Fillers under the eyes: reviews, photos before and after

Fillers under the eyes: reviews, photos before and after
Fillers under the eyes: reviews, photos before and after

With age, the number of wrinkles increases in the fairer sex. Many girls, wanting to cope with such a problem, acquire a large number of creams and masks. It is no secret that they do not get rid of wrinkles, but only maintain the previous state of the face. Recently, many girls are turning to cosmetologists and injecting fillers under the eyes. Is such a procedure effective? Will it help get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?

History of Creation

Fillers appeared in Germany at the end of the 20th century. At first, German doctors injected everyone under the skin not with a special drug, but with the most ordinary fat. This made it possible to get rid of wrinkles in all problem areas. Over time, an Austrian doctor learned about such a find. He carefully studied it and suggested replacing the fat with paraffin. As a result, people have significant defects in the face and facial expressions. It is for this reason that the decision was made to find the most suitable and safest material.

In the 40s of the XX century, silicone gel was actively used. However, after some time it was banned because it was extremely dangerous to he alth. After 30 years activelyused synthetic fillers under the eyes. They included paraffin and silicone. It is worth noting that synthetic agents could only be removed surgically. In 2003, the fillers that we know today were created. Their main component is hyaluronic acid. Such injections allow you to completely get rid of wrinkles, and also significantly improve skin condition. When used correctly, such drugs are absolutely safe for he alth.

Varieties of fillers

If you want to introduce fillers under the eyes, then first of all you need to find out all kinds of information about their features. Few people know, but there is a wide variety of injections. They all have both advantages and disadvantages.

fillers under the eyes
fillers under the eyes

The most expensive and high-quality fillers are those whose effect lasts throughout life. It is worth noting that they include synthetic materials. Another type of filler is biosynthetic. As a rule, they include biological components. Their use can cause serious complications. That is why biosynthetic fillers are not in demand.

Lipofilling filler for the eyes consists of the fat layer of the patient. As a rule, this method is used if the girl has an allergic reaction to other drugs. The most popular type of fillers are those injections that contain hyaluronic acid. It is easily absorbed by the body and has a minimumthe number of contraindications. It is worth noting that fillers under the eyes are selected exclusively on an individual basis. It is for this reason that it will be necessary to visit an allergist, a cosmetologist and a surgeon before the procedure.

Indications for the procedure

It's no secret that absolutely every girl wants to stay young and attractive as long as possible. Today, there are a huge number of drugs, creams and masks, which, according to their creators, will completely get rid of wrinkles. Unfortunately, not all of them are effective. Are eye fillers effective? Photos before and after the procedure demonstrate that the remedy is quite effective.

It is worth noting that, first of all, filler injections will appeal to those girls who want to completely get rid of wrinkles. As we said earlier, the procedure also allows you to increase the elasticity of the skin. This is a definite plus for most girls. There are also lip fillers. As a rule, they are injected into the middle layer of the skin. Thanks to them, you can change the shape and volume of the lips.

fillers price
fillers price


It's no secret that absolutely any procedure has contraindications. Before deciding on the introduction of fillers, be sure to study all the positive and negative qualities of the injection. Like any other procedure, filler correction should never be carried out during pregnancy and lactation. If you have an allergic reaction to something, or if you often experience herpes, then injections are necessarybe treated with caution. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified doctor before the procedure.

Few people know, but if a girl has previously resorted to the use of synthetic fillers, then in the future she is forbidden to inject. Contraindications also include infectious diseases. Correction with fillers is a serious step that not every woman can decide on. We strongly recommend that you talk to girls who have already gone through this procedure before contacting a beautician.

Hyaluronic acid fillers

There is a wide variety of eye fillers. The most popular are those preparations that contain hyaluronic acid. With the help of such injections, you can get rid of wrinkles, improve skin condition and eliminate a number of its imperfections. It is not uncommon for girls to opt for lip fillers as well.

under eye fillers before and after photos
under eye fillers before and after photos

Hyaluronic acid has a number of benefits. It is quickly taken by the body, and the effect of such a procedure can be seen in a day. It is worth noting that the result is stored for two years. Plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid-based fillers will help not only eliminate wrinkles under the eyes, but also change the shape of the face, the contour of the nose and chin. It is worth noting that such drugs can be divided into two categories: monophasic and biphasic. The former are used much more often, since they are the safest for the body.

