Alcoholism is a disease that develops on a psychological level, because the patient develops addiction. Since it is much more difficult to return such a drinking person to normal life, it is easier to initially keep him away from alcohol. Their predilection is earlier and more aggravated. What stage of alcoholism a person has determines the course of his treatment.
The following causes of alcoholism are distinguished:
- Genetic.
- Psychological.
- Social.
The main problem is genetic. It is easier to keep a person away from alcohol than to cure him.
If the family has an addiction to alcohol, then the chance of developing the disease increases. This is due to deviations in the genes. Such people start drinking at a fairly early age, instantly become an inveterate drunkard and in fact it is impossible to cure them.
The best way is not to drink at all, not to keep alcohol at home, not to communicate with people who drink, in general, do everything possible so that a person does not get involved in a harmful business.
To identify this predisposition, it is necessary to take a general blood test for genetics.
Psychological reason. Self-doubt, low self-esteem.aggressive, emotional people who are capable of inappropriate actions. A person without a socially positive attitude, who has no desire for anything, who does not know how to distribute his free time. Lost interest in life.
Social factor. Left without a job, easy access to liquor, family quarrels, divorce and more. Someone adequately experiences their problems, someone falls into depression, into hopelessness.

First symptoms
As expected, in the early stages of alcoholism in men and women, a person begins to notice cravings for alcohol.
At this stage, there are no organismal changes yet, but a psychological habit is already emerging. A person can live without alcohol, but in moments of failure, he will definitely want to drink. External changes are also not observed. The person continues to strive for the intended goals. It is important that if he began to notice such symptoms behind him, he should gather all his strength into a fist and stop drinking alcohol.
When it might be too late
If at first a person could not cope with alcoholism, then he is overtaken by the following symptoms characteristic of the stage of chronic alcoholism:
- No vomiting. After prolonged use of alcohol, the liver ceases to perceive alcohol as a strong danger. That is why there is no vomiting.
- The norm is getting higher. A person begins to notice that he can drink many times more than a few months ago.
- Drinking. While drinking, a persona small amount of alcohol is enough to feel very intoxicated. In the morning, a hangover appears, so the addicted person feels a strong craving for alcohol. The human psyche changes a lot, moments of apathy come, aggression is often present, hallucinations are possible.
Narcologists determine the degree of drunkenness and a more neglected degree of alcoholism. Each of them also has three stages.

At this stage, addiction to alcohol is just beginning to develop, although at the physical level the patient is already experiencing the destructive power of a bad habit. However, the patient's inner circle already notices his personality and behavior changes. Drinking Stages:
1. Episodic drinking. This is the initial stage of alcoholism in men, the signs of which are as follows (also happens in women):
- drinks occasionally;
- a person does not yet know his norm to achieve a state of intoxication;
- the next day the patient is tormented by symptoms of poisoning;
- he is not attracted to alcohol, provocateurs contribute to this;
- At this stage, the person feels an aversion to alcohol.
2. ritual drunkenness. At this stage of alcoholism in women and men, the patient justifies the use of alcohol as a festive occasion. It has negative consequences:
- every holiday the patient associates with the use of alcohol;
- a person often finds a reason to use;
- later the holiday is celebrated for severaldays.
3. Habitual drunkenness. This is the last stage of drunkenness and the initial stage of alcoholism, the symptoms in men with it are quite obvious. Drunkenness is a habit, and alcoholism is already a disease, that is, an ingrained habit. At this stage, the person:
- drinks alcohol for no reason;
- drinks more than twice a week.

