specialist must conduct a series of diagnostic procedures. They areare as follows:

  • Urine collection for bacterial culture. Thanks to this, the pathogen is detected, and it is also determined to which drugs this pathogen is particularly sensitive.
  • Urogenital swab that detects latent sexually transmitted infections.
  • Urine sampling for general analysis.
  • Cystoscopy allows you to detect various neoplasms, stones and other foreign bodies. In addition, a biopsy is performed during this procedure.

Features of treatment

Experts recommend that you go to a medical institution for this disease to undergo a comprehensive examination. As a rule, therapy is performed on an outpatient basis. During treatment, the following recommendations must also be observed:

  • Stay in bed.
  • Drink plentifully, while it is recommended to use tea, juices, herbal decoctions.
  • Exclude spices and seasonings, alcoholic beverages, s alty and spicy foods from your diet.
  • Stop smoking.
  • At the time of treatment, porridge, fermented milk products should be present in the diet, thanks to which the bladder is not irritated.
  • Symptomatic therapy should be carried out, which includes taking analgesic antispasmodics.
  • The use of herbal decoctions that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Administration of antibiotic therapy.
Pills in the doctor's palm
Pills in the doctor's palm

To successfully treat chronic cystitis in men, the main etiological factors that support the inflammatory response should be identified and eliminated. This should include the elimination of congestion, the treatment of prostatitis or the removal of stones. Local therapy involves washing the bladder with silver nitrate or furatsilina solution.

Use of antibiotics

All drugs for the treatment of chronic cystitis in men should be prescribed by a doctor, especially if antibiotics are used for this purpose. They should be prescribed only after the main causative agent of the disease has been identified. Most often, the following antibacterial agents are prescribed for the treatment of the disease:

  • "Nolicin".
  • "Monural".
  • "Palin".
  • "Nitroxoline".

Recipes of traditional medicine

It is also recommended to use folk remedies for the treatment of chronic cystitis in men only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication can seriously harm your he alth. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to the fact that alternative medicine recipes are an auxiliary therapy that relieves only unpleasant symptoms, but is not able to eliminate the main cause of cystitis. You should take a closer look at the most popular ways to treat this unpleasant disease with alternative medicine.

man taking medicine
man taking medicine

Recipe 1

To prepare a decoction, you will need knotweed, St. John's wort, dill, parsley, thyme. All ingredientsshould be taken in equal proportions, mix thoroughly with each other. Pour the herbs in the amount of one spoon of 500 ml of boiling water. Leave the remedy for several hours, strain through cheesecloth and drink throughout the day.

Recipe number 2. With bear ears

To prepare this remedy, you will need bear ears, St. John's wort, corn stigmas. This composition is prepared in exactly the same way as described above. However, the finished product is used 2 tablespoons three times a day. Therapy should last no more than 1 week.

Recipe 3. Compress

To warm the bladder, you need to make a compress, which is applied to the lower abdomen. This will require onion peel, calendula, chamomile or mashed potatoes. The compress is applied to the lower abdomen in a warm form.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later. In order for men to never develop cystitis, it is necessary to adhere to some rules, which are as follows:

  • Always practice sexual hygiene.
  • Be careful about sex.
  • Wear clothes for the weather and avoid hypothermia.
  • Regularly strengthen the immune system.
  • Timely cure prostatitis and prostate adenoma.
A man sits on a bed, a girl lies behind
A man sits on a bed, a girl lies behind

In conclusion, it is worth noting that cystitis is a very unpleasant disease, which is accompanied by painful symptoms. This disease should be treatedcomplex. For this, medications are used, as well as traditional medicine recipes. However, in order to never allow the development of cystitis, you should follow some of the preventive rules that have been described in this article.
