How to lower white blood cells? Causes of elevated leukocytes. Doctor's advice on how to lower the level of leukocytes

How to lower white blood cells? Causes of elevated leukocytes. Doctor's advice on how to lower the level of leukocytes
How to lower white blood cells? Causes of elevated leukocytes. Doctor's advice on how to lower the level of leukocytes

There are a lot of complex chemical processes in the human body. One of these is hematopoiesis, where white blood cells, which are produced in the red bone marrow, are one of the most important components. These are the so-called white bodies, which, in fact, are the defenders of the body from all kinds of infections, viruses and bacteria. The work of these bodies is that they produce special enzymes that break down both the viruses and bacteria themselves and their metabolic products. What to do if the number of these constituent blood cells increases dramatically, and how to lower the white blood cells? Let's take everything in order.

lower white blood cells
lower white blood cells

Types of white blood cells

Leukocytes have a complete nuclear structure, and depending on the shape of the nucleus, they are divided into round,multilobed and in the form of a kidney. They are also distinguished by size, which ranges from 6 to 20 microns. In the human body, leukocytes are produced by the bone marrow. They are divided into granular leukocytes (granulocytes), neutrophils (stab and segmented) basophils and eosinophils, as well as monocytes and lymphocytes. Each of the types has its own purpose and performs only its work. That is why the change in these bodies can be used to judge the state of the body. And often it is the task of "lowering leukocytes in the blood" that becomes the main one in the treatment of many diseases.

lower white blood cell count
lower white blood cell count

How to determine the level of leukocytes?

To determine the number of these bodies, a general clinical blood test is done, in which not only the number is important, but also the ratio of multinuclear leukocytes. So, for example, with an increase in eosinophils, helminthic invasion can be assumed, and with an inflammatory process, an increase in neutrophils is found. To obtain a reliable result, the analysis is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.

What can be judged if the analysis revealed that leukocytes are elevated? The reasons may be different, but it is worth emphasizing that a diagnosis is not made only by the level of these bodies in the blood, additional studies are carried out for this.

how to lower white blood cells
how to lower white blood cells

Change in the number of leukocytes in the body

For a he althy adult, the rate of leukocytes is from 4 to 8.8 x 10 to the 9th degree per liter. If there are more of them, then this phenomenon is called leukocytosis, and if less - leukopenia. With suchadditional examinations are carried out. Such a phenomenon does not necessarily indicate a disease, it can also be a consequence of psycho-emotional and physical stress. For example, the level of these bodies in the blood is affected by factors such as smoking and exposure to the sun.

Also, the level of leukocytes changes 2-3 hours after eating, taking baths, during pregnancy and during PMS. The main causes of leukocytosis are infectious diseases, purulent-inflammatory processes in the body, such as peritonitis and acute appendicitis, extensive burns and large blood loss, chronic renal failure and diabetes. More rare causes are leukemia, cancer, myocardial infarction, blood transfusion, and mononucleosis. Therefore, lowering the level of leukocytes in many of the diseases becomes a priority. But it also happens that even in the presence of such ailments, leukocytes are lowered and this indicates that the immune system is in a terrible state and requires the intervention of specialists. Sometimes the indicator also does not change with visible symptoms of the disease, which also indicates a weakening of the body.

leukocytes increased causes
leukocytes increased causes

Treatment of leukocytosis

So what if the white blood cells are elevated? All kinds of infections, once in the body, cause inflammatory processes, which leads to an increase in the number of leukocytes - this process is called pathological benign leukocytosis. There is also malignant leukocytosis, which is manifested by problems of the hematopoietic system in leukemia. In the first case, the physiciana complete examination should suggest antibiotic therapy or other means to lower the white blood cells. If during the examination it turned out that the cause of the increase in leukocytes was a disease of the liver or spleen, then it is very important to abandon the usual diet and adhere to a strict diet with a low protein intake. Only in this case, leukocytes will begin to decline. In some cases, namely with leukemia, a procedure called leukopheresis is performed. The essence of this manipulation is that leukocytes are extracted from the blood, and then the same blood is poured into the patient's circulatory system.

In the case of blood diseases, it is very dangerous to take any medication to reduce white blood cells on your own without the knowledge of a doctor. The same applies to the enlargement of these bodies in infarct states. After analyzing the situation and the patient's condition, the doctor is obliged to establish the root cause of the increase in the number of these bodies, and only then decide how to lower the white blood cells in the blood. Otherwise, the adjustment is simply impossible.

what to do if leukocytes are elevated
what to do if leukocytes are elevated

Antibiotics on guard against leukocytosis

Whoever says anything, but all doctors are unanimous in their opinion that it is rational to use antibiotics for infections. And even considering their harm and effect on other organs, they are the main treatment for increasing white blood cells in various diseases. After antibiotic therapy, the focus of inflammation is eliminated, and leukocytes return to normal. However, it is worth noting that a doctor should choose an antibiotic, who will make an appointment, examining and evaluatingthe severity of the patient's condition. Leukocytosis can also be triggered by a number of drugs, and in order to correct the level of white blood cells, the prescribed treatment should be edited.

Prevention is easier than cure

The best cure for disease is prevention. This slogan is known to everyone, as well as its meaning. It should be remembered that the right lifestyle is the key to he alth, so smoking, alcoholism, hypothermia and a lack of vitamins in the body can lead to serious consequences that will need to be de alt with with the help of doctors and medicines. Signs of an increased number of white blood cells do not always appear, and can be detected by a clinical blood test. Therefore, do not neglect the recommendations of doctors to take this analysis at least once every six months. And although leukocytosis itself is not an ailment, however, according to its characteristics, namely, by the number of a certain type of leukocytes, one can assume a possible disease. After all, the sooner a problem is discovered, the easier it will be to deal with it.
