The most important function of the nasal membrane is to clean the air that enters the respiratory tract from pollution. It also performs another important role - it moisturizes and heats the air currents. With various bacterial or infectious diseases, one of the first to suffer is the nasal mucosa. Inflammation occurs, which can occur in two forms - acute and chronic.
Acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa in Latin is indicated as follows: rhinitis. In Russian, this is rhinitis, which many call a runny nose. The disease lasts up to 3 months. It is differentiated into viral and non-viral. As a rule, the first proceeds for more than 5 days, and the second begins to intensify manifestations about a week after the onset of the first symptoms.
Chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa (called rhinitis in Latin) occurs with or without nasal polyps. Inflammatory processes are observed less than 3 months.

Root Causes
Factors provokinginflammation, there may be infections and external irritants. The first group of causes of inflammation of the nasal mucosa include:
- Viral lesions. In most cases, this is the most common cause of inflammation.
- Bacterial infection. This process occurs due to damage to the nasal cavity by harmful bacteria.
- Fungal infections. Inflammation appears when fungi (Candida, mycoplasma) enter the body.
Minor reasons
Non-infectious group of causes of inflammation of the nasal mucosa include:
- Injuries to the nasal membrane.
- Foreign objects in the nose.
- Surgical interventions.
- Disruption of nerve tissue that affects the original function of the mucosa.
- Persistent dryness of the nasal mucosa.
- Emotional changes (constant crying) and nervous strain.
- Allergy that occurs when irritating agents get on the mucous membranes. They are very different, from any smells to pollen of plants.

Signs indicating inflammation of the nasal mucosa (called rhinitis, as noted above) can be different manifestations that directly depend on the cause of the lesion. If it is an allergic reaction, then the patient has:
- Itching in the throat and nose.
- Copious flow of tears.
- Rapid nasal congestion.
- Frequent sneezing appears.
- Face begins to swell.
- Transparent discharge comes out of the nose.
- Drowsy present.
- Weakness occurs.
- The lining of the nose turns red.
Signs of an infectious disease
If we talk about infectious diseases of the nose, they are accompanied by the following symptoms:
- The occurrence of headaches.
- Raising the temperature.
- The appearance of chills, weakness, aches all over the body.
- The mucous membrane starts to dry out.
- Green mucus coming out of the nose.
- Ears start to hurt.
- Feel pain and/or nose.
- Feeling stuffy in the nasal passages.

Other symptoms
Bacterial infection of the mucous membrane occurs with the following manifestations:
- purulent discharge,
- nasal congestion with pain.
During a nose injury, a patient may experience:
- Bleeding.
- Stuffy nostrils.
- Headaches.
- Swelling of the face.
- Change in skin color at the site of injury (for example, bruising and bruising).
It is worth paying attention to the fact that the most common symptom that signals inflammation is stuffy nostrils. With its manifestation, little oxygen enters the body. The consequence of this phenomenon is frequent migraines, fainting, increasedpressure. In addition, the lack of oxygen causes the brain to “starve”, which is fraught with various unpleasant and even dangerous conditions for the patient.

Methods of therapy
There are several treatment options for inflammation. The most important condition for successful therapy is to determine the cause that provoked the disease. Assistance is practiced by one of the following established methods:
- Allergy treatment.
- Therapy for infection.
- Treatment for injuries.
In case of allergies, the patient is prescribed antihistamines with a potent effect. A disinfectant preparation based on sea water is prescribed for washing the nose. With allergic reactions, you will need to consume a lot of pure water per day. It is important to moisturize when the nasal mucosa dries out. It is very important to completely get rid of the cause of the allergy.
Provision of assistance in case of infection is carried out according to a different method. It is necessary to learn that in case of an ailment that has arisen, it is impossible to be treated only by instillation into the nose of funds with a vasoconstrictor effect. They temporarily relieve nasal congestion, but do not help cure inflammation. They have no effect on the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
It is worth noting that nasal drops should not be used for more than 5 days in a row, as they provoke addiction and addiction. In addition, irritation of the nasal membrane and neglect of the disease are observed. In the event of a bacterial infection, the patient must applyantibiotics to be prescribed by a doctor.

If the patient has a fungus, then you need to adhere to this method of treatment: the nose must be washed with saline or saline. You will need to use nasal drops to clear congestion. The best remedy are preparations that include peach or sea buckthorn. The drug "Pinosol" is no less effective.
In the case of a chronic form of the disease, the patient is prescribed glucocorticosteroids. Physiotherapy is also effective in chronic rhinitis. If the inflammation has a hypertrophic form, then there is no way to do without surgical intervention.
In case of injuries, treatment is symptomatic. With pain, analgesics are attributed, with edema, it is recommended to do cold compresses. In case of nosebleeds, two dense turundas should be made from the bandage, then they should be treated with an antimicrobial solution or ointment and inserted into each nostril.
Folk remedies
When inflammation of the nasal mucosa is mild, you can use folk remedies for treatment. The most popular and effective are nose drops of garlic or onion juice, which must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Just a couple of drops in the nostril will help get rid of nasal congestion. The advantages of this method are getting rid of the common cold and germs. Traditional healers have many other effective ways. Let's take a closer look at some of them:
Nasal drops with aloe or beetroot juice. Advantages: fast action, complete removal of pathogenic bacteria. Beetroot juice can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1

- Inhalation of steam (inhalation). For cooking, you need finely chopped garlic, which must be put in boiling water. When the product boils, you need to remove the container from the stove, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam until the water cools down. Such inhalation perfectly kills viruses.
- When the mucous membrane dries out, it needs to be moistened. This can be done with oils. Sea buckthorn and olive are popular.
- No less effective are inhalations using bay leaf. To prepare a decoction, you need 4-5 leaves of laurel, pour 500 ml of water and bring to a boil. The resulting decoction can be inhaled for no more than 10 minutes. It is better not to use such a remedy for the treatment of children. To avoid getting burned by the steam, do not bend too low over the container.
- Camomile cleanser. You need to take st. l. dry flowers, pour 500 ml of water, put on the stove and let it boil. Cool the broth, strain and use as directed.
To avoid negative consequences, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using any folk method.

If the treatment of inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses is not started in time, the following complications may occur:
- Sinusitis.
- Constantnasal congestion.
- Oxygen starvation of the brain.
Complications of oxygen starvation
The consequences of such a pathology can be:
- Frequent headaches.
- Deterioration of vision.
- Violation of the activity of the central nervous system.
- Violation of memory.
- Regular fatigue, lethargy.
- Chronic allergies or which may cause choking, anaphylactic shock.
To avoid inflammation of the mucosa and all undesirable consequences, you must listen to the advice of experts:
- Do not disregard a runny nose, a cold. At their first manifestations, immediately begin treatment. Do not carry the flu on your feet, but observe bed rest.
- See a doctor if symptoms appear.
- Recommended to temper.
- Increase immunity with fruits and vegetables, vitamin complexes, which should be prescribed by a doctor.
- Exercise regularly.
- If a person is prone to allergies, take antihistamines in time, for example, during the flowering period of plants that cause unwanted reactions.
- Prevent hypothermia.
- Indoor humidify the air.
- If the mucosa dries out, moisten it with oils.
According to statistics, 90% of the population annually complains of nasal congestion, but only a few turn to specialists for help. Due to the fact that a person does not pay special attention to the problem that has arisen, there areserious consequences.
In addition to all the above factors affecting the condition of the mucous membrane, bad habits (smoking), chlorine, which is used almost everywhere for disinfection, and dust also play an important role. A person prone to allergic reactions should avoid contact with major irritants.