"Sorbifer Durules": instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

"Sorbifer Durules": instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews
"Sorbifer Durules": instructions for use, analogues, composition and reviews

Iron deficiency anemia in one way or another is in every fourth woman. In men, this condition also occurs, but in girls more often, since their body undergoes monthly blood loss. The modern drug "Sorbifer Durules" is effective for anemia of any etiology. This is a modern combined preparation that contains ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid. At the same time, it has a fairly reasonable price. Instructions, reviews of "Sorbifer Durules", dosage and method of administration - everything is described in this article.

What is iron deficiency anemia and how does it manifest?

This diagnosis was previously known as anemia. Since ancient times, people have noticed that women sometimes have symptoms that reduce the quality of life: pallor, weakness, lack of vitality. With the development of microbiology, it became clear that anemia is a condition that occurs with prolonged iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of all currently known anemia,which is due to a large number of reasons and circumstances that can lead to a lack of iron, which will lead to various disorders that are unsafe for the body.

Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:

  • constant weakness;
  • lack of taste for life;
  • asthenia, dysphoria, anhedonia;
  • mental problems: increased vulnerability, anxiety, irritability;
  • characteristic pallor of the skin (especially the face);
  • alopecia (baldness);
  • sphincter weakness (urinary and fecal incontinence);
  • increased swelling of the limbs and face.
sorbifer durules reviews
sorbifer durules reviews

Why does a person need iron and what forms of this element exist in pharmacology?

In our body with you, the average indicator of the presence of iron is 3.5-4.5 g. Of this amount, about two-thirds are located in the blood, one-third is stored in the liver, muscle tissues, and spleen.

Iron is necessary for a person, since its deficiency disrupts the following processes:

  • cholesterol metabolism;
  • liver function;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • hemoglobin synthesis;
  • work of the immune system;
  • various redox reactions;
  • thyroid function.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that every process in the human body to some extent passes through the influence of ferritin.

hemoglobin in the blood
hemoglobin in the blood

Not all iron preparations are equally useful: very often trivalentthe form is simply not absorbed and leaves the body along with feces. Instructions for use for "Sorbifer Durules" reports that it contains a ferrous compound, which is better absorbed. In addition, in the manufacture of capsules, a special technology is used that allows the molecules of the element to be released gradually, as they move through the gastrointestinal tract. This fact distinguishes this iron preparation from all others.

Composition of the drug "Sorbifer Durules"

The drug is a large tablet in a special shell, which dissolves slowly and only under the influence of special enzymes. This technology allows the iron to be completely absorbed by the body and bring maximum benefit to the patient. The release of element ions occurs for a total of six to seven hours after taking the pill. This is the essence of the Durules technology: the name of the drug consists of two words, and the second is just the patented principle of slow absorption.

Sorbifer Durules may be absorbed slightly slower after meals than when taken on an empty stomach (the difference is about two hours).

The drug is sold in thick glass bottles, each containing 30 or 50 tablets.

Composition of one tablet:

  • iron sulfate - 320 milligrams;
  • ascorbic acid - 60 mg.

Manufacturers enriched the composition of the drug with ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) for a reason. This component increases the absorption of iron. Thanks to the Durules technology and ascorbic acid in the composition, it was possible to achieve almost one hundred percent digestibility of ferrum.

instructions for sorbifer durules
instructions for sorbifer durules

Cost, where to buy

The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The cost of a bottle with 30 tablets is about four hundred rubles, 50 tablets will cost 600 rubles. Depending on the region (place of purchase) and the markup of the pharmacy chain, the cost may differ. The packaging includes a cardboard box containing a glass vial of pills and instructions.

The price of "Sorbifer Durules" and its effectiveness make the drug popular among various categories of patients. Many buy it after reading rave reviews about its action. Some patients receive a prescription to buy from neuropathologists and endocrinologists.

Indications for use

Instructions for the use of "Sorbifer Durules" (the price can be found above) reports that the drug is active in the following conditions and pathologies:

  • prolonged bleeding of various nature (uterine, after surgical interventions or injuries, and so on);
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • intentional or unintentional fasting;
  • malabsorption of iron from food;
  • alopecia malignant.

The drug is effective only for anemia, provoked by a lack or impaired absorption of ferritin (iron). If the causes of anemia are different, Sorbifer Durules is useless. How to take the drug forin order for it to provide the maximum benefit to the body, will be described below.

symptoms of chronic anemia
symptoms of chronic anemia

Side effects

The drug often causes the following side effects:

  • from the side of the nervous system: insomnia, alertness, motor activity, nervous tics (rarely);
  • from the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, prolonged diarrhea, black staining of feces;
  • from the endocrine system: loss of appetite, weight loss, fats may not be partially absorbed (rarely);
  • quite rarely, the drug can provoke ulceration, narrowing of the esophagus.

