Ointment "Sunoref": indications for use, instructions, side effects

Ointment "Sunoref": indications for use, instructions, side effects
Ointment "Sunoref": indications for use, instructions, side effects

If getting rid of the common cold is beyond the power of the usual drugs and it becomes chronic after the flu or SARS, Sunoref ointment will come to the rescue. The agent is intended for the treatment of acute or permanent rhinitis, inflammation of the bone walls and their membranes. In addition, the ointment is prescribed for inflammation of the palatine tonsils, mucous membrane of the larynx, tonsillitis.

How the ointment works

sunoref ointment
sunoref ointment

The active components of the ointment have an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the internal nasal cavity is disinfected. Eucalyptus oil promotes wound healing and is responsible for the anesthetic effect. Due to this, therapy with the ointment is much easier. Ointment "Sunoref" is characterized by antiphlogistic and vasoconstrictive abilities. The drug is designed to fight microorganisms.

Ointment ingredients

  • Ephedrine. Thanks to him, a vasoconstrictor effect is achieved. Refers to narcotic substances, so you can get an ointment in a pharmacy by prescription.
  • Eucalyptusoil. Has a vegetable origin. Due to phellandrene and aromamandrene, it neutralizes pathogenic microorganisms. Provides bactericidal and antiseptic effect.
  • Camphor. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Streptocide. Antimicrobial agent.
  • Norsulfazol. An antibacterial substance that belongs to the group of sulfanilamide therapeutic agents. Used to treat various infectious diseases.


Sunoref ointment analogue
Sunoref ointment analogue

In the treatment of rhinitis, "Sunoref" (ointment) has a good therapeutic effect. The analogue of the drug is the medicine "Streptocid". It has a detrimental effect on gonococci, streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci, Escherichia coli and other bacteria. The action of "Streptocide" is achieved due to the active substances that are listed in its composition.

Side effects

When using Sunoref ointment, you may experience slight dizziness. Sometimes there is a feeling of anxiety, headache, allergies.

Issue form

The drug "Sunoref" is available for sale in glass bottles or tubes of 15 g. Ointment "Sunoref" is released in pharmacies only by prescription. The agent in the form of an ointment is used more often than a spray. First of all, this is due to the fact that the drug is spent more economically and covers the entire nasal mucosa, which means that the concentration of the incoming active substance will be greater, and the therapy will be more effective.

"Sunoref" (ointment): instructions

Sunoref ointment instruction
Sunoref ointment instruction

The ointment is applied to the inside of the nose 3-4 times a day. Suitable for external use only.


It is forbidden to use Sunoref ointment if there is an individual intolerance to sulfanilamide preparations. It is not recommended to carry out therapy with this drug in patients suffering from hypertension. If you are concerned about insomnia, Sunoref should not be applied before bedtime.


The drug is stored in a tightly sealed tube in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. The shelf life of the ointment is 24 months.
