Frequent colds in a child, accompanied by nasal congestion and runny nose, may indicate the development of adenoiditis. A similar ailment is most often diagnosed among kids who attend preschool institutions. How to deal with this problem? Currently, experts recommend laser treatment of adenoids in children. Let's take a closer look at what this method is and its effectiveness.
Adenoids - what is it?
At the junction of the pharynx and nose of a person is the tonsil, which is called the nasopharyngeal or adenoids. The organ itself is a section of lymphoepithelial tissue that forms the pharyngeal ring.
The main function of the tonsil is to “trap” pathogens that enter the body through the mouth and produce lymphocytes. It is developed mainly in young children and actively “works” during the period of immunity formation. Why, then, can adenoids cause various pathological conditions? Let's try infigure it out.

The main reason for visiting an ENT is nasal congestion. In babies, a similar problem often develops against the background of the growth of tissues of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. This condition is called adenoiditis. Inflammation of the adenoids in children is usually a symptom of another disease, but in some cases they can become a separate problem that is chronic.
Causes of pathology
Growth of lymphoid tissue can occur if the child has a hereditary predisposition associated with disturbances in the functioning of the lymphatic and endocrine systems. In addition to an increased risk of developing adenoiditis, these children experience lethargy, constant fatigue, apathy - direct symptoms of thyroid pathologies.
If a child often suffers from colds, the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils simply does not have time to return to normal. Because of this, the adenoids are constantly in an inflamed state. A similar phenomenon is often observed in children who attend kindergartens.

Regular contact with an irritant (allergen) also contributes to a constant inflammatory process in the nasopharyngeal tonsil.
What else can provoke an increase in adenoids? Komarovsky E. O., a well-known pediatrician, whose opinion most modern parents listen to, claims that adenoiditis can develop even when inhaling too dry air or overheating. If in the room where the child spends most of the time,air parameters do not meet the recommended standards, it becomes more difficult for the baby to breathe through the nose. Overdried mucosa does not fulfill its task and begins to let viruses and microbes through, which then cause inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil.
The presence of some symptoms may indicate inflammation of the adenoids in children. Signs of illness include:
- constant or intermittent nasal congestion resulting in poor nasal breathing;
- snoring occurs during sleep;
- night sleep is disturbed due to the fact that the child is forced to breathe through the mouth;
- after sleep there is a dry barking cough;
- the child starts to hoot, the voice changes;
- otitis occurs more often, hearing weakens;
- deformation of the chest develops (in advanced cases);
- smell worsens.
To determine the degree of development of the pathological process and choose a method of therapy, diagnostics will be required. Currently, otolaryngologists most often perform pharyngoscopy, anterior and posterior rhinoscopy. More accurately determine the degree of adenoiditis allows x-ray of the nasopharynx and video endoscopy. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, laser treatment of adenoids in children may be required. However, conservative treatment options can be tried first.
Treatment methods
At the initial and middle stages of the development of pathology, doctors recommend drug therapy aimed at reducing the size of the adenoids and strengthening the defenseschild's body. E. O. Komarovsky recommends starting treatment of adenoids as early as possible. After all, only in this case will it be possible to avoid serious consequences.

The most popular methods are nasal lavage, topical application of antiseptics, instillation of hormonal and vasoconstrictor drops. Physiotherapy will help to enhance the effect of drugs: warming up, magnetotherapy, electrophoresis and laser therapy.
Laser application
One of the most common ways to treat inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is laser therapy. This is a fairly effective method belonging to the category of physiotherapy. Laser treatment of adenoids in children avoids surgical intervention. Although until some time only the removal of the tonsils was considered the most rational treatment option.

When using a medical laser, the overgrown lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is heated. This can be achieved by the appearance of light flashes with different amplitudes. Light types of lasers allow you to transfer light energy to cells and accelerate blood circulation in tissues. The device has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial effect.
Indications for laser therapy
Using a laser for adenoids in children is recommended only in cases where the disease is in the first or second stage of development. At these stages, this methodtreatment can still have a positive effect. If the child is completely unable to breathe through the nose due to the enlargement of the tonsil in the nasopharynx, the doctor may recommend only surgical removal of the adenoids.
Until the age of three, the procedure is prescribed for babies with any degree of hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. Exposure to laser radiation in such cases helps to significantly slow down the process of adenoid enlargement or completely prevent it and avoid further surgery.

