Passionate kisses of the second half are always pleasant. But in some cases, such manifestations of strong love leave marks on the skin in the form of hickeys. They can appear on the neck, lips, cheeks, and also on the hands. To be able to distinguish a bruise on the neck from a hickey, it is important to know some of their features.
Two kinds of bruises
Bruises appear after strong pressure on the skin. Especially they will look ugly before an important event. An undisguised bruise on the neck causes unpleasant conversations from society. The main reason for their appearance may be a blow, a strong slap, pinching the skin and similar traumatic effects.
Hickey refers to the bruising that occurs after a rough kiss. When the skin is sucked, an effect on the capillaries is manifested. With strong pressure, they burst, causing a small hemorrhage. This creates a patch of bright pink, red, or dark blue on the surface of the skin.

Speed up the healing process
How long does a bruise on your neck last? It may not go up to 12 days. Treatment is needed to speed up the healing process. It is important to know how to quickly remove a hickey on the neck. At the first detection of a bruise, rub the place with your fingers, massaging intensively. In some cases, it is recommended to apply ice to bruises. It is used within 10 minutes after the hickey appears. It is important not to overcool the skin, so you should not keep it longer. From a medical point of view, a bruise on the neck is a hematoma that cannot be removed in the first 2 days. If left untreated, it will take 3 weeks for the skin to recover.
To quickly disguise a hematoma, you can stick a band-aid in place or apply foundation.

Effective remedies
To achieve a quick result, you can use the following folk tricks and techniques:
- Raw potatoes fight the first signs of a bruise. To do this, the root crop must be grated and applied to the reddened place. The product is left on the skin for half an hour. You can also use vegetable tubers.
- Garlic or onion cut into 2 parts. One must be applied to a place with a hematoma. After 5 minutes, replace it with the other half.
- As mentioned above, the use of ice reduces redness and puffiness.
- Inflammation can also be reduced with an iodine mesh. It is done if the hickey was delivered a few minutes ago.
- A simple spoon, previously kept in the freezer, will help get rid of a bruise.
- Aloe leaves are used as a compress. Beforeusing the plant is aged in alcohol or vodka.
- Cabbage relieves inflammation and redness. Before going to bed, it is worth attaching a leaf of vegetable to the place of hickey. It must first be crushed with a rolling pin. The next morning the bruise should decrease.
- Baking soda mixed with water relieves hematoma. The product is applied for 12 hours.
One of the most effective remedies is regular toothpaste. Any, therapeutic or prophylactic, will do. A little paste should be applied to the site of the hematoma. The tool must be left for an hour. The paste is washed off with a soft washcloth.

Various tricks
Unlike men, girls will always find a way to hide hickeys on the skin. For many of them, it is a shame to show up to school and work with bruises. Therefore, in order to hide such a nuisance, modern girls resort to various tricks:
- If you have a hickey on your hands, you can wear long-sleeved clothes. Easily hide the damaged area with stickers, watches and bracelets.
- You can wrap your neck with a scarf or choose a blouse with a high collar. Also loose your hair and use thick beads.
- Bruise on the lips will help hide bright lipstick.
- Hematoma on the neckline can also be hidden with clothes and a scarf.
The hickey on the face and on the top of the neck is very hard to hide. In this case, it is worth resorting to decorative cosmetics. Concealer, foundation and powder are applied to the hematoma. If necessary, you can use a green tint corrector. It is applied to the middle of the bruise. Next you needuse concealer, foundation and powder on top.

Men rarely find themselves in this situation. If such a nuisance nevertheless occurred, then the guy should seek help from his girlfriend. When using cosmetics and accessories, it is important not to look stupid. A hematoma can also be covered with a band-aid.