Stages of alcoholism
Only an experienced narcologist can determine the stage of the disease. Usually these stages are divided into:
1. The first stage of alcoholism, the symptoms are as follows:
- Patient drinks more often and much more.
- A person is looking for an excuse to drink and considers it the norm.
- Alcohol is vital for the patient, otherwise he feels unwell and oppressed.
- The patient rarely suffers from signs of poisoning after drinking.
- The patient reacts sharply and irritably to the prohibition of alcohol consumption.
- Begin problems with pressure and develop gastritis.
- With hangover syndromes, the patient can still refrain from drinking.
2. The second stage of alcoholism. At this stage, the predisposition to alcohol is already replaced by addiction. A person with a hangover needs to drink alcohol again, otherwise he cannot cope with discomfort. At this stage of alcoholism, the symptoms are:
- The patient no longer responds to criticism and requests from others to stop drinking.
- At this stage, there is moral and mental decaypersonality.
- Sudden mood swings, aggression.
- Insomnia and depression.
- Permanently depressed state due to hangover.
- Hypertension appears.
- Disorders of the nervous and circulatory systems develop.
- A stomach ulcer develops.
3. The third stage of alcoholism. This is the most dangerous stage, because the patient already at all levels experiences the loss of vital body functions, that is, he becomes disabled. In this last stage of alcoholism one notices:
- Memory loss.
- Carelessness.
- Weak thinking.
- Persistent fatigue.
- Excessive irritability even to previously familiar things.
- Untidy and messy.
- Difficult relationships with others.
- The patient's body no longer resists alcohol.
- At the slightest dose of alcohol, intoxication and signs of poisoning are felt.
- Develops cirrhosis of the liver, cancer, diabetes.
- Heart attack often.
- Degradation of personality.
- Drinking alcohol can cause death.
At this stage of alcoholism, the symptoms and consequences for men and women are disappointing, treatment is carried out only in a closed medical facility under the close supervision of specialists. Alcoholics are treated not by one narcologist, but by a team of psychologists and other specialists.

As a result of how alcoholism passes and progresses, permissions are notedhis "I". People who drink are in denial about their disease.
- There is a degradation of personality. There is a destruction of emotional volitional spheres, they note progressive apathy and ease, indifference to the outside world, only alcohol.
- There is a period of anger, irritation, a hysterical fit (mainly in the fair half).
- Development of complex mental consequences.
- Decrease in personal qualities as a result of the loss of moral value and interest. Suicidal tendencies.
- Deteriorating intelligence and memory.
- Severe mood swings, alcoholic depression, aggression, dysphoria, hallucinations, delusions of jealousy.
- Dementia.
A very important consequence of alcoholic beverages for the body is a serious somatic disease, a combination of anomalies of various organs and systems that can lead to disability and even death. After all, virtually all internal organs and systems of the patient are affected here.
Effect on the central nervous system
Long and frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages affects virtually all organs and systems of the body, as well as the proper functioning of the central nervous system. The toxic effects of alcoholic beverages on the brain occur even with slight intoxication - changes in the regulatory mechanism of the entire structure of the cortex are noticed, the speed of the control center is destroyed, which provokes a partial loss of control over one's behavior, mood changes, and in the future - the appearance of a negative reaction - aggression, irritation and inadequate psychopathic reaction of the brain.
Alcoholicdrinks have different effects on brain activity - in most patients, stimulation of the entire nervous process is traced, and in some, ethanol has a depressing effect on the brain. When exposed to ethyl alcohol, pathological changes in the metabolic process in neurons occur, which negatively affects the activity of all sensory organs, the intellectual capacity of the brain and memory decreases, and the progression of the death of CNS cells leads to the formation of permanent encephalopathy, cerebral infarction, and acute cerebral syndrome develops (epileptiform and cerebellar). Leads to diseases such as Parkinson's disease. Causes a structural change in the brain (pathological fragility).

Drugs for alcoholism
The most commonly used drugs for alcoholism are:
- "Esperal". It contains disulfiram, production - France. There are tablets, ampoules. Tablets are the easiest to take because they are more easily tolerated by patients. The meaning of the effect of the drug is the creation of negative reflexes on the use of alcoholic beverages, through the destruction of ethanol. The drug accumulates in human adipose tissue and acts in full force for two days.
- "Kolma". Made in the form of drops, has no color and aroma. Bottle with dispenser. The cure is hard to find, and is often used as a covert cure for alcoholic beverages by adding an alcoholic to an ethanol-free drink or food. According to the recommendations, before taking the drops, you need to dissolve inliquid consistency. The main substance of the drug is cyanamide, which has a property similar to disulfirm, which helps to break down ethyl alcohol. It is advised to use in the treatment of chronic alcoholism of the second or third degree.
- "N altrexone". It is a drug that blocks the enjoyment of alcoholic beverages. Made in capsules.
- "Ferronite". Affects the enzyme system of the liver. When drinking alcohol, it causes acute acetaldehyde poisoning, which is accompanied by such signs as: redness of the skin, asthma attack, wet sweat, nausea.
"Naloxone". Not used directly for coding, but may be useful if you need help if you are in a coma while drinking alcohol. The drug is effective in overdose of narcotic substances, since Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist

