In modern society, there are standards of beauty that make demands not only on women. Perhaps, in some sense, it is harder for men, because these requirements suddenly fall on them, when the situation is running so bad that a couple of days is not enough to fix it. According to girls, it is fat guys who often face problems, and we are talking not just about light overweight, but about unhe althy obesity.
Why does excess weight accumulate, how did it happen that a man does not pay attention to accumulating kilograms? In fact, completeness is the final chord in a long chain of changes, so it is worth understanding all the nuances of the problem.

Severe male problem: obesity
According to statistics, about one and a half billion people in the world are overweight, of which approximately 35% are obese. averagea fat guy has about 10-20 extra pounds, although variations are always possible. It should be noted that for many, weight problems worsen in pre-retirement age, accompanied by all sorts of diseases, hormonal and endocrine disorders.
The harder it is to talk about male obesity, the fewer requirements society places on male beauty. Indeed, men do not need makeup, they are not often compared to fashion models, and even a three-day unshaven has moved from the criterion of sloppiness to the category of charisma. However, times are changing, and equality between the sexes means, among other things, the spread of aesthetic requirements. A well-groomed woman wants to see an equally well-groomed man next to her.

Two types of obesity
There are two main types of obesity, and the most severe is the so-called male-pattern obesity.
If fat deposits are evenly deposited under the skin, then the extra kilogram is absolutely invisible. Subcutaneous fat accumulates quite easily, in this case, losing weight is relatively easy.
Male-type obesity is called the classic "beer belly". Visceral obesity is externally expressed in a protruding abdomen, fat is deposited on the internal organs. In this case, the fat guy looks awkward: a big belly is out of harmony with relatively thin legs. Often both types of obesity are combined, and the figure blurs completely.
Also, nutritionists note different types of localization of adipose tissue in the body. For example,Abdominal obesity implies the presence of a large amount of fat in the middle part of the body: the abdomen, sides, back. Such a "lifeline" looks unaesthetic and seriously spoils the mood. Gynoid obesity, when adipose tissue develops mainly in the lower body (thighs, buttocks, lower abdomen), is more common in women.

Why is it so hard to get rid of the "beer belly"?
The tendency to be overweight can manifest itself from childhood. About 10% of children are overfed by parents who admire plump arms and legs, chubby cheeks of their child. It is safe to say that an unhe althy overweight child will have serious problems in adulthood. However, visceral obesity appears not only due to possible eating disorders in childhood.
Let's say a man has an extra weight of 10 kg - this is not so much, only a protruding belly gives out. But fat presses on the internal organs, fills the intra-abdominal cavity. Because of this, the internal organs are shifted, squeezed, their normal work is disrupted. And if physical exercises and diet correction do not help, most likely there are problems with the endocrine system and hormonal levels. But until a man pulls himself together and goes to the doctors, it is unlikely that he will be able to remove the “beer belly.”

Psychological difficulties of being overweight in men
Despite the fact that society is condescending towards male overweight, really fat guys are under serious pressure on the psyche. Condescending or mocking glances, outright bullying, your own clumsiness - all this creates a kind of vicious circle. And even low self-esteem has nothing to do with it, many quite slender people do not show self-confidence.
It is difficult for a full man to decide to speak to a woman, the constant expectation of ridicule keeps him in suspense. And if we consider that psychological problems in such cases provoke overeating, then we get a classic hopeless situation. Calmness and joy from eating delicious food are short-lived and cannot replace other aspects of life, while giving new kilograms, which, in turn, increase psychological problems.

Social causes of male obesity
The reason for the critical weight gain by men lies in social disorder. Hearty and inexpensive food, rich in carbohydrates and fats, is becoming the main diet for many. With a severe lack of proteins and vegetable fiber, such fullness gives a person an unhe althy look. If in ancient times a fat person was considered rich and beautiful, now rich people consider it good form to invest part of their funds in creating a beautiful and he althy body. At the moment, fat people are representatives of social strata with insufficient income.
Patriarchal morality at its worst also has a certain influence. A full woman is likely to be called fat, but a full man receives such an epithet as “solid”. Men are traditionally forgiven for external imperfection, supposedlythere is no time to engage in such nonsense, and a woman should delight the eye. And then desperate attempts to lose weight begin.

