Ointments for the treatment of phimosis: list, description, effectiveness

Ointments for the treatment of phimosis: list, description, effectiveness
Ointments for the treatment of phimosis: list, description, effectiveness

Phimosis is a painful condition provoked by intense narrowing of the ring of the foreskin of the male penis. The result of such a process is the impracticability of absolute disclosure of the head, as well as the complication of urination and the sexual life of a man. One of the most likely factors for the manifestation of this disease is intrauterine underdevelopment of connective tissue cells. Actually for this reason, signs of this pathology often appear not only in mature men, but also in small male representatives.

Benefits of ointments

The main advantage of using these pharmaceuticals is, of course, the preservation of the foreskin ring and the exclusion of any surgical intervention on the problem organ. However, in order to reduce all the negative manifestations of the disease in full, it is not enough to apply an ointment or cream for phimosis. In most cases, doctors recommend that the representatives of the stronger sex also use such a method of treating the disease as stretching the foreskin of the penis. It is the combination of these 2 conservative treatment methods that guarantees the best results.

Confirmed that corticosteroidsmeans in the form of ointments and creams significantly increase the elasticity of the cellular structures of the connective tissue, as a result of which the elasticity of the skin also increases. The systematic application of this remedy on the head of the penis, as well as the gradual stretching of the foreskin ring, helps to get rid of the disease forever.

In addition to their own therapeutic effect on the male genital organ, many ointments based on glucocorticosteroids have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and healing effect. Apply a cream or ointment for the treatment of phimosis should be no more than 2 times a day. The patient must certainly monitor the absence of pain during the period of manipulation. All kinds of painful changes on a diseased organ - for example, the appearance of scars or adhesions - should be a reason for an urgent visit to a urologist.

Features of the treatment of phimosis in men with ointments

The basis of non-surgical treatment of physiological phimosis is the gradual and gentle stretching of the foreskin. In this case, the output of the head is traced. It is forbidden to allow simultaneous removal: this leads to a rupture of the foreskin.

Stretching operations are preferably carried out after a bath. Baths with chamomile, string can be useful to prevent inflammation and scabies. This makes the skin more elastic. It can be treated with corticosteroid ointments. Most often this is done at the age of five or seven. But such ointments are used as a last resort.

What to look out for?

The problem of choosing an ointment is preferableentrust to a professional. Otherwise, you can worsen your own situation.

There are a number of laws that should guide the selection of a product:

  • First, you need to be convinced that a person has this particular disease. It is rather difficult to establish such a conclusion on your own, for this reason, at the first signs of a manifestation of the disease, you must go to the urologist.
  • Secondly, it is important to correctly establish the stage of development of the disease, since the selection of the remedy and the method of its use depend on this. Again, only a professional can set the stage.
  • Thirdly, with certain forms of phimosis, ointment therapy will not give practically any result, and only vice versa can worsen the situation. For this reason, do not self-medicate and entrust the selection of the method of therapy to specialists.
  • Fourthly, if the contraction is accompanied by the formation of other diseases that have an enterobacterial nature, practically no ointments can be used categorically!

It is impossible to detect the presence of other diseases in the presence of an active inflammatory process, for this reason, be sure to consult a specialist.


The effectiveness of "Akriderm" in this pathology has not been confirmed, however, the multiple aspirations of self-treatment made it possible for patients to note that applying a hormonal ointment to the foreskin with phimosis alleviates the condition. This can be explained by the fact that the local corticosteroid entering the structure of the ointment(betamethasone) interferes with the formation of additional skin adhesions. This explains the certain effectiveness of Akriderm at an early stage of the disease.

Phimosis in men ointment treatment
Phimosis in men ointment treatment

Ointment "Akriderm" in the treatment of phimosis of the 3rd degree is able to have a positive effect due to its own secondary effect in the form of skin atrophy - prolonged application of the ointment to the foreskin leads to its atrophy (exhaustion) and exposure of the head.


Despite the fact that Prednisolone ointment has the same system of influence as Cortisol, its effect is approximately 4-5 times higher. Based on this, it is necessary to use the remedy very carefully.

Ointment for the treatment of phimosis in adults
Ointment for the treatment of phimosis in adults

Ointment "Prednisolone" in the treatment of phimosis is applied to the foreskin of the penis with a thin layer and rubbed with fingers. The course of therapy is two weeks, however, the ointment should be applied three times a day for about half the indicated time. Then the multiplicity of doses per day must be gradually reduced so as not to provoke a "withdrawal syndrome" of the drug. The most effective use of ointment for phimosis under a sterile bandage. In the event that all sorts of secondary effects occur, indicating poor tolerance of the product, the use of the product must be interrupted or the dose reduced.

