Potentilla white is a modest, delicate-looking plant, but amazing in its medicinal properties. In nature, it is, unfortunately, quite rare. The main places are the Crimea, Belarus, the Chernozem zone of Russia, rarely - mixed forests in Ukraine. It has become popular to grow plants in household plots. About 30 cm tall, snow-white, strawberry-like flowers look beautiful against the background of graceful leaves, collected from five leaf-like parts.

Root of white cinquefoil - long, about 50 cm, thick, dark. The composition of the plant is unique in the content of a wide variety of useful substances. These are iridoids, starch, phenolcarboxylic acids, saponins, tannins, quercetin, rutin, flavonoids, and a long list of trace elements. In medicine, the root of white cinquefoil is used.
Scope of cinquefoil
Potentilla white, the use of which was found in the treatment of a number of complex, serious diseases, is a rather amazing plant. Occupational medicine onlybegan to study the plant, while folk medicine has been using it since the times of Ancient Russia. Most importantly, Potentilla Root has a positive effect on thyroid disorders. These are both hypo- and hyperthyroid states, various diseases of the stomach and intestines, hepatitis. Heals wounds, has an antiseptic effect.

Decoction will help with diarrhea, gastrointestinal colic, as well as rheumatism and gout. Its active effect on the excretion of radionuclides from the body was noted, and it is also used as a remedy that compensates for the lack of iodine in the body. Increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, increases blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels. A mild stimulant and antidepressant. The plant is also indispensable for women's he alth. A pronounced hormone-like effect makes it possible to regulate the menstrual cycle, remove the pain of menstruation. Also, a decoction is used when the uterus is prolapsed. Potentilla white, which has practically no contraindications, still has one significant risk factor: high and low blood pressure. And, of course, allergies.
Folk recipes

White cinquefoil root is suitable for both alcoholic tinctures and aqueous solutions. Potentilla root tincture is prepared in a quite traditional way. As usual, glass or ceramic dishes are taken. For 50 gr. raw materials, ground into powder, take half a liter of vodka. It is necessary to insist in a dark place for about 3-4 weeks, not forgetting to shake every day. Interestingly, it is not necessary to strain the tincture, prolonged infusion only increases the effectiveness of the medicine. When taken, it is diluted in a small amount of water, consumed within 20 minutes on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is one month. Break between courses of treatment - 10 days.

You can also prepare an aqueous solution, although it is considered less effective. For this, 2 dessert spoons of ground raw materials are poured with two glasses of boiling water in a thermos for 8 hours. Ingestion of 1 dessert spoon three times a day, also 20 minutes before meals. The storage location of this tincture is in the refrigerator.
Tinctures, as well as ready-made raw materials, can be bought at specialized pharmacies. Potentilla white root is the most useful remedy for our he alth. But it is possible to use its capabilities correctly only under the guidance of specialists. Do not self-medicate.