One of the varieties of drug addiction is dependence on alcohol-containing products. Alcoholism is a factor contributing to a decrease in life expectancy. What is the reason for the rapid increase in the number of people suffering from this disease? Experts attribute this phenomenon to the insufficiently effective activity of the he alth care system, emotional overload, as well as a wide selection of alcoholic beverages.
Danger of addiction
The habit of drinking alcohol is a pathology characterized by persistent craving for such products, its regular use. Doctors classify this disease as one of the forms of drug addiction. This statement is absolutely correct. After all, drinks that include ethanol affect the central nervous system. As a result of the influence of toxic compounds on the brain and other organs in humanssevere illness develops.

The result of abuse can be the loss of the ability to work, physical and mental he alth. In alcoholism, the symptoms and stages of the pathology were described in documents that date back to ancient times. For example, Chinese doctors created scientific papers on the dangers of drinks containing ethanol. In Petrine Russia, there were punishments for those who abused these products. In the Roman Empire, wine was forbidden to persons under the age of thirty, as well as to the fairer sex.
Factors contributing to the development of pathology
Experts say that the manifestations of alcoholism and the symptoms of this disease are considered quite a serious diagnosis. In most cases, the treatment of the disorder is carried out in the clinic. Products containing ethyl alcohol affect not only the personality, but also the activity of the body's organs. Only a specialist is able to choose and implement competent therapy when this condition occurs. Alcoholism is a pathology that occurs under the influence of various factors. The following can be listed as reasons that may contribute to its occurrence:
- Physiological characteristics of the body.
- Features inherent in a particular individual.
- Influence of society, environment.
Features of the body
It is generally accepted that the symptoms of alcoholism in men and women arise as a result of the action of society, habits and traditions. Although it is difficult to argue with this fact,experts talk about the high probability of physical prerequisites for the development of pathology. For example, excessive addiction to alcohol-containing products may develop as a result of unfavorable heredity. An important role is played by the characteristics of education. Children who grew up in families with alcohol dependence are at risk of becoming victims of this disease.

There are other reasons. For example, a lack of substances with the help of which ethanol is processed, or problems in the work of certain organs and systems. In persons with disorders of the liver, central nervous system, impaired metabolism, the pathology develops rapidly.
The impact of others, the traditions of society
Alcoholism, the symptoms and consequences of which are devastating, is largely due to the influence of society. In some companies, people are sure that getting rid of fatigue and emotional overstrain is possible only after a certain amount of a drink containing alcohol. In minors, craving for products is formed under the influence of the addictions of loved ones. Young people are convinced that if one of the parents uses ethanol, this can be done without fear and doubt by anyone.
The first symptoms of alcoholism are most likely to occur in an individual living in a society in which there are no religious prohibitions on drinking alcohol, there are traditions that encourage this phenomenon.
Personality factors
Ethanol-containing product cravings on the riseunder the influence of emotional stress. In chronic alcoholism, the symptoms of this pathology at the very beginning of development are accompanied by a feeling of depression, nervousness. Often, people who are prone to increased anxiety, suffering from loneliness, and dissatisfaction with life face such an addiction. Failures in personal relationships, a constant feeling of fatigue, traumatic events, conflicts, financial troubles - all this pushes a person to use alcohol as a recreation.

Shy, shy and sensitive individuals find it difficult to establish social contacts and advance in the service. To improve their mood and gain self-confidence, such individuals begin to drink. However, these people are unaware of the harm they cause to the physical and mental state. After all, alcohol does not help to overcome difficulties, but only creates new problems, leads an addicted person to illness and degradation. There are several stages in the development of pathology. The stages of this state are discussed in the next section.
How does the disease form and progress?
Speaking about alcoholism, symptoms, treatment of such a pathology, it should be noted that experts distinguish several of its stages. Distinguish the following phases of the disorder.
The first stage. At this stage, an addicted person develops a craving for products that contain ethanol. Even if the individual does not consume alcohol too often, increased desire is considered a bad sign. The patient does not understandseriousness of his situation, refuses to wage any struggle with addiction. He drinks a large amount of products containing alcohol, and reaches a state of severe intoxication. The person shows aggression, anxiety. The next day after drinking ethanol, there is no vomiting. There is no need to take a new dose of the drink. Gradually, the initial phase of the pathology passes to the next stage.
Second stage. This period is characterized by an increase in the amount of ethanol. Now, to achieve the desired effect, a person drinks much more. The individual has a pronounced need for such products and loses a critical attitude to its volume. In the absence of alcohol, the patient suffers from a whole range of disorders. He suffers from sleep problems, pressure surges and heart rhythm failures. There is a tremor of the limbs, bouts of vomiting after eating food and liquids that do not contain ethanol. Mental disorders appear, which are accompanied by aggression, visions and delirium. In this state, the patient is a danger to himself and others. Trying to get rid of these phenomena, he resumes drinking alcohol.
Third phase. It represents the final stage of addiction. The patient shows signs of intoxication after drinking small doses. The severe consequences associated with the cessation of alcohol consumption lead to the fact that a person needs a glass every day. Mental abilities deteriorate, he alth deteriorates, a person loses social skills. Such individuals do not work, lose contact with loved ones, do not look after theirappearance. Often they are prone to wandering, asking for money in the hope of buying another bottle.
Alcoholism: symptoms and mechanisms of development in the stronger sex
Traditionally, a man is considered a protector, a reliable support. A drinking relative not only suffers himself, but also provokes negative emotions in relatives. Persons of the stronger sex who abuse ethanol are quite common. This habit is formed under the influence of many factors. Traditions with plentiful feasts, emotional upheavals become the causes that provoke the disease. Gradually drinking becomes regular. The individual is looking for excuses for addiction: you need to improve your mood, support the company, not offend friends, relax after work, cope with conflict, bereavement. The patient's social circle is changing. He is only friends with those who have the same addiction. Only in their environment the patient feels comfortable. The rest avoid the patient or reproach. The symptoms of alcoholism in men develop slowly, but soon disturbances in the stability of the psyche become noticeable. The patient loses interests, does not pay attention to family, work, does not care about relatives. The state of a person becomes depressed, he shows aggression, commits criminal acts.

