In this article, we will consider how the painless treatment of adenoids in a child with a laser is carried out. They are a hypertrophied tonsil of the pharynx, which is located on its back wall. Only a doctor can see her through a special mirror.

The main function of the tonsils is protection from various microbes. There are many tonsils in the pharynx, as well as smaller concentrations of lymphoid tissue. The pharyngeal tonsil is the largest accumulation of this tissue, which most often grows, becomes inflamed, transforming into adenoids that can seriously impair human he alth. In children, adenoids appear between the ages of two and seven and cause respiratory infections, accompanied by cough and chronic runny nose. Adenoid growths can become inflamed, and this process is called adenoiditis. The most effective way to get rid of them is to treat adenoids in a child with a laser.
For what purpose is removal requiredadenoids?
Naturally, not every child needs to have adenoids removed. But with too serious an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil, hearing deteriorates, a runny nose of a chronic nature appears, deformation of the facial skeleton becomes possible, and in this case, the removal of the adenoids is simply necessary. Otherwise, the following complications may arise:
- Lower local immunity. With an enlarged tonsil, the mouths of the auditory tubes, which connect the nasopharyngeal cavity with the middle ear, overlap. Due to stagnant factors, various rhinitis and otitis media develop. With a further increase in the tonsils, inflammation spreads to the structures located below - the bronchi, trachea, and pharynx.
- Hearing loss. An increase in the pharyngeal tonsil affects the decrease in the mobility of the tympanic septum. This is manifested in the fact that the child confuses individual words and sounds.
- Decreased performance and lethargy. Enlarged adenoids become the cause of a constant oxygen deficiency, the child is often forced to breathe through his mouth. In turn, lack of oxygen reduces mental abilities, increases fatigue, attention becomes scattered, weakness is characteristic.
- Allergy. Since the flow of mucus is difficult, the adenoids form an ideal environment for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria, and under the right circumstances, an allergic reaction can occur.
- The "adenoid type" of the facial skeleton is formed, which is due to a violation of the even development of bones, which is hindered by an overly large pharyngeal gland. The voice becomesnasal, the child cannot pronounce individual sounds.

Adenoids can also cause irritability, poor sleep and nocturnal enuresis.
Therapeutic impact and specifics of laser therapy
According to doctors, laser treatment of adenoids in children gives good results. The effectiveness of this method is evidenced by the fact that, due to its implementation, the removal of adenoids may not be necessary in the future. This treatment is a type of physiotherapy that involves heating the adenoid growths with a medical laser beam, which has the following effect:
- eliminates swelling;
- eliminates the process of inflammation;
- has an antimicrobial effect;
- reduces pain;
- enhances tissue regeneration;
- stimulates the immune system.
In what cases is laser treatment of adenoids in a child prescribed?

The main indication for laser therapy is an increase in the pharyngeal tonsil in a child of the first or second degree, which is not too pronounced. In addition, laser treatment is intended for children under the age of three in order to delay surgery. This is due to the fact that it is far from always possible to remove adenoids in early childhood.
Among the contraindications are:
- vascular and heart diseases;
- functional defectsthyroid;
- high temperature;
- blood pathology, especially anemia;
- tumors of various types;
- tuberculosis and other infections.

Treatment of adenoids in a child with a laser has the following advantages:
- restoring breathing through the nose;
- no pain;
- complete elimination of the infectious process and inflammation;
- local involvement of the inflamed area;
- improvement of blood microcirculation;
- increasing the absorption of drugs when used simultaneously with laser therapy;
- stimulation of local immunity;
- acceleration of material exchange;
- rapid improvement in he alth;
- out-of-hospital therapy.
Treatment of adenoids with a laser in children in Moscow is carried out in many clinics. For example, in the "ENT Clinic of Dr. Zaitsev", "Medionic", "On-Clinic".
Features of laser therapy
Before performing laser therapy, the following studies are required in children:

