Nystatin suppositories from thrush: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Nystatin suppositories from thrush: reviews, instructions for use, analogues
Nystatin suppositories from thrush: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Vaginal candidiasis is a fairly common problem. According to statistics, 70% of women had this diagnosis at least once in their lives, and 5% of them suffer from recurrent conditions 4 times a year or more. The pharmaceutical industry regularly offers new drugs to combat fungal disease. Are the long-used and well-known suppositories with nystatin from thrush effective, customer reviews of the medication, recommendations for use, we will find out in this article.

Normal microflora, what is it?

From the first days of life, the genitals of girls begin to colonize more than 60 bacteria that create local immunity, protecting against harmful microorganisms. So the vagina contains:

  • lactobacilli;
  • streptococci;
  • candida;
  • bifidobacteria;
  • staphylococci;
  • enterococci and others

Together, these bacteria create an ideal microflora with an optimal acidity level of up to 3.8-4.5 pH. When the balance is brokenfor example, a part of a microorganism dies due to antibiotic therapy, then the environment acquires a slightly alkaline indicator exceeding 6.0 pH, which creates conditions for the reproduction of pathogens.

In 80% of cases, inactive round Candida cells are present in the microflora of the genitals, the reproduction of which is inhibited by lactic acid bacteria, preventing them from forming mycelial filaments. Stress, eating habits, sexual life, the peculiarities of the menstrual cycle and pregnancy directly affect the microflora of the vagina, so it can change its set of bacteria.

What do we know about thrush

Vaginal candidiasis is a disease caused by an uncontrolled increase in the number of yeast-like fungi from the genus Candida. The diagnosis itself is not dangerous and does not apply to other organs, but it causes a lot of inconvenience. The second name "thrush" arose because of the white curdled discharge, which is a symptom of the disease.

Candidiasis affects not only women, but also the stronger sex, who are carriers of Candida on the penis in 18% of cases. In men, this pathology has a slightly different name - candidal balanoposthitis, and most often develops as a result of a decrease in immunity, obesity and the presence of diabetes mellitus.

Thrush causes severe discomfort
Thrush causes severe discomfort

Causes of fungal disease

The inflammatory process can be caused by the following factors:

  • decreased immunity as a result of past viral infections, chronic diseases;
  • hormonalchanges during pregnancy, menopause or PMS;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • long-term antibiotic therapy;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • constantly wearing panty liners that prevent air from reaching the vulva;
  • change of climatic conditions;
  • Personal care products that are highly scented, such as tampons, pads, lubricants and shower gels. Such products contain a large amount of alkali;
  • avitaminosis;
  • smoking;
  • stress, fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • obesity;
  • abuse of sweets, confectionery, carbonated drinks and coffee;
  • wearing tight and tight synthetic fiber underwear;
  • metabolic disorder (diabetes mellitus).
Candida colonies
Candida colonies

Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis

In fact, it is very difficult to confuse thrush with other diseases, because it has quite vivid manifestations:

  • whitish coating on the labia and cheesy discharge;
  • burning and itching;
  • vaginal swelling;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • small rash, redness on the mucosa and adjacent areas of the epidermis.

Diagnosis and therapy

When the characteristic signs of thrush appear, you need to contact a gynecologist who will make a smear on the microflora. This is important, because dangerous venereal diseases can hide under the guise of candidiasis.diseases. That is why you can’t self-medicate, because only a doctor can pick up medicines and prescribe a course of treatment after examining and receiving test results.

With self-administration of drugs, it is possible to bring thrush (or other sexual infections) to a chronic form, which is then quite difficult to cure. It is better to act on Candida in the early stages.

The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease
The course of treatment depends on the severity of the disease


The use of nystatin suppositories must be agreed with the doctor. After the examination, the gynecologist decides on the treatment. As a rule, vaginal suppositories are prescribed. In some cases, an additional course of oral antifungal agents (tablets) is prescribed.

One of the most popular drugs are nystatin suppositories. In gynecology, obstetrics, they are used to prevent candidiasis during long-term antibiotic therapy. They are also often used after extensive operations.

Nystatin suppositories from thrush reviews are positive. As a result of many years of experience, the drug has established itself as an effective tool in the fight against yeast-like fungi.

According to the instructions, suppositories with nystatin from thrush are a polyene antibiotic, which in small doses slows down the growth of bacteria, and in large doses contributes to the death of the fungal cell. The peculiarity of the drug is that it acts only on Candida, without destroying colonies of other microorganisms.

Prescribe suppositories not only for the treatment alreadyexisting vulvovaginal candidiasis, but also to prevent its occurrence during antibiotic treatment, before surgical interventions on the intestines or genitals.

Nystatin is a polyene antibiotic
Nystatin is a polyene antibiotic

Issue form

The drug is produced in three versions:

  • nystatin suppositories - use for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (dosage 250 and 500 thousand units);
  • tablets - for complex therapy, elimination of infection in the intestines and other organs;
  • ointment - local effect on the skin, mucous membranes and nails.

Suppositories are cylindrical and yellow in color. The carton contains two blisters of five candles respectively.

Suppositories are administered twice a day
Suppositories are administered twice a day

Application features

Contraindications for treatment with this remedy is only hypersensitivity to the constituent substances. During pregnancy, nystatin suppositories from thrush are allowed. This is due to the fact that the drug has low bioavailability, that is, it acts at the local level, without penetrating into the circulatory system, without being absorbed into the mucous membranes.

The product is low-toxic, therefore it has no side effects. With excessive susceptibility to the antibiotic, a local reaction is possible, for example, itching on the mucous membranes. The use of suppositories does not affect performance, driving and other equipment.

