Herpes is a pathology of a viral nature, in which blisters appear on the mucous membranes and skin, prone to grouping. Is the herpes virus contagious? Definitely yes, and carriers do not always have a clinical picture of the disease, so it is impossible to recognize the virus carrier.
What is this
![Is herpes on the back contagious? Is herpes on the back contagious?](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/007/image-19079-8-j.webp)
This is a very common viral disease, its causative agent is the herpes simplex virus. I must say that 90% of the world's population is infected with this virus, but not all of the disease is accompanied by concomitant symptoms. Only 5% of people suffer from symptoms of the disease, the rest have no clinical consequences.
Most often the virus affects:
- leather;
- eyes;
- mucous;
- central nervous system.
But the most common places for its localization are the corners of the lips and the mucous membranes of the genital organs.
Is herpes contagious and how to avoid infection is a topic that will bebe considered further.
Types of virus
HSV-1 is a type that combines the serotypes of the first and second virus. This is the most common type, infection with which most often occurs in the first few years of a person's life. Localization: lips and nasolabial triangle. However, with low immunity, the virus can infect:
- genital mucosa;
- skin of fingers and toes;
- nerve tissues.
HSV-2 is the genital or anogenital type. Is genital herpes contagious? Yes, it is contagious, and the infection occurs with the onset of puberty, and women become infected with it more often.
HSV-3 is herpes zoster, which causes chickenpox in childhood. After suffering a disease to this type of virus, a person develops strong immunity.
HSV-4 - Most commonly seen in people with immunodeficiency, it affects the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx and lymph nodes.
HSV-5 is a cytomegalovirus. The presence of this type of virus is rarely accompanied by a clinical picture, more often the disease occurs in a sluggish form of virus carriage.
HSV-6 - provokes the development of multiple sclerosis.
HSV-7 is the cause of chronic fatigue and cancer of the lymphoid tissue.
HSV-8 – Causes a number of malignant diseases.
Since the first three types of the virus are more common, we need to look at them in more detail to find out how contagious these types of herpes are.
Herpes simplex
As a rule, an infectious agent enters the human body through the skin ormucous membranes. Perhaps this is upon contact with a virus carrier, and the airborne route of infection is not excluded. Once in the human body, the virus is introduced into the blood, lymphatic system, affects the nerve fibers and internal organs. For a long time, it can exist in a latent state, and when the immune defense decreases, it becomes activated.
Is herpes on the lips contagious for a child? Of course, a child, being in close contact with a virus carrier, can become infected. In addition, the virus can be transmitted from an infected mother to her child in utero, as well as during breastfeeding. The exacerbation of infection in the mother during this period is explained by the fact that pregnancy and lactation significantly reduce the defenses of the woman's body, as a result of which the virus is activated.
Herpes on the genitals
![Is herpes zoster contagious to a child? Is herpes zoster contagious to a child?](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/007/image-19079-9-j.webp)
Is genital herpes contagious? It is contagious, and condoms in this case cannot 100% prevent infection. The fact is that this type of virus infects the mucous membranes, and they are not completely covered by a barrier contraceptive product. You can get infected with genital herpes not only through direct sexual contact, but also through intimate caresses.
Girdle view
Is herpes on the body contagious to others? Contagious, this type of herpes is simultaneously the causative agent of two ailments: shingles and chicken pox. If the pathological process affects the autonomic nervous system, meningoencephalitis develops. However, if a person has had chickenpox, repeatedvirus infection is excluded, and only the activation of one's own virus can pose a danger.
Is back herpes contagious? If bubbles with liquid contents appear in the back, these are manifestations of herpes zoster, it is dangerous for those who have not had chicken pox. However, the disease can also manifest itself in people who are immune to this type of virus, this is possible with a decrease in immune defense.
Is shingles contagious to a child? If he has not yet had chickenpox, infection can occur, but in this case the child will get chickenpox, not shingles. Herpes zoster is transmitted through the placental barrier from mother to fetus.
Is a person who does not have a rash contagious?
![Is herpes contagious in a child? Is herpes contagious in a child?](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/007/image-19079-10-j.webp)
You should not think that herpes can be transmitted from the carrier only when he has signs of the disease, that is, a rash. A virus carrier may not have symptoms of infection, and it is impossible to determine whether he is a virus carrier or not by appearance.
Is herpes contagious without a clinical picture? It is contagious, but if the human body is strong and the protective functions work without failure, infection may not occur, as the immune system will fight back against viral agents. But even in this case, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and rules of personal hygiene.