Best quality and most popular fillers

NotEvery girl is able to decide to introduce fillers under her eyes. Photos before and after the procedure you can find in our article. They will prompt the thought: do you need it? It is no secret that the introduction of injections is a rather serious and responsible step. In our article you can find information about the highest quality drugs.

As mentioned earlier, the best preparations for facial correction are those that contain hyaluronic acid. Few people know, but depending on the composition of the injections, the effect of them can last up to 10 years. The best fillers will not only get rid of wrinkles, but also significantly improve skin condition.

lip fillers
lip fillers

The most popular drug is Restylane. It contains hyaluronic acid. The effect of such an injection lasts for eight months. "Restylane" has many positive qualities. The gel is unusually mobile. It is for this reason that he is easily corrected and does not change facial expressions.

Another popular filler is Juvederm. The drug was developed in France and contains hyaluronic acid. The undoubted advantage is that its action does not cause any immune reactions. We strongly recommend that before you decide to take a serious step and go to a specialized physician, study all the information about the procedure and choose the safest drug.

Treatment price

To get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, many girls decide on plastic fillers. It is worth noting that the price plays a significant role in choosing an injection. The cost of the procedure depends on many factors. The first is the duration of the effect. If you want the result of the injection to last for 5-10 years, then you will need to pay about 70 thousand rubles for 1 milliliter of the drug. Fillers have a lot of advantages and disadvantages. The price of drugs, the effect of which lasts up to three years, is 9-30 thousand rubles. The cost directly depends on the quality of the injection and its manufacturer.

plastic fillers
plastic fillers

Negative reviews about correction with fillers

It's no secret that a large number of girls are unhappy with their appearance. With age, they develop wrinkles, which can be eliminated with plastic fillers. Such a procedure, as we said earlier, has a lot of both positive and negative qualities. A large number of girls claim that they have swelling and bruising after fillers. Reviews of those who have tried the procedure differ. Experts say that small lesions appear in those girls who have thin and fair skin. Such side effects will disappear within five days after the procedure.

Severe allergic reactions often occur. As we said earlier, those girls who have previously encountered a similar problem have such a predisposition. We strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor before deciding on plastic fillers. Thanks to this, you will protect your he alth by avoiding many side effects.

Positive feedback about the procedure

The area around the eyes is the area that is one of the first to undergo aging. It is for this reason that girls most often correct this part of the face with fillers. Most people who have tried the remedy on themselves claim that the injections not only helped them get rid of wrinkles around the eyes, but also significantly improved their skin condition. She became softer, more elastic and well-groomed. It is worth noting that the girls who complained of excessively dry skin completely got rid of this problem after the injection. After analyzing all the information that is located in our article, we can conclude that fillers will help not only get rid of wrinkles, but also significantly improve the condition of the skin.

best fillers
best fillers

Skin care after treatment

After plastic surgery with fillers, it is important to properly care for the skin. Thanks to this, the effect of the procedure will last as long as possible. If you have recently got rid of wrinkles in the eye area, then at first you need to follow a strict diet. To avoid allergic reactions, avoid sweet, s alty and spicy foods. An important factor is also respect for the skin. Until the edema subsides after the introduction of the filler, in no case should you use powder and foundation. Follow all the recommendations that are given in the article. And the effect of the procedure will last as long as possible.

What problems are fillers used to treat?

To deal with a wide variety of problemsfillers are used. The price of the procedure, unfortunately, is relatively high. Few people know, but fillers are used in cosmetology and plastic surgery to combat many shortcomings. Thanks to them, you can get rid of wrinkles, change the shape and volume of the lips, tighten the skin and change the shape of the face. Fillers have become more and more popular lately. This is no coincidence, because it is this procedure that has almost no drawbacks and side effects. If you want to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes, then you will definitely like these injections.

after fillers reviews
after fillers reviews

Summing up

It's no secret that absolutely every girl wants to stay young and attractive as long as possible. It is for this reason that every representative of the weaker sex has a whole arsenal of cosmetics. Recently, filler injections have become especially popular. This is natural, because the effect of such a procedure persists for 2-3 years. If you decide on an injection, then we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor and study all the information provided in the article. This will allow you to look as young and beautiful as possible.
