The drug "Magnesium-Diasporal": instructions for use, reviews, description

The drug "Magnesium-Diasporal": instructions for use, reviews, description
The drug "Magnesium-Diasporal": instructions for use, reviews, description

Deficiency of certain elements in the human body leads to serious failures. For example, a lack of magnesium contributes to a decline in strength and energy, a deterioration in overall well-being, as well as he alth problems, including diseases of the cardiovascular system. To prevent the development of such conditions, experts recommend taking Magnesium Diasporal. The price of this medicine will be listed below. We will also tell you about how the mentioned medication is used and in what cases it is prescribed.

magnesium diasporal
magnesium diasporal

Release form, packaging, composition

Magnesium-Diasporal is produced in the form of cream granules intended for oral solution. The active and main substance of this drug is magnesium citrate. It is packaged in composite bags and packed in cartons.

Drug characteristics

Magnesium deficiency in the human body can contribute to the development of many diseases. This is due to the fact that this element takes an active part in most exchange reactions. It activates about 300enzymes.

It should also be noted that magnesium is indispensable in processes that ensure the expenditure and supply of energy. It is involved in normal electrolyte balance, membrane permeability, ion transport, regulation of nerve impulse transmission, and muscle contraction. Moreover, this drug is a natural calcium antagonist.

Kinetic properties of the element

Magnesium Diasporal is slowly and incompletely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. When eating foods rich in fats, as well as malabsorption syndrome, the process of magnesium absorption is significantly reduced. As a rule, the unabsorbed part of this component is excreted through the intestines.

In the blood, the content of absorbed magnesium is about 1%. Approximately 45% of this element binds to cell proteins and phosphates, and is also deposited in the kidneys, skeletal muscles, myocardium and liver.

magnesium deficiency
magnesium deficiency

The rest of the drug is found in bone tissue, erythrocytes and tissue fluid.

It should also be noted that magnesium ions penetrate the blood-brain and placental barriers.

The absorbed element is eliminated by the kidneys, and also excreted through the sweat glands and along with the bile. It is partially resorbed in the renal tubules.


When is the drug we are considering prescribed? Magnesium deficiency is its main indication. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by symptoms such as increased irritability, minor sleep disturbances,mild anxiety, calf spasm and fatigue.


"Magnesium-Diasporal" is not recommended to take with increased individual sensitivity to the elements of the drug, severe renal failure, atrioventricular blockade, myasthenia gravis, hypermagnesemia and children under the age of twelve.

Due to the presence of sucrose in the preparation, it is contraindicated in galactose or glucose malabsorption syndrome, fructose intolerance and isom altase deficiency.

magnesium diasporal price
magnesium diasporal price

Use this medication with caution in moderate renal failure (because of the risk of developing hypermagnesemia).

Magnesium Diasporal: instructions

The medication in question should be taken orally. Adults and adolescents from 12 years of age are prescribed in the amount of 1 packet every day. To do this, you need to dissolve the contents of the sachet in 1/2 cup of fruit juice, water or tea.

Typically, the duration of treatment with this remedy is one month. This is enough time to make up for the missing element.

Side effects

Magnesium Diasporal may cause allergic reactions. It can also cause gastrointestinal problems (such as diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, nausea, and flatulence).

Element Overdose

"Magnesium-Diasporal 300" should be taken in the dosages strictly recommended by the doctor. If they are exceeded, overdose symptoms such as nausea,decrease in blood pressure, vomiting, respiratory depression, slow reflexes, cardiac arrest, coma and anuria.

magnesium diasporal instruction
magnesium diasporal instruction

For the treatment of such conditions, the victim is given intravenous calcium or intramuscular neostigmine methyl sulfate.

Drug Interactions

"Cyclosporine", aminoglycoside antibiotics and "Cisplatin" contribute to the accelerated removal of magnesium from the body.

Magnesium, fluoride, iron and tetracycline ions affect each other's absorption. In this regard, between their reception it is necessary to observe an interval of 3 hours.

The drug in question reduces iron absorption and weakens the effect of indirect anticoagulants.

Analogues and cost

The cost of this drug is very high. In pharmacies, it can be purchased for 1250-1500 rubles (50 bags).

If necessary, this tool is replaced by cheaper analogues. These include "Magnesium citrate", "Magnesium citrate anhydrous", "Magnesium citrate + vitamin B6", "Trimagnesium dicitrate anhydrous". You should use these drugs instead of Magnesium Diasporal only after consulting a doctor.

Medication reviews

Unfortunately, there are not very many consumer and medical reviews about Magnesium-Diasporal. However, from those that are available, we can safely conclude that this drug fully copes with the task.

Reception of dosages recommended by the doctor helps to replenish magnesium deficiency, significantly improving the patient's condition. Almost all patients suffering from a lack of thiselement, claim that after the start of therapy, they felt a surge of strength, became more energetic and mobile. Moreover, this drug has helped to eliminate irritability, minor sleep disturbances, mild anxiety and spasms of the calf muscles.

magnesium diasporal 300
magnesium diasporal 300

In addition to positive messages, negative feedback is also left about this tool. Quite often they talk about the high cost of pellets. Although experts say that the price of "Magnesium Diasporal" is consistent with its quality.