- Examination by an otolaryngologist. Only a specialist is able to determine the degree of enlargement of the amygdala and determine whether laser therapy will be effective in this situation. In addition to examination through a nasal mirror, the doctor can feel the adenoids with a finger or with a flexible or rigid endoscope. In the form of adenoids, such a dangerous neoplasm as juvenile angiofibroma of the nasopharynx can hide, and in this case, all physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are unacceptable.
- X-ray or computed tomography of the sinuses. X-ray examination of the sinuses near the nose is mandatory, since the adenoids can be combined with the process of inflammation of the air spaces, that is, sinusitis. If sinusitis is combined with adenoids, then there are no contraindications to physiotherapy, but it must be accompanied by drug therapy.
- Coagulogram and complete blood count. The latter is mostly screening in nature, however, it should be performed in order to exclude other comorbidities in which physiotherapeutic procedures are contraindicated. A coagulogram is also carried out for diagnostic purposes, but with reduced blood clotting, laser therapy is not recommended. The nasal cavity is pre-rinsed with saline spray, mucus and secretions from the adenoid surface are removed.

After this, anemization is carried out, causing local vascular spasm in the nasal mucosa. For this purpose, vasoconstrictors or adrenaline solution are used. With adenoids, laser therapy is a painless procedure. A certain difficulty lies only in keeping the child motionless. A laser light guide is inserted into the common nasal passage, and the adenoids are irradiated. The duration of treatment for adenoids inchild with a laser and the number of sessions are determined by the age of the patient. Experts recommend using the laser repeatedly for adenoids (during the year - two to three times). As soon as the course of laser therapy ends, it is advisable to continue drug therapy under the supervision of a physician, including also homeopathic remedies. Within ten days after laser irradiation, it is not recommended to visit the pool or bath, and physical activity is also not allowed. At the same time, sour and rough foods should not be consumed, and it is also necessary to refrain from taking cold or hot foods.
Adenoid reduction
Adenoids not only impede nasal breathing, but also close the mouths of the auditory tubes, as a result of which the ventilation of the middle ear is disturbed. As a result, diseases such as otitis can develop, which lead to the appearance of adhesions, scars, deposits of calcium s alts. Because of this, hearing is irreversibly reduced. Growths in large sizes, that is, in the third and fourth degrees, it is desirable to eliminate the surgical method. Before removal, they need to be treated, because the complete elimination of large growths is far from always possible, while even larger ones can grow from the remaining particles.
Effective treatment of adenoids in a child with a laser is now very popular. Currently, there are techniques that can reduce their size to normal, destroying pathological growths (vegetations) and not affecting he althy lymphoid tissue. Laser reduction, that is, reduction, of the adenoids is one of them. She isis the elimination of adenoid growths in an incomplete volume, due to which it is possible to significantly reduce the size of the organ and alleviate the patient's condition.
Features of the treatment of adenoids in a child with a laser are that in this case the inflamed tissue is evaporated and the capillaries that feed it are soldered. The remaining he althy lymphoid tissue continues to function. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and lasts no more than twenty minutes. In addition, laser destruction of vegetations is used, which is most often carried out by pulse-periodic laser exposure at several points on the adenoids. Adenoid growths are destroyed from the inside, as a result of which their compaction and further degeneration occur. Thanks to the treatment of adenoids in a child with a laser, the size of growths is reduced without pain, and the pharyngeal tonsil takes on its physiological appearance.

Prevention of adenoid growths
To prevent the development of adenoid vegetations in children, the following are carried out:
- prevention of acute respiratory pathologies and influenza - a balanced diet, hardening of the body, the use of immunity stimulants and vitamins in the cold season;
- maintaining nasal hygiene;
- timely treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, ear and acute respiratory infections;
- use of protective masks and prevention of association with patients with acute respiratory infections;
- contact a medical institution if the first symptoms of adenoidramifications.
Such a pathology is much easier to prevent than to treat in the future. But if removal is inevitable, laser intervention should be chosen as it is safe.
Reviews on laser treatment of adenoids in children
Reviews about this method of therapy are only good. The operation is completely painless and does not take too long. Recovery comes quickly. As a result, nasal breathing in a child improves, immunity is strengthened.