Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol with honey and cinnamon: recipe and rules for use

Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol with honey and cinnamon: recipe and rules for use
Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol with honey and cinnamon: recipe and rules for use

Cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol with honey and cinnamon is a preventive and therapeutic measure that is indicated for patients with vascular diseases, atherosclerosis and those who are at risk. The method is effective, but first you need to consult a doctor, and then apply useful recipes constantly. It is optimal to add citrus fruits, nuts, garlic, cranberries and raisins to honey and cinnamon.

Is cholesterol so dangerous for he alth

Cholesterol forms intercellular membranes. Most of it (about 75%) is synthesized from fats and amino acids, a smaller part (25%) enters the body with food. But the substance can be of high and low density. The last cholesterol is just harmful, because it practically does not participate in metabolism, it can accumulate on the inner walls of blood vessels, and does not break down in lipids.

clean vessels with folk remedies
clean vessels with folk remedies

If you do not get rid of cholesterol in a timely manner, the circulatory system will suffer. Plaque formation is possible, there is a high risk of blood clots.

A blood clot can cut off normal blood flow and cause a heart attack, stroke, or even death. For this reason, "bad" cholesterol must be eliminated.

Signs of high cholesterol

Among the early signs of high cholesterol, there are pains in the heart area at rest or with minimal exertion, discomfort in the legs, varicose veins (it is the lower limbs that experience increased stress with excess cholesterol), frequent migraines, angina pectoris, increased fatigue and general weakness.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to clean the vessels with folk remedies from the age of eighteen, but first you need to consult a doctor and take a general blood test. The amount of a substance in the blood depends on physical activity and diet.

cleaning blood vessels, freeing them from cholesterol
cleaning blood vessels, freeing them from cholesterol

Cholesterol standards

Low-density cholesterol in an adult should normally be less than 2.6 mmol/l, but the concentration may increase with age. For example, in older people, the average cholesterol level is from 3.3 to 5 mmol / l. Therefore, in this category of patients, diseases of the heart and blood vessels are especially widespread. But before you start using honey and cinnamon (cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol is possible with other products, but these are the most effective), you need to consult a doctor. This is especially true for the elderlypatients.

Folk recipes for cleaning vessels

Cleaning of blood vessels (freeing them from cholesterol) can be carried out including at home, but only after consulting your doctor. The main source of "harmful" organic compounds are fats of animal origin. Therefore, complex lipids are often used in therapeutic formulations, which help the body break down low-density cholesterol into its derivatives. This has a positive effect on blood vessels.

Scientists have proven that the combination of cinnamon with honey strengthens the heart muscle. In addition, the bee product is a good source of mineral trace elements, and cinnamon, consisting of eugenol and essential oils, is considered one of the most useful spices for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. Citrus fruits are useful, which have an immunostimulating and antimicrobial effect, correct metabolism. Garlic helps to remove cholesterol from blood vessels, as well as strengthen the walls of the heart.

cinnamon with honey for the heart and blood vessels
cinnamon with honey for the heart and blood vessels

How to clean vessels at home? Nutritionists recommend eating whole grain bread sandwiches with honey and a little grated cinnamon for breakfast. This may be enough to normalize the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and reduce body weight, but there are several equally effective recipes based on the same components. From their huge variety, you can list some of the best (judging by the reviews).

Honey Cinnamon Vessel Cleaning Paste

Cinnamon with honey for the heartand vessels in the form of paste - this is a tasty and he althy medicine. To prepare such a composition, you need to mix 0.5 kg of honey, heated to 40-45 degrees Celsius, and 150 grams of grated cinnamon. For taste, you can add 100 grams of grated nuts. It is recommended to pre-dry the nut in the oven and pass through a meat grinder. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed in a food processor or using a blender.

