Field bark: medicinal properties, use in medicine

Field bark: medicinal properties, use in medicine
Field bark: medicinal properties, use in medicine

Corstaphyllum field is a perennial plant, a honey plant with a branched rhizome and a straight stem, with flowers that resemble baskets in Compositae, usually lilac or lilac-pink. It is familiar to many under a variety of names: wild aster, flea, bugna, cornweed, chest, magpie or scabies grass, golovnik, commotion … And that's not all.

Field barnacle begins to bloom in summer and continues until frost. It is easy to find in the field and in the meadow, on the hills and edges of Europe, Belarus, the Far East, Lithuania, Ukraine, Western Siberia.

field barnacle
field barnacle

Field barnacle: medicinal properties

This plant is not used by official medicine, it is not included in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation. But traditional medicine uses it quite actively.

Its expectorant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties have long been noted. So it is indispensable in the treatment of dermatitis: eczema, psoriasis,scabies, purulent ulcers. Decoctions, teas, alcoholic tinctures and various infusions are prepared from the corostavnik, they take baths, put compresses, make lotions. You will find this herb in the collection against allergies.

Field bark is an excellent honey plant and is especially valued for the fact that it secretes nectar both in heat and dry. Meadow honey, which is obtained from it and other flowering herbs, is especially fragrant.

In veterinary medicine, dried and powdered grass of the bark is used, it relieves animals of fleas and ticks.

corostavnik field medicinal properties
corostavnik field medicinal properties

Field barnacle: application in medicine

The aerial part of this plant is valued, and it is harvested when it blooms. Tannin, sugar, carotene, saponin - this herb is rich in all this.

The scope of the medicinal properties of this plant is quite extensive. Many herbalists recommend using alcohol tinctures and decoctions for skin lesions.

Taking a bath with this infusion is an excellent remedy for exacerbating psoriasis, fistulas and itching.

If a person suffers from scabies or eczema on the head, he was tortured by purulent ulcers, you can use lotions and compresses.

Flushing recommended to get rid of blackheads and pimples.

Taking a tea containing corostavnik is an effective way to get rid of bronchitis and cough. It is also useful when the bladder is inflamed or there is a crack in the anus.

corostavnik field application in medicine
corostavnik field application in medicine

About contraindications

He has no specific contraindications. But often there is a sharp exacerbation of the disease at the very beginning of the treatment of skin diseases. But this is completely normal. So stop treatment is not worth it.

But pregnant women and children should be wary of this plant, because it is little studied and is not used by official medicine.

Recommendations for the use of infusions

In a boiling bath you need to heat half a liter of boiled water and 4 teaspoons of corostavnik, then drain, dilute with warm boiling water and drink half a glass 4 times a day.

With its help, remove toxins from the body, get rid of acute bronchitis and severe cough, fight problems in the bladder and severe itching.

Next recipe. Pour field corostavnik (2 tablespoons) with half a liter of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Drink 50 ml every day up to five times for three weeks. After a break, repeat the course.

This is how ulcers, eczema, skin diseases, neurodermatitis, head scab, urticaria, scabies, boils are treated.

You need to insist half a liter of water and 4 tablespoons of herbs for a couple of hours, and then strain.

Wash if there is a long-term non-healing ulcer, or you suffer from advanced eczema, or there is no rest from itching in the anus.

In a glass jar, pour fresh flowers with alcohol (you can use vodka) and leave for 3 weeks in the dark, then strain. Use only diluted with warm water (50 ml).

Recommended for skin conditions,allergies, as well as menopause women. You can wipe the skin with it, especially if there is inflammation or acne.

For baths you need to infuse for about an hour a couple of liters of water and herbs 6 tablespoons. Take at least 14 baths, be sure to use the infusion from the bark at the same time.

field cutter application
field cutter application

Guidelines for the application of fees

First collection. Wild strawberry, deaf nettle, succession, field bark. Used for dermatosis. It is necessary to pour a tablespoon of the collection ½ liter of boiling water and insist for two hours. Drink daily 50 ml three times a day before meals (25 minutes before meals) for three weeks.

The second collection includes bark, violet, sage and couch grass root, it is used in the processing of leather.

The third collection includes corostavnik, blackberry, sage (flowers) and thyme grass, which are infused with vodka for two weeks. This healing lotion is used to wipe the skin in the mornings and evenings.

All of these fees can be purchased at the pharmacy.

The use of a field coronary in any form does not exclude the main treatment prescribed by the doctor, but, on the contrary, supports it.

But remember, self-treatment can only hurt. Don't make decisions on your own. Before you start treatment with a folk remedy, you need to consult a specialist.

Be he althy!