Herbs for alcoholism
Is it possible to recover from alcoholism? Easily! The main thing is that the patient is aware that he needs help. Not necessarily the solution to the problem of alcoholism can be medical assistance (coding). You can use old grandmother's advice by simply applying decoctions of certain herbs.
The most common herb for alcoholism is thyme. It has been used for many years now. To prevent the disease, it was often added to tea. For its use as a remedy, a decoction of thyme is made. Pour boiling water over driedgrass and, insisting in a dark place for a day, a miracle cure is obtained. You can buy at a pharmacy, collect yourself. It is worth noting that the store sells only teas with thyme.
Thyme is incompatible with alcohol. That is why a person who has drunk a decoction will not be able to drink alcohol. He will get nausea and vomiting.
Don't assume that thyme is a magical herb, and after a single case, an alcoholic will stop drinking. In order for the desired effect to appear, he must drink a decoction of thyme for at least two months.
Lovage and bay leaf
Lovage root is widely used by healers. Many years ago it was practiced as a remedy for the treatment of the heart. But together with bay leaf, lovage can be an excellent remedy for alcoholism. It will be most useful to use the lovage root, which has just bloomed. Pharmacies also sell this remedy, but when buying it, you cannot be sure of its freshness. Pharmaceutical herbs can help but take longer to heal.
Drinking the infusion of these herbs before the celebration, you can be sure that a person will not be able to drink alcohol. Even after one glass of alcohol, a person will feel dizzy, in some cases even vomiting.
Treatment time. Here it is worth judging by the stage of alcoholism. If such an infusion will take the alcoholic out of hard drinking, then it will take about ten days for the body to begin to reject alcohol. If you use this tool as a preventive measure, then one time will be enough.
This is one of the fewherbs to be added directly to alcohol. It has the properties of removing toxins from the body and cleansing the liver. As a treatment, only the powder of the root of this plant is used. Therefore, it is better to buy it ready-made in a pharmacy. You can harvest it yourself, but you will need to properly dry and grind it.
Cleansing the body of toxins and harmful substances, the hoof, getting into the body together with an alcoholic drink, first of all begins to cleanse the body of it. This results in severe nausea and vomiting. With prolonged use of a decoction, a person's hoof will feel sick even with the smell of alcohol.

Prevention from alcoholism
Prevention is considered necessary and useful, because it is much easier to foresee and stop than to deal with the consequences, and the cure is difficult and not every time successful. Many drunken people after such treatment feel light, but after a while they start drinking alcohol again. The course of therapy is divided into the following types:
- primary;
- secondary;
- tertiary.
Prevention takes place in the form of communication. This helps prevent alcohol addiction. This includes chatting, watching different videos, and listening to interviews with different personalities who have consumed alcohol. A person who is fighting this problem is removed from society and begins to promote a he althy lifestyle. Statistics show that the conversationboils down to a story about diseases that can occur when taking alcoholic beverages. The gastrointestinal tract is destroyed, the liver and kidneys, pancreas begin to get sick, pancreatitis occurs, turning into diabetes.
The given ideology is very influential. Previously, there was no such thing as a glass of delicious wine for breakfast to improve digestion. Today, more and more serious dinners are held with a drink. More and more families are being destroyed because of alcohol. Even an ordinary beer drink can do a lot of damage. After all, beer can disrupt the functioning of the nervous system and increase the amount of the female hormone in a man.