Ready-made pasta can be stored in the cold for no more than ten days, because the composition quickly oxidizes and becomes bitter. It is enough to take a teaspoon two or three times a day, and in general the course of treatment should be at least a month. By the way, this paste can be used as a natural scrub. Apply to the skin of the face with gentle movements along the massage lines, leave for 20-25 minutes.

how to clean vessels at home
how to clean vessels at home

General He alth Formula

What is useful cinnamon with honey? These products lower cholesterol levels, strengthen the heart muscle, have an immunomodulatory and antimicrobial effect. To prepare the simplest he althy drink, you need 0.5 liters of liquid honey and 40 grams of cinnamon. It is recommended to infuse the mixture for five days at room temperature. Stir twice a day. It is not necessary to strain the composition, because the cinnamon will settle to the bottom.

Take the infusion should be a tablespoon twice a day. You can drink tea without sugar or a small amount of water. The course of recovery of the body should be at least a month, the optimal period is three months.

Cinnamon Lemon Honey Drink

Drink will help not only get rid of "bad" cholesterol, but also lose weight. In a glass of hot water, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting composition is recommended to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. In order to lose weight, you can replace breakfast with a lemon-honey drink with cinnamon.

honey and cinnamon recipe for cleaning blood vessels
honey and cinnamon recipe for cleaning blood vessels

Infusion for weight loss and withdrawal of "difficult" fats

The next infusion removes "complex" fats and normalizes the concentration of cholesterol. To prepare a composition of honey and cinnamon for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol, you need to add 25 grams of cinnamon to a liter of boiled water at room temperature and mix so that no lumps remain. Leave the mixture on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Wait for it to cool completely, add one and a half to two glasses of honey. The result is a syrup that is similar in texture to sour cream.

You need to take 25 milliliters three times a day. It is advisable to drink the infusion after meals and do not drink water. In addition, it is not recommended to eat after at least one and a half hours. The course of therapy is two weeks, then you need to take a break of five days. If desired, the course can be repeated once. Then a longer break will be needed.

lemon honey drink with cinnamon
lemon honey drink with cinnamon

Varicose mixture with garlic

Garlic is very effective for cleansing blood vessels. The following remedy is recommended for varicose veins (includingand for preventive purposes) and frequent pains in the heart. For cooking, you need to add 20 grams of cinnamon to 0.5 liters of hot boiled water, and after cooling - a glass of honey. It is advisable to use a bee product of light varieties, for example, acacia. Next, add two tablespoons of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of lemon zest, two grated garlic cloves to seven.

The mixture must be thoroughly mixed until foam appears and left in the refrigerator for five days. Stir every day. After the composition for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol with honey and cinnamon, lemon and garlic, it is recommended to take a tablespoon on an empty stomach at bedtime. The course of treatment is three weeks, then you need to take a break of ten days. It is important that this folk medicine cannot be used for gastritis.

Benefits of drug ingredients

Honey and bee products have a positive effect on almost all functions of the human body and are excellent help in cases where help needs to be given to the heart and blood vessels. Honey is able to lower vascular tone, maintains a normal level of trace elements necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and removes unnecessary cholesterol. Cinnamon improves lipid metabolism, has an antimicrobial effect and reduces vascular tone. Garlic creates an antimicrobial effect, removes cholesterol, strengthens the walls of the heart muscle, citrus fruits correct metabolism, have an immunostimulating and antimicrobial effect.

benefits of cinnamon with honey
benefits of cinnamon with honey

Contraindications for use

Recipes for cleaningvessels with honey and cinnamon are quite effective as a prevention and treatment, but this event should be supervised by a doctor. If, after the examination, the specialist allowed the use of alternative methods of therapy, then you can start the course. But you can not use honey and cinnamon to clean blood vessels from cholesterol in the following cases:

  • acute conditions (thrombosis, heart attack, stroke);
  • severe pancreatic disease and biscuits;
  • any stages of pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic to bee products;
  • oncological diseases;
  • infectious diseases with fever.

If there are no contraindications and the attending physician is not against such treatment, then folk recipes will help cleanse blood vessels, improve appetite, create optimal conditions for normalizing blood pressure and reducing body weight. It is important to follow the recommendations and dosage. Honey is a fairly safe food product, which is desirable to combine with cinnamon, lemon, garlic for an optimal reaction.