Herpes in babies
![Is herpes contagious on the body to others Is herpes contagious on the body to others](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/007/image-19079-11-j.webp)
Is baby herpes contagious? Children are more likely to become infected with this virus than adults. Even if parents and relativesrelatives do not have herpes, the baby will definitely encounter a carrier of the virus. When a child goes to kindergarten, he may well get herpes from other children and bring it home. Most often, a baby in children's groups becomes infected with chickenpox, which is provoked by herpes zoster. It is not necessary to protect the child from infection - having had chickenpox in early childhood, he will not become infected with it again. At this age, chickenpox is much easier than in adults, the main thing is to make sure that there are no complications.
Therefore, parents who are worried about whether herpes is contagious in a child who plays with their baby should be told: yes, your child can get infected, but this will allow him to acquire lifelong immunity to this type of virus.
And how long is herpes on the lips and genitals contagious?
As already mentioned, even without rashes, the virus carrier poses a threat to others, however, in the acute phase, infection is more possible.
How long is the incubation period? It depends on the immunity of the virus carrier. But, as a rule, after a week, the affected skin area becomes covered with a dense crust, and the liquid, which, in fact, represents the greatest danger, stops oozing from the wound. At this time, the possibility of infection is sharply reduced, but you need to take precautions for another 30 days, then with normal immunity of the virus, you can no longer be afraid.
Transmission routes
![is genital herpes contagious is genital herpes contagious](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/007/image-19079-12-j.webp)
Summing up, we must once again say about all the ways of transmission of herpes.
Virus1 type:
- contact - hands, saliva, serous discharge from rashes;
- household - dishes, toys, personal hygiene items;
- airborne - kissing, coughing, sneezing;
- vertical - the virus is transmitted to the baby during its passage through the birth canal of an infected mother;
- transplacental - infection occurs in utero;
- blood transfusion - during blood transfusion;
- sexual - during oral sex.
Virus type 2:
- blood transfusion;
- sexual - sexual contact (oral, anal, vaginal);
- violation of asepsis rules during medical procedures.
At risk people who have:
- hypothermia;
- injuries;
- menstruation;
- stress situation;
- cancer disease;
- exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
- avitaminosis;
- immunodeficiency.
People on immunosuppressive therapy (chemotherapy or cytotoxic drugs) are also at high risk of infection.
Possible Complications
What can a herpes virus infection lead to in the body?
- Genital herpes leads to the development of erosive processes in the reproductive organs of a woman, and can also cause miscarriages, infertility and cancer.
- In men, genital herpes can provoke the development of prostatitis, bacterial urethritis or vesiculitis,
- When a virus enters the mucous membrane of the eye, it maydevelop ophthalmoherpes, which leads to complete or partial loss of vision,
- If the pathogen enters the oral cavity, it will certainly penetrate the digestive system, which may lead to the development of pathological processes in the digestive tract.
- Infection of a newborn can lead to heart disease, hearing problems, hepatitis, and if ailments become more complicated, death is possible.
- Herpes in pregnant women can lead to the birth of a child with poor hearing, mental development disorders, epilepsy, developmental delay.
Principles of treatment
![is genital herpes contagious is genital herpes contagious](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/007/image-19079-13-j.webp)
Unfortunately, at present there is no vaccine or pill that would permanently rid a person of this insidious virus. Once in the body, the pathogen remains in it forever. But there are drugs that help reduce the risk of activation of a viral infection, they allow you to keep it in the latent phase of existence for a long time.
Since there are many types of the virus and they can be localized in different areas of the skin and mucous membranes, there are many treatment options. A competent specialist should prescribe therapy, taking into account not only the type of virus, but also the age of the patient, the brightness of the clinical picture, the frequency of relapses and the general state of immunity.
![Is herpes on the lips contagious for a child? Is herpes on the lips contagious for a child?](https://i.medicinehelpful.com/images/007/image-19079-14-j.webp)
People who are carriers of herpes infection, doctors recommend vaccination to improve immunity. Vaccination can beonly during the period of remission, that is, after the last rash, at least two weeks should pass.
Antiviral drugs are another method of prevention, most often prescribed are Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Penciclovir.
Prevention of infection with the virus is as follows:
- Minimize contact with the person who has breakouts.
- Exclude casual sex, even when using a condom. To prevent infection, you can use special antiviral sprays to treat the mucous membranes of the genital organs after accidental sexual contact.
- When visiting a public toilet, do not sit on the toilet seat.
- Exclude overheating or hypothermia of the body.
- Reduce stress.
- Treat acute and chronic diseases in time.
Be sure to strengthen the immune system. Bad habits, poor nutrition, lack of rest - all this can impair the body's defenses, which will lead to infection with a virus or activation of an existing one. Immunity can be weakened by improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as by long-term use of medications, especially antibiotics.
There are many methods that will help reduce the risk of infection with the herpes virus. Adhering to them is actually not so difficult as it seems at first glance. By maintaining immunity and observing the rules of hygiene, it is possible to avoid infection with herpes, and it is also possible to restrain activity for a long time.virus if it is already in the body.