OINTMENT "Prednisolone" and its analogues ("Decortin", "Petroleum", "Fuzimet") can be used only after consultation withthe attending physician, who is obliged not only to write out a prescription form for the patient to purchase the product, but also to tell in detail how to apply the ointment.


"Levomekol" for phimosis in men is an effective remedy aimed at preventing the inflammation factor, as a result of which the signs of pathology decrease and the patient's condition improves.

Ointment "Akriderm" in the treatment of phimosis of the 3rd degree
Ointment "Akriderm" in the treatment of phimosis of the 3rd degree

Treatment of phimosis with Levomekol ointment can be carried out in different ways: used to treat inflamed areas or applied as a compress. The cream exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, for this reason it can be used in the treatment of phimosis. Other useful properties include the wound-healing effect of the product, due to which "Levomekol" rapidly restores damaged areas in case of damage to the penis.


Ointment for the treatment of phimosis in children must be applied to the penis every day until the signs of the disease completely disappear. In more serious cases, you can make small bandages: for this, gauze or bandage must be soaked in ointment and applied to the inguinal region, for example, at night.

Ointments for the treatment of phimosis in children
Ointments for the treatment of phimosis in children

Be careful, "Clobetasol" is not recommended for a very long time, for this reason, if recovery does not occur within 5 days, you should contact a specialist again and change the course of therapy.


Quite often, experts prescribe "Diprosalik" - a corticosteroid ointment for the treatment of phimosis. The method reduces inflammation, eliminates irritation, burning. Redness, harmful bacteria are destroyed. The connective tissue lengthens, which leads to recovery. The product contains 2 active ingredients: betamethasone dipropionate and salicylic acid. Ingredients fight inflammation, infections.

Ointment "Prednisolone" in the treatment of phimosis
Ointment "Prednisolone" in the treatment of phimosis

Apply the ointment after a bath. Cover the affected area of the skin. Already after application, the preputial sac should be gently stretched. The fingers are placed under the foreskin. Such movements should be carried out for 10 minutes. Over time, the stretched area of the skin will lead to recovery. The method is applied twice a day. Therapy lasts from one week to a month, depending on the degree of the disease.

Hydrocortisone ointment

Hydrocortisone is a prescription drug, the anti-inflammatory effect of which is provided by appropriate devices. Ointment for the treatment of phimosis in adults is rapidly and effectively fighting a number of pathologies, including psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, seborrhea and eczema. The drug is rubbed into the tissues of the genital organ, depending on the doctor's prescription, 2-4 times a day.

Phimosis ointment for treatment name
Phimosis ointment for treatment name

Usually a two-week course is absolutely enough to get rid of inflammation. However, the course may be terminated earlier ifwhile healing, third-party effects will be found in the form of skin atrophy, hemorrhages, fungal infections.


It is preferable to apply the ointment immediately after a shower on damp skin. The frequency of use, as well as the duration of the course of treatment, must be established by the doctor, but, as a rule, therapy lasts no more than 2 weeks. In more severe cases, you can make small bandages: soak the bandage with ointment and apply to the desired area overnight.

Corticosteroid ointments for the treatment of phimosis
Corticosteroid ointments for the treatment of phimosis

"Betamethasone" is not recommended for patients with syphilis, tuberculosis, varicose veins, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and various mental illnesses.

Sweating, pigment spots, dermatological rash may be observed as side effects of using the product.

Prolonged use of the product can cause an increase in overall body weight (since the drug is considered hormonal), an increase in blood sugar, the occurrence of edema, "jumps" in blood pressure, insomnia.

When stretch marks appear, discontinue therapy immediately and consult a professional.

Ointments after surgery

There are many names of ointments for the treatment of phimosis after surgery.

Taking into account the fact that the product reduces regeneration movements at the site of application along with the removal of inflammation, the use of corticosteroids in places subjected to surgical procedures is strictly prohibited.

Shouldwhether to use any other means for rapid wound healing? Only the attending physician can answer such a question in each specific case. If the procedure is carried out successfully and the patients follow absolutely all the prescriptions of the rehabilitation period, as a rule, practically no means, antiseptic blood, are needed.

Sometimes a doctor may prescribe "Methylorucil Ointment" to speed up the progress of skin recovery. It is perfectly compatible with local antiseptics and antibiotics, for this reason, with proper use, the scheme of which is prescribed by the attending doctor, it is possible to achieve a cure after the procedure with the support of this remedy as soon as possible.