Adenoids are treated with laser even for the smallest children. This method has many advantages:
- no pain;
- no need to go to the hospital for the procedure;
- the beam of the light device only affects inflamed tissues;
- manipulation leads to an improvement in metabolic processes, which contributes to a speedy recovery;
- laser radiation improves the absorption of drugs and enhances their effectiveness;
- rehabilitation after manipulation is very fast.
Adenoid cutting with laser
Children with severe adenoiditis may be completely unable to breathe through their nose. This, in turn, leads to cerebral hypoxia, a violation of cardiac activity. Oxygen starvation leads to memory deterioration, constant weakness, drowsiness.
There is a huge risk of stopping breathing during sleep. permanentbreathing through the mouth causes a change in the skeleton of the face and deforms the chest. In such cases, only the removal of adenoids in children with a laser is indicated. Feedback on the consequences of such a procedure is positive. For its implementation, specialists use high-frequency lasers, called in practice "surgical knives".

Reviews say that the manipulation is usually carried out under local anesthesia. In some cases, during the operation, the removal of areas of overgrown lymphoid tissue has to be carried out with a scalpel, and only after that a laser is used.
Removal of vegetation with a laser is due to the evaporation of the liquid. The doctor at the same time directs the beam to the swollen tissue, heats up and excised the area. If the volume is large, the procedure will need to be repeated.
Laser removal of the overgrown tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil can be carried out using the coagulation method. This method is used only for large areas of vegetation. Removal of the adenoid is carried out by means of a burn.
Cauterization of adenoids in children with a carbon dioxide laser is used only in cases where the nasopharyngeal tonsils are slightly enlarged. The technique allows you to smooth out the overgrown tissue structures by evaporating water.
Intratissue coagulation also allows you to evaporate submucosal tissue structures without damaging the tonsil membrane itself. Laser destruction can be prescribed after surgical removal of the adenoids. At the same time, most of the expandedThe specialist removes tissues in a standard way, and the laser beam subsequently helps to evaporate the remaining inflamed areas.
Contraindications for the procedure
Cutting of the adenoids with a laser is carried out only according to strict indications. The need for such a procedure is determined by a specialist after a preliminary diagnosis.
In some cases, this method of therapy is contraindicated. It is not prescribed for blood diseases, thyroid dysfunction, cardiovascular ailments, an open form of tuberculosis.
Preparation and manipulation
Before the procedure, the baby must be shown to the otolaryngologist. The doctor determines the degree of development of adenoiditis and decides on the need for laser removal of overgrown tissues.
It is impossible to start laser treatment of adenoids in children without first passing laboratory tests. A general blood test is required to exclude the presence of other inflammatory processes in the body. Coagulogram allows you to determine blood clotting.

The duration of the procedure should be determined by a specialist. In some cases, the doctor may recommend removing the adenoids in several sessions.
Where are adenoids removed by laser? For children, a similar procedure is carried out only in specialized ENT rooms. The cost will depend on the chosen method of therapy.
After laser removal of adenoids and following the recommendationsdoctor, the risk of recurrence of the disease is reduced to 15%. According to reviews, it is possible to fully recover in a month.
To speed up rehabilitation and avoid negative consequences, it is necessary to free the child from physical activity for at least 2 weeks. Only warm food and drinks can be eaten. It is highly recommended not to overheat the baby.
Respiratory gymnastics is mandatory, which will help improve gas exchange in the lungs. It is advisable to keep a humidifier running in the child's room at all times.
In the future, it is important to choose a set of measures aimed at strengthening the body's defenses. This can be taking vitamin-containing products, regular exercise, long walks in the fresh air, proper nutrition, the use of folk methods to strengthen immunity.