Endurance sports have their own methodology. The key concept here is the anaerobic threshold (AnT). Most often this term is used in cycling, running, cross-country skiing, race walking, swimming and rowing. AnP is the main starting point for choosing training loads, as well as planning for competitions. Based on this indicator, a training regimen is selected, and the level of sports training is determined during testing. There are two types of physical activity: aerobic and anaerobic. How do they differ and how to determine the threshold?

Aerobic and anaerobic threshold
The level of intensity of loads is determined by the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (ANOR). When this point (threshold) is reached, the concentration of lactate in the blood increases sharply, while the rate of its formation in the body becomes much higher than the rate of utilization. This growth usually begins if the lactate concentration exceeds 4 mmol / l. The threshold for anaerobic metabolism is reached approximatelyat 85% of maximum heart rate and also at 75% of maximum oxygen consumption.
The first increase in lactate concentration fixes the first threshold point - the aerobic threshold. Until this stage, there is no significant increase in anaerobic metabolism.
Aerobic and anaerobic sports activity differ in the energy resources that the body uses at the time of training.
Aerobic or cardio uses oxygen as a resource. Anaerobic (strength training) use "ready fuel" from muscle tissue, on average it lasts for 12 seconds, after which the workout becomes aerobic again.
These two types of loads differ in the process of doing exercises:
- With anaerobic training, weight parameters increase, repetitions and rest between sets are quantitatively reduced.
- In aerobic training, weights are reduced, repetitions are increased, and respite is minimal.

Influence of anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic strength training contributes to the growth of muscle mass, its strengthening and strengthening. It is very important to observe proper nutrition at the same time, otherwise muscle building will be carried out by using less active muscle groups. Women have low testosterone levels, so they are not in danger.
Power-type workouts consume less calories than aerobic-type workouts, where they are consumed by the muscles in large quantities. In other words, the more muscles, the moreduring the day, calories are burned, even if there is no physical activity.
If strength training reaches the threshold of anaerobic metabolism, then the metabolic process is accelerated, and it affects fat burning. The effect of this persists for one and a half days. If muscle weight exceeds fat mass, even if there is no overall weight loss, body size will decrease.
Benefits of strength training

Including anaerobic exercise in training, you can achieve incredible results, reduce the risk of many diseases. Their benefits are as follows:
- Bone density is constantly evolving.
- The cardiovascular system is strengthened.
- Preventing the possibility of developing diabetes. Anaerobic exercise is used in the treatment of the disease.
- The risk of developing cancer is decreasing.
- Improves the general condition of the body, sleep.
- The body is cleansed of various toxins.
- Cleansing the skin.
Anaerobic Threshold Definition
The threshold of anaerobic metabolism is the transition from an aerobic energy-providing system to an anaerobic one, where the increase in speed and the formation of lactic acid is transferred from a slow phase to a fast one. In athletes, such an example can be observed during intensive running. Each sprinter strives to determine his anaerobic threshold.
Very important at medium and long distances with increasing speed to control the growth of milkacids in the muscles.
With a properly chosen training program, the rate of lactate accumulation shifts towards an increase in running speed, approaches the maximum heart rate (HR). In other words, a runner can run longer at a high heart rate while maintaining a high pace.
Everyone who works on the growth of sports performance strives to know their anaerobic threshold. Workouts are done at a pace above this threshold and slightly below it.
You need to know your work intensity zones, pace, heart rate at which the threshold is reached, the jump in blood lactate levels.
Laboratory studies

The best method for determining TANs is laboratory testing. When passing the test in the laboratory, the athlete runs for several minutes at different speeds. To determine the level of lactate, blood is taken from his finger.
The standard test has six stages of five minutes each. With the passage of each new stage, the running speed increases. A break between them of one minute allows you to take a blood test. At the first stage, the speed is slower than the pace of the marathon race, at the last - the competitive pace for a distance of 5 km. After taking readings, the physiologist builds a graph, it shows where the anaerobic exchange threshold corresponds to certain heart rate numbers and running pace.
The graph makes it possible to visually see where the level of lactate begins to increase sharply.
Naturally, amateur runners cannot afford this test, it is expensive, and not inevery city has such research laboratories. Athletes perform this procedure all the time, since the anaerobic threshold can change over time. There are other ways to identify ANSP.
Time Run
To pass the test, you will need a track with a slope of 1%, any surface where you can quickly and easily move and measure the exact distance traveled. Of the devices you will need a heart rate monitor and a stopwatch. To determine your anaerobic threshold, you need to take the test with renewed vigor, rested and fresh.
At first, the pace of running is light, warm-up. Then mark the time for half an hour and run as much as possible at the maximum pace. The main thing here is not to make a common mistake - a high pace at the beginning, and a complete decrease due to fatigue at the end. This affects the test results. To determine the anaerobic threshold, the pulse is measured 10 minutes after the start, then at the end of the run. The indicators are summed up, the result is divided in half - this is the heart rate at which your body reaches its TAN.
Many studies confirm the accuracy and reliability of this test, if it was carried out in compliance with all necessary conditions. Recommended for all amateur runners.