Treatment with nystatin suppositories during menstruation should not be interrupted. It is necessary to give up intimateproximity at the time of drug use. It is also recommended that the sexual partner be treated with antifungal drugs (tablets or topical ointment).

Interaction with other medicines

According to the instructions for use, nystatin suppositories are chemically incompatible with hydrogen peroxide, salicylic and lactic acid, potassium permanganate and sodium bicarbonate.

The simultaneous use of the drug with clotrimazole is not recommended, since the effect of the latter is reduced from this. In turn, hydrocortisone reduces the activity of nystatin.

How to use and dosage

There is a certain treatment algorithm for nystatin suppositories. Indications for the use of the remedy are vaginal candidiasis, and local therapy is carried out if the infection has not deeply affected the tissues. In the chronic form of thrush, it is additionally recommended to drink drugs in tablets.

Before use, genital hygiene procedures are done. The suppository is inserted deep into the vagina twice a day.

The duration of the course is determined by the gynecologist, but, as a rule, it varies from 10 to 14 days. The dosage depends on the clinical picture of the disease of a particular patient.

Nystatin suppositories for thrush during pregnancy: patient reviews

As a result of hormonal changes and reduced immunity, expectant mothers are often diagnosed with candidiasis. It manifests itself differently for everyone: someone immediately has severe itching and burning, while others are asymptomatic.

In any case, thrush cannot be ignored. Regardless of the gestational age, it is important to undergo treatment, otherwise the disease will become chronic and lead to intrauterine pathologies of the fetus. During pregnancy, the use of any drugs must be agreed with the attending physician.

Quite often, suppositories are prescribed to women immediately before childbirth to disinfect the birth canal to avoid infection of the baby.

Treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women with drugs in tablets and douches is prohibited. You can only make baths for the external genitalia from a weak decoction of chamomile, calendula or soda solution.

Self-medication during pregnancy is prohibited
Self-medication during pregnancy is prohibited

Nystatin candles: analogues

Vaginal tablets and suppositories are used for shallow fungal infections. Consider the most popular remedies for thrush on the pharmacological market (the active ingredient in brackets):

  1. "Pimafucin" (natamycin). A non-toxic drug widely recommended by gynecologists for pregnant women and during breastfeeding, as it is not absorbed into the bloodstream. It is advisable to use at bedtime, the course of treatment is 3-6 days. It quickly relieves the symptoms of candidiasis. After the introduction, under the influence of temperature, the suppositories acquire a foamy consistency, which contributes to the uniform distribution of the agent on the mucous membrane.
  2. "Canison", "Kanesten", "Kandibene" (clotrimazole). The active substance dissolves the cells of the fungus. Apply once a day for a week. Among the advantages of the drug -low price.
  3. Gino-Travogen Ovolum (isoconazole). Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Removes itching quickly. Effective against mycelia that are resistant to other drugs. It is applied once a day for three days. High cost.
  4. "Ginezol 7", "Klion-D 100", "Metromicon-Neo", "Gino-dactanol" (miconazole). The drug has a wide range of action, is active against fungi and some bacteria. Cannot be combined with alcohol. During pregnancy and lactation, use only as directed by a physician. Effective in the treatment of recurrent manifestations of thrush. Duration of therapy - 14 days, one suppository at bedtime.
  5. "Polygynax", "Terzhinan" (nystatin). Complex preparations, which are often prescribed for chronic candidiasis. Among the minuses of candles is the duration of the course (10 days). Suppositories are pre-moistened with water.
  6. "Livarol" (ketoconazole). Safe during pregnancy, has a high rate of symptom relief. A short course of treatment - only 5 days, for chronic conditions - 10. High price - minus the drug.
  7. "Zalain" (sertaconazole). The high cost of the tool is justified by its effectiveness and ease of use. The suppository is administered once, that is, the course of treatment is only one day. If repeated symptoms appear, you can apply again. Suitable for therapy during the menstrual cycle. Highly efficient. During pregnancy, it is used if the benefit to the mother is higher than the possible risk to the fetus.
Image "Pimafucin" is allowed during pregnancy
Image "Pimafucin" is allowed during pregnancy


Do nystatin suppositories help with thrush? Previously, the drug was often prescribed, since there were no such antifungal drugs. Therefore, in the treatment of recurrent conditions, the ineffectiveness of the drug was noted, because due to frequent use, bacteria got used to the active substances of the suppositories.

It was this fact that made many doubt the therapeutic effect of nystatin suppositories from thrush. Reviews of patients who have tried the effectiveness of the drug, says otherwise. Why do so many continue to give preference to them? Women after treatment for candidiasis note the following benefits of these antifungal suppositories:

  • Affordable price. A package of the drug for 10 suppositories costs from 50 to 80 rubles, depending on the dosage.
  • OTC sale.
  • Tested by time.
  • No side effects during application.
  • Suitable not only for treatment, but also as a safe prophylactic.
  • Can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Quick relief of symptoms within 2-3 days.
  • Easy tolerable, i.e. does not affect the gastrointestinal tract, does not cause nausea, etc.
  • Oil base. Due to the content of vaseline in suppositories, the drug moisturizes the vagina, does not cause dryness and irritation.


Suppositories belong to the first generation of drugs, and recently appearedthere are a lot of new drugs with antifungal action, which is why, despite excellent reviews, nystatin suppositories from thrush have become much less common.

Many believe that the drug is unjustifiably forgotten by gynecologists, as it is really effective in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, has no contraindications. Safe, inexpensive and proven.