Insidious kilograms
The peculiarity of adipose tissue is that it is quite easy to gain it, but to get rid of reserves, you have to go to all sorts of tricks. The body resists, does not want to part with the reserve of nutrients stored in case of unforeseen hungry times. The main causes of obesity, called by nutritionists, are the wrong combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the wrong diet, and a large amount of junk food. However, the main reason remains the simplest energy miscalculation: in order not to gain weight, a person must consume exactly as many calories as are required to ensure life and all active actions during the day. If calories come in excess, then the excess goes to the fat depot. The insidiousness of excess weight lies in the fact that it is gained gradually and almost imperceptibly, so it is impossible to quickly lose weight without risking he alth.
Consequences of obesity
The peculiarity of fullness lies in the fact that it can be both a symptom of a disease and a cause or even a consequence. As mentioned above, fullness can be caused by endocrine and hormonal disorders. If extra pounds were obtained as a result of overeating and low physical activity, then as a result you can earn problems not only with hormones and the endocrine system, but also with blood pressure,circulatory and respiratory system.
The vast majority of people know what being overweight leads to - everyone has seen breathless sweaty fat people squeezing into public transport with difficulty, overcoming steps with stops. It is difficult to imagine yourself in their place, so everyone thinks: “This will never happen to me, I can stop in time.” But first, jeans become narrow at the waist, then shortness of breath appears, as a rest, you just want to lie on the couch. Intimate life also fades.
Associated Issues
A corpulent physique may not bother you at first, folk wisdom says that there should be a lot of a good person. A well-known problem of excess weight is poor he alth, but there are also accompanying problems, and sometimes they manifest themselves in very unexpected ways.
Many companies hire employees who have a pleasant appearance that wins over customers. Even if fat guys are excellent specialists in their field, potential employers do not see them in representative roles. This is unfair, by and large, charisma does not depend on the physique, as well as the level of sociability, but this is the pattern of the “exemplary man.”

What are fat guys risking?
They say that he alth is the main thing. It is difficult to disagree with this statement, because it is on physical and mental he alth that the opportunity lies to fully function in almost any area of life. Statistically, fatpeople get sick more often and die earlier, and the risk of stroke increases exponentially.
People suffering from obesity, reduced efficiency, sociability. The chances of happily arranging your personal life are becoming less and less, the risk of developing depression and seclusion is increasing.
How to lose weight?
It is generally believed that getting rid of extra pounds is as easy as taking off your jacket. However, doctors say that obesity in men must be treated comprehensively, like a disease. Dieting alone cannot achieve sustainable results, and the process of losing weight should improve he alth, not harm it.
Forced sports with a large number of extra pounds is almost a direct path to traumatology: too much stress on the joints, the cardiovascular system. Therefore, you should not try to immediately run a marathon distance, but it is better to start with long walks. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination and, taking into account medical recommendations, already build a long-term weight loss program.
Severely obese means that such a large and unhe althy body requires quite a lot of calories to keep it alive. Therefore, even a slight reduction in the caloric content of the daily diet leads to weight loss. A small calorie deficit leads to slow, painless weight loss: extra pounds accumulate over the years, so it is impossible to lose them on a magic diet in ten days.
Without haste and serious violence against yourself, you need to change your lifestyle, do notchase record highs. Slowly lost weight in most cases does not return, there is much less risk of breaking loose and overeating again. If fullness is a consequence of endocrine diseases, then it gradually disappears on its own, if you get rid of the main problem, the correct metabolism resumes, and the body itself strives for harmony.