Measuring with a portable lactometer
If it is not possible to measure the level of anaerobic threshold in the laboratory, you can use the Accusport Lactate portable lactometer when running on a treadmill or treadmill. This device has proven its accuracy, it is trueshows the level of lactate. The study is comparable to laboratory studies. The device costs several thousand rubles. If you compare the price with the cost of lactate analyzers that are used in the laboratory, it is much cheaper. Often such a device is bought as a bargain, in sections, in sports schools.
Competitive Performance
How to determine the anaerobic threshold based on competitive performance? This method is less technological. The indicator is calculated based on the numbers of competitive results. For experienced runners, the ANP corresponds approximately to the pace at distances from 15 km to a half marathon (21 km). The thing is that it is at these distances that the runner determines the pace by the value of the anaerobic threshold. An athlete often overcomes short distances, surpassing his AnP, at a marathon the pace is slightly lower than AnP. If a runner performs more often in short distances, then the anaerobic threshold pace will be slower by 6-9 s / km at a competitive 10 km pace. According to the heart rate readings, you can also find the pace that stimulates the anaerobic threshold (ANOT), this is a pulse of 80-90% of the reserve and 85-92% of the maximum heart rate. However, for each athlete, this relationship varies, depending on the capabilities of the organism and genetic characteristics.
How to raise your Anaerobic Threshold (ANP)
Tramp-level training for long-distance runners is very important, but many don't know how to raise their anaerobic threshold. This method is quite simple - you just need to run at a level above AnP.
ANP workouts seem easy at first glancehigh-speed work, but they should be considered as a way to increase endurance, maintain a given pace for a long time.
AnP-trainings are divided into three types. Their main task is to keep running at a pace when blood lactate begins to accumulate. If the run is too slow, then the training effect does not increase the anaerobic threshold. If you run too fast, lactic acid does not allow you to maintain a high pace for a long time. Training has the right effect when you manage to maintain the appropriate intensity.
The main types of training that increase AnP are tempo runs, AnP intervals and mountain AnP workouts. The intensity during all workouts should be moderate, that is, high, but such that you can keep it for a long time. If the pace is exceeded by 6 s / km, then try to move more slowly. If your muscles are sore the next day, your running speed has been exceeded.
Tempo running
Tempo running is a classic anaerobic threshold training, running is supported on ANOT for 20-40 minutes. It looks like this:
- As a warm-up - 3 km easy run.
- Competitive pace - 6 km.
- A short jog for a hitch.
Workout is done on the highway or on the treadmill. It is better to train on a marked track so that you can track stages and pace. Using the heart rate monitor, you can use heart rate readings to find the right values for subsequentworkouts. Within a few days, athletes feel their desired pace at the ANP level. Studies show that those athletes who once caught their AnP pace, then reproduce it with greater accuracy. Starts at 5-10 km are a good alternative to tempo training. But here you need to be more careful to overcome the distance, not to get involved in the race, using your strength to the limit.

Such an impact can be achieved by splitting the entire race into several segments (2-4). A similar kind of training, called "slow intervals", was proposed by sports physiologist Jack Daniels. For example, at the ANP level, running for 8 minutes is repeated three times, between intervals there is a three-minute jogging run. In general, it turns out at the level of AnP 24 minutes of running. This type of training has its drawback: there is no psychological load, which is typical for a continuous tempo run. During the course of the competition, this may incorrectly reflect on the behavior of the runner.
Mountain ANP training
Anaerobic threshold rises great during a long run uphill. If you are lucky enough to live in a hilly or mountainous area, you can do ANP training with an emphasis on climbing. Imagine that you have a route that is 15 km long, where there are four climbs, each of which is about 800 meters and, for example, one in 1.5 km. By climbing at your ANP level, you will be able to rack up a 20-minute run at the same intensity asspent on mountain climbs.

Major adaptation changes
Constant training can significantly increase your own maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). It is able to increase only in the first years of training, then it reaches a plateau. If your training in the early years was quite intense, then, most likely, the opportunities to increase the IPC have already been realized. However, the anaerobic threshold can grow, and adaptive changes occur in muscle cells at a high percentage of BMD.
Anaerobic threshold rises with results where lactate production is reduced, as well as when the rate of lactate neutralization is increased. The most important adaptive changes that increase the anaerobic threshold include the following:
- the size and number of mitochondria increases;
- capillary density increases;
- increased activity of aerobic enzymes;
- hemoglobin concentration increases.
Proper training with knowledgeable instructors helps to increase anaerobic threshold and achieve high performance in sports.