How to take "Sorbifer Durules" to avoid side effects? Start taking with the minimum daily dose. If the patient weighs less than forty kilograms and there is a diagnosed iron deficiency anemia of the third degree, you can start taking half a tablet (despite the fact that it is not recommended to cut the tablet so as not to violate the integrity of the shell).

Contraindications for taking

The drug has a number of contraindications:

  • hemosiderosis;
  • hemochromatosis;
  • aplastic and hemolytic anemia;
  • sideroblastic anemia;
  • under the age of twelve;
  • esophageal disorders (iron can aggravate them).

Also, the reception is prohibited in certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, before prescribing drugs with iron, doctors play it safe and refer the patient for a complete examination togastroenterologist. This is done in order to avoid problems with the esophagus and stomach. Iron preparations can aggravate the course of erosion and ulcers of the esophagus, stomach, intestines.

how to take sorbifer durules
how to take sorbifer durules

Drug Interactions

With the simultaneous appointment of "Sorbifer Durules" and antibiotics of the tetracycline group, there is a significant decrease in the absorption of both drugs. Concurrent use of these drugs is not recommended.

Antacids (drugs with magnesium, aluminum, calcium) significantly reduce the absorption of iron ions.

The use of "Sorbifer Durules" reduces the absorption of "Enoxacin", "Methyldopa", "Levofloxacin", "Clodronate" (and all drugs containing their metabolites), thyroid-stimulating hormones. In case of emergency, the combination of these drugs should wait at least three hours between doses of therapeutic doses. The absorption of the drug is negatively affected by "Chloramphenicol" and oral contraceptives, as well as some foods and drinks (milk, eggs, tea, coffee, juices, bread).

Recommended dosages

The tablet should be taken whole, without chewing. Drink clean cool water.

How should I use "Sorbifer Durules": before meals or after? The opinion of doctors and the information from the instructions are unanimous: take the pill twenty to thirty minutes before meals. In rare cases, when taking on an empty stomach provokes severe nausea and vomiting, you cantake the tablet immediately after a meal. This method will not reduce the effectiveness of the drug, but it may take more time for the absorption of iron.

One or two tablets should be taken per day, the amount depends on the hemoglobin and ferritin levels in the patient's blood. If iron deficiency anemia is pronounced, it is worth taking two tablets, after one or two months, as the patient's condition improves, switch to a dosage of one tablet per day.

ferrum preparations for iron deficiency anemia
ferrum preparations for iron deficiency anemia

"Sorbifer Durules" during pregnancy: benefit or harm

The state of pregnancy imposes strict limits and restrictions on the list of medications taken. Alas, in an interesting position, iron deficiency anemia most often develops and hemoglobin and ferritin levels decrease. A growing fetus takes a lot of vitamins and microelements for itself, which is why a deficiency of one or another substance develops so often.

"Sorbifer Durules" during pregnancy is used in the absence of contraindications. As a rule, the patient is prescribed one tablet per day, twenty to thirty minutes before meals. Most often, hemoglobin levels increase significantly after two to three weeks from the start of therapy.

Reviews on the use of the drug

Today, "Sorbifer" is the most popular and frequently prescribed iron preparation. It is perfectly absorbed and well tolerated by the body, it is even allowed for use by pregnant women, which is confirmed by the instructions for use. Reviews about"Sorbifere Durules" mostly positive.

Some patients write their impressions of the drug after a short period of time (one to one and a half months). This period is very short. In some cases, hemoglobin and ferritin levels even out and become closer to normal only after three to four months of constant intake and changes in their diet.

Negative reviews are most often written by patients who simply did not have time to feel the effect of the drug. After two to three weeks from the start of taking the medication, iron levels are just beginning to rise. Sometimes this is enough to make the patient feel better. And in some cases, therapy can last up to a year of continuous iron supplementation.

how to take sorbifer durules
how to take sorbifer durules

Doctors' advice for the most effective reception

In order for anemia not to return again after the course of treatment, you should follow simple rules:

  • Do not starve and make sure that the diet is complete and varied.
  • Completely eliminate alcoholic beverages from the diet, which provoke the development of anemia.
  • Don't abruptly cut off the course of treatment: if you stop taking a pill every other day, then skip two days, and so on.
  • If a woman has heavy periods and she is experiencing large blood loss, it is worth taking "Sorbifer Durules" as a prophylaxis, one tablet several days a month.

Analogues and substitutes for the drug

ModernThe pharmacological market offers the following effective analogues of "Sorbifer Durules":

  • "Fenules";
  • "Hemofer";
  • "M altofer";
  • "Aktiferrin Composite".

Some preparations contain more iron, some less. Based on the individual characteristics of the patient, a competent hematologist or endocrinologist can select the optimal iron preparation.

In the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, it is preferable to use drugs with iron, rather than multivitamins. Vitamin-mineral complexes contain not only iron, but also elements that prevent its absorption (calcium, magnesium). Thus, taking such dietary supplements becomes almost completely useless.
