Mental retardation in children. Who are imbeciles?

Mental retardation in children. Who are imbeciles?
Mental retardation in children. Who are imbeciles?

Imbecility is mental retardation in children, which manifests itself in a moderate form. This term denotes defects with a persistently pronounced decrease in cognitive activity. A child with this diagnosis always has noticeable deviations in physical and mental development.


who are imbeciles
who are imbeciles

To figure out who imbeciles are, you need to know the main features of sick children. Such a diagnosis is made to a child with an average degree of dementia. To establish the degree, the IQ is calculated. If it fluctuates around 25-49 units, we can talk about imbecility.

Such patients are able to learn the simplest actions. They can take care of themselves on their own, and some children perform simple tasks. But a sick child develops late. His speech is slurred and often forms incoherent sentences out of sounds.

Imbecile children are unable to live on their own. For their existence to be safe, they must be under constant supervision. Such people, becoming adults, recognize acquaintances and feel affection for a loved one, but in development they remain big children.

Why does mentalbackwardness?

It has been proven that the main factor that contributes to the occurrence of moderate mental retardation are deviations acquired by the fetus during fetal development. Therefore, the question of who the imbeciles are can be given an unequivocal answer: these are babies who received birth defects due to abnormal development. They can be hereditary or result from the poor lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

the meaning of the word imbecile
the meaning of the word imbecile

The main causes of imbecility include:

  • hereditary disorders of metabolic processes;
  • diseases caused by chromosomal changes;
  • infectious diseases affecting the fetal brain;
  • intoxication of the baby as a result of the abuse of pregnant alcohol, drugs;
  • fetal oxygen starvation;
  • premature birth;
  • effect of ionizing radiation on the fetus;
  • injuries that a child gets before they reach the age of three.

Often the term imbecility is compared with debilism. In fact, debilizm is a mild form of mental retardation. Such people can not always be distinguished from he althy ones. Imbecile moron - medically inappropriate concept. A person diagnosed with "moronism" can learn to read, write and perform simple logical operations.

How does imbecility manifest itself?

Moderate mental retardation is characterized by certain symptoms:

  • failure toabstract thinking;
  • inability to generalize the events taking place around;
  • expressed mental concreteness;
  • difficulties with the formation of concepts.

The speech of imbecile children is poorly developed. Their vocabulary is limited, memory and attention are underdeveloped, and their thoughts are primitive.

You should understand who the imbeciles are in legal terms. They are recognized by the state as incompetent and until the age of majority they are in orphanages of a special type. But in the future, such people need guardianship.

Is it possible to train imbeciles?

imbecile children
imbecile children

Most people don't fully understand the meaning of the word "imbecile". Many compare this concept to idiocy, which is a more severe form of mental retardation.

Children diagnosed with imbecility learn and remember the surrounding objects. They can dress themselves, eat and make the morning toilet. But the lack of the ability to think independently does not allow them to attend a regular school. The education of imbeciles takes place at home and in a special type of correctional school.

Children with a similar diagnosis are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • active, mobile guys;
  • indifferent, apathetic.

Depending on the abilities, activity and character, special training programs are selected for children.

Imbeciles in adult life

imbecile moron
imbecile moron

In many countries, work is underway to educate mentally retarded childrenand their further social adaptation. Special houses, schools and centers are created for them. They allow not to single out a sick person from the crowd, not to draw attention to him, to protect him from the common question: “Who are imbeciles?” Social services create the necessary conditions for the normal and full existence of mentally retarded people.

Since 1987, a new position has been introduced in orphanages - a teacher-defectologist. This made it possible to improve correctional work with imbecile children. Diagnostic groups are organized in boarding schools, where new pupils enter. Thanks to this, in four months, many children have identified opportunities for the development of cognitive activity. In adult life, many of them can work in special workshops.
