Asthenoteratozoospermia - what is it? Diagnosis "asthenoteratozoospermia"

Asthenoteratozoospermia - what is it? Diagnosis "asthenoteratozoospermia"
Asthenoteratozoospermia - what is it? Diagnosis "asthenoteratozoospermia"

Unfortunately, every year the number of families for which the birth of a baby into the world is a kind of pipe dream increases significantly. It is noteworthy that if earlier infertility was primarily a female problem, then at the moment such a difficulty occurs more and more often in the male half of our population. In medicine, it is called "asthenoteratozoospermia". What is this diagnosis? Can it be overcome? This is what we will talk about in this article.

General information

what is asthenoteratozoospermia
what is asthenoteratozoospermia

In medicine, the diagnosis "asthenoteratozoospermia" means a pathological condition of sperm, in which there is a relatively low speed of spermatozoa, combined directly with a violation of their usual structure and structure itself. According to experts, the speedThe movement of spermatozoa is determined by the correctness of their structure. For example, in the presence of a large number of pathologically developed components, their speed, of course, decreases. As a result, pregnancy does not occur. Thus, asthenoteratozoospermia consistently develops.

Causes and contributing factors

Surely, everyone will agree that the search for the primary causes leading to the development of infertility is quite a difficult task. In this case, asthenoteratozoospermia is no exception. A diagnosis of this kind, according to experts, can be determined due to the following reasons.

  1. Some childhood viral infections. These include, first of all, mumps (or mumps). The thing is that this disease causes inflammation in the testicles themselves, which leads to the development of this condition.
  2. Mechanical injuries of the genitals.
  3. Various kinds of hormonal disorders. Doctors say thatthe direct activity of the reproductive glands in representatives of the strong half of our humanity directly depends on the production of hormones, in particular prolactin and the well-known testosterone.
  4. Anomalies in the structure of the testicles at the congenital level.
  5. Chronic infections of the reproductive sphere itself.
  6. Violation of the so-called local thermoregulation resulting from wearing low-quality or tight underwear, which subsequently leads to the development of such a disease as asthenoteratozoospermia. What kind of mothers are they who constantly put diapers ontheir children, including at home? The thing is that they are often the cause of this problem. Synthetic underwear also leaves its mark.
  7. Irradiation of the genital area with X-rays or UV rays.
  8. Lack of adequate nutrition.
asthenoteratozoospermia causes
asthenoteratozoospermia causes

Classification of disease

At the moment, experts conditionally distinguish several degrees of severity of such a disease as asthenoteratozoospermia. Subsequent treatment will depend entirely on this parameter.

  1. 1st degree. The seminal fluid itself contains approximately 50% of cells with normal structure and motility.
  2. 2nd degree. The number of normal cells in the ejaculate ranges from 30 to 49%.
  3. 3rd degree. The number of reproductive cells is less than 29%. It is in this case, as a rule, that a terrible diagnosis called "infertility" is made.
diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia
diagnosis of asthenoteratozoospermia

Clinical picture of a disease such as asthenoteratozoospermia

What kind of ailment is this, which has practically no external symptoms? Indeed, this problem does not differ in visible clinical signs. If this difficulty arose against the background of any inflammatory process in the body, then symptoms characteristic of it appear. In general, we can say with confidence that today experts do not distinguish the exact external signs that accompany such an ailment asasthenoteratozoospermia. Treatment, of course, occurs only in the later stages, when the couple is already turning to specialized doctors, as they cannot have children for a long time.


As noted above, in order to successfully combat this problem, it is necessaryto timely identify the cause that caused the cell pathology. Experts recommend a comprehensive examination of a man, which includes the following steps:

  • blood test with glucose level;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, as well as the scrotum;
  • the so-called digital examination of the prostate gland itself;
  • analysis to determine the level of hormones prolactin and testosterone;
  • CT of the pelvic organs.

Can this problem be de alt with? Therapy

asthenoteratozoospermia treatment
asthenoteratozoospermia treatment

If you believe the experts, then the treatment of this disease is possible, but depending on the primary cause that provoked it. For example, in the presence of various kinds of inflammatory processes, as a rule, a course of drug therapy is prescribed. After that, the so-called restorative treatment is prescribed, which involves taking certain vitamins, antioxidants such as Stimol, Mexidol or Tiolepta. Adaptogens are also prescribed ("Eleutherococcus", ginseng, magnolia vine). On the other hand, varicocele or other congenital anomalies most often require surgery. If athe reason lies in malnutrition or an inactive lifestyle in general, it is simply enough to normalize your diet, get rid of all bad habits, go in for sports.

IVF and asthenoteratozoospermia

asthenoteratozoospermia diagnosis
asthenoteratozoospermia diagnosis

What is this? So, if the problem was caused by disorders in the development and functioning of the genitourinary system at the genetic level, then most often the onset of pregnancy is possible through in vitro fertilization. The essence of this procedure lies in the fact that the male sperm is subjected to the so-called microsporia, in which only viable productive cells are selected by specialists. Then, under artificial conditions, fertilization takes place, after which the finished embryo is introduced to the woman for further development. Note that doctors in especially serious situations (when it is simply impossible to isolate viable spermatozoa in the laboratory) do not carry out the IVF procedure.