In order to get a dose of alcohol, the patient is ready for anything. With alcoholism, symptoms also include a lack of critical attitude towards one's addiction. A person is angry at those who reproach him for lack of will and convince him to be treated. The patient often does not rememberevents that occurred while drinking, cannot give an adequate assessment of their behavior. Later, severe mental abnormalities are observed, such as visions and "voices".
The effect of ethanol on physical well-being
In alcoholism, the symptoms and consequences affect all systems of the human body. The fact is that the decay products of alcohol provoke intoxication. Regularly drinking such drinks, a person introduces himself into a state of chronic poisoning. Ethanol weakens the heart muscle. Alcoholics have problems with blood vessels, the absorption of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted. In some cases, even a single alcohol poisoning leads to the development of a heart attack. In addition, patients with alcoholism experience jumps in blood pressure, fluid retention in tissues, and swelling.
Ethanol has a negative effect on the digestive organs. Products corrode the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation. The natural mechanism for protecting the stomach from harmful substances (including large amounts of alcohol) is vomiting. Dependent persons do not have this reaction. Even more damage to the state of the digestive system causes the use of s alty, smoked snacks.
The main symptoms of alcoholism also include inflammation in the pancreas and liver. These diseases often become severe. In advanced cases, they lead to death. The death of liver cells provokes a pathology such as cirrhosis.

Unfortunately, it often results in death. The urinary system also suffers from drinking ethanol. A symptom of poor kidney condition is swelling on the surface of the face and body. Patients present with impaired motor function. It is expressed in gait disturbances and partial loss of sensation.
Women's alcoholism: symptoms and signs. Consequences of pathology
Today, doctors are increasingly talking about the spread of addiction among the fair sex. What reasons can explain this trend? A woman begins to drink as a result of financial difficulties or problems at work. Loneliness, conflicts and failures in personal life also contribute to the formation of a harmful addiction. Women who have experienced the death of a loved one, the illness of their daughter or son, divorce and other traumatic situations are prone to this pathology.

Sometimes girls from a young age abuse ethanol under the influence of the environment, they strive to be like the rest. Women who have deviations in the work of the central nervous system are prone to addiction.
Symptoms of alcoholism in women develop much faster than in the stronger sex. Treatment of pathology is much more difficult. In the early stages of the disease, the patient is attracted to ethanol, finding new reasons for its consumption. The environment of the girl is changing. Only those acquaintances who also have this predilection remain in it. Often a woman, in order not to cause reproaches and disgust from relatives and friends, does not drink alcohol in the company, preferring to drink quietly, alone. The patient losesinterest in relatives, does not care about the household, children, the only reason for joy is a feast. She is looking for excuses for drinking regularly. A girl can say that ethanol helps to relax after a hard day, fall asleep, cope with sadness. At the same time, she does not monitor the amount of alcohol she has drunk, sometimes reaching the point of fainting. Any criticism causes aggression. The patient thinks she is he althy, does not admit that she has a problem.
In female alcoholism, the symptoms are similar to those of the strong half of humanity. These include not gagging, requiring large doses to feel pleasure. The patient begins to drink more frequently, with episodes of drinking reaching two to three times a week.
Often, patients are prone to promiscuous intimate contacts, they are diagnosed with STDs. The children of addicted women suffer from intellectual disabilities, he alth problems, and most of them are mentally handicapped.
With alcoholism, the signs and symptoms, as well as the consequences, develop much more rapidly in the fair sex than in men. For example, there is a rapid death of liver cells, mental disorders occur (aggressiveness, a tendency to depression, tantrums).
Beer addiction
This product is considered not too dangerous. However, addiction to it causes serious he alth and mental disorders. Affordable price, wide distribution and advertising make beer attractive, especially for boys and girls.

The ethanol contained in this drink isleads to malfunctions of the heart muscle, the occurrence of respiratory disorders, metabolism.
Kidney disease, hormone production disorders, extra pounds - these are typical symptoms of beer alcoholism. Treatment of pathology is extremely difficult. This fact is explained by the presence of many components in the drink. In addition, patients with such dependence are often resistant to drugs. Boys and girls become victims of the disease. Some medicines are prohibited for use by persons of adolescence. Nevertheless, beer alcoholism can be cured. The main condition is the desire of the patient. It is then that the measures taken by the doctors to save him are effective.
In general, therapy for any form of this disease involves taking the following medications:
- Drugs that remove harmful compounds from the body.
- Means to eliminate mental problems (insomnia, agitation, aggression).
- Drugs that cause rejection, physical rejection of alcohol-containing products.
- Vitamins.
Also, hypnosis is used to deal with the problem, work with a psychotherapist in a group or individually.