In the article, we will look at how to make an enema for constipation at home.
Everyone at least once, but suffered from a violation of the defecation process. Some expect that everything will go away on its own, while others are trying to find methods to solve the problem. One of them is an enema. This method is often used in the presence of chronic constipation, when, apart from washing, nothing can help, and laxatives cannot cope. This procedure has its own procedure, which everyone, especially the parent, should get acquainted with.
Oil enema for constipation at home
As the name implies, in this situation, the injected solution consists of oil: sunflower, olive or vaseline. Usually take one type of product in a volume of 100 milliliters. Due to this ingredient, a film is formed around the fecal mass, facilitating movement in the intestines. To carry out the manipulation, it is necessary to preheat the oil tothirty eight degrees. This is necessary in order to relax the muscle tissue and prevent spasms.

In addition, heat helps patients get rid of proctogenic ailments. In the event that such an enema from constipation is carried out at home, then you need to know that there will most likely not be an instant result. The effect occurs after ten hours, so the procedure is usually carried out at night. Oil enemas are very good to perform the night before, when the patient needs to undergo any diagnosis that is associated with an examination of the rectum, for example, a colonoscopy. Next, let's talk about the hypertonic type of enema for constipation at home, aimed at cleansing the intestines.
Hypertonic enema
Enema solution at home for constipation is done independently. That is, a ten percent s alt composition is prepared in a volume of 200 milliliters. To do this, two tablespoons of s alt without a slide are diluted in a glass of water (one for a five percent one). When this type of agent is injected, active fluid is drawn from closely located tissues.
Thus, the feces in the intestines become soft and pliable, making it easier to pass. S alt has an irritating effect on mucous surfaces, due to which they begin to contract. Under this action, the defecation process is much easier. In particular, it is recommended to use this method in the presence of proctogenic constipation. This enema shows its effectiveness in half an hour. True, there arecontraindications in the form of internal hemorrhoids, polyps, inflammatory diseases in the stage of exacerbation of the intestines and rectum.
What other enemas for constipation at home can an adult recommend?

Cleansing enemas
This type is often used when the oil and hypertonic procedure did not bring the desired result. In contrast, cleansing enemas promote leaching of feces from the intestines, while no stimulation occurs. It is best used by those who have certain problems with the promotion and formation of feces. This manipulation is carried out with water (which must be boiled) and Esmarch's mugs.
So, how to make an enema at home for constipation?
Procedure for performing an enema for an adult
A laxative enema for constipation can be done at home. But in order for the procedure to bring the necessary benefit, and not harm, you need to know how to perform it correctly. First of all, you need to prepare the place where the treatment will take place. To do this, you need an oilcloth, which is covered with a horizontal surface. Before the procedure, you need to relax. The fact is that the more the muscle tissues of the anorectal region are tense, the more uncomfortable, and at the same time, the more painful the sensations will be.

Now let's talk about preparing for the procedure. In the event that it is planned to use the oil component, thenyou need to take 100 milliliters of oil and a rubber bulb, which should be of the appropriate size. When it comes to a hypertonic procedure at home, then the solution is prepared in the following proportions: two tablespoons of s alt are diluted in 100 milliliters of warm water. Or take 20 grams of magnesia for the same volume of water. But a pear is injected into the intestines no more than 100 milliliters at a time.
Esmarch's Mug
The procedure with the use of Esmarch's mug requires special attention. In appearance, this tool, as a rule, resembles a heating pad, which can be of different volumes (the standard one is designed for 2 liters of liquid). It comes with a rubber hose with a special tip. To eliminate the problem with constipation, 2 liters of solution are poured into the mug. The device itself must be attached near the bed, at a level of one and a half meters above the floor. The faucet opens gradually. It should be inserted into the anus only when the air is completely out of the tube, otherwise the person may be hurt.

Solution temperature
Any solution should be warm: in the range from thirty-seven to thirty-eight degrees. In the event that an enema from constipation is carried out with a pear within the framework of home conditions (or Esmarch's mug), then you need to know that the patient should not lie on his stomach, but on his left side. At the same time, his knees should be pulled up to his stomach. The tip is pre-lubricated with cream or petroleum jelly so as not to damage the soft tissue. Now let's find out how to give an enemafor constipation at home for a child.
Baby enema
It is also possible for a child to carry out such a procedure at home, but there are some peculiarities here. For this age category, hypertensive techniques are contraindicated. From constipation, children can only be given an oil or cleansing enema for constipation at home with a pear. The volume of liquid is selected according to the age of the child.
In the event that a problem with bowel movements occurs in a baby, then the volume of liquid should be within 30 or 35 milliliters. For older children, it is increased to 300 milliliters, while the allowable temperature of the prepared solution should be from twenty-five to twenty-seven degrees.
In order to choose the right type of procedure at home, moms and dads should initially consult with a pediatrician. It should also be emphasized that special pears with a soft tip are intended for children. The procedure itself is carried out as well as for adults.

It is worth noting that neither children nor adults should regularly carry out this kind of cleansing in any case. In order for the problem not to recur, it is necessary to identify the true cause of constipation and cure it, since problems with bowel movements are just a symptom.
Next, we will learn the procedure for self-cleansing the intestines.
Is it possible to make an enema at home from constipation to yourself?
Performing an enema to yourself
Independentthe implementation of this procedure is a very complex process that requires careful preparation, and at the same time a certain skill. Before you conduct an enema to yourself, you need to know what tool is required for this cleansing manipulation, what volume of liquid is allowed, and so on. So, the independent procedure looks like this.
- Choose a position that is most convenient for cleansing (you can use the knee-elbow technique, or you can lie on your side or in a squatting position). The main thing is that the enema posture contributes to the maximum relaxation of the abdominal walls.
- Before performing an enema with Esmarch's mug, it is necessary to check whether the tip has been accidentally damaged, this is important in order to avoid microtrauma of the anus and rectum.
- The tip is lubricated with cream or petroleum jelly for easier insertion into the rectum. It is injected to a depth of up to ten centimeters. During the enema, there should be no discomfort, while each person must independently determine for himself the depth of the introduction of the instrument.
- Using Esmarch's mug, after inserting the tip, open the tap on the tube.
- When performing an enema with a syringe, it is required to squeeze it so that the solution flows into the rectum evenly.
- After it is introduced, you need to do a massage of the abdomen, this will help the promotion of the solution in the intestines. If during the introduction of the solution a person feels a sharp urge to defecate, then in this case it is recommended to lie down so that the "heater" is higherhead level. The recommended waiting period is up to fifteen minutes, after which you can visit the toilet.
It is important to monitor your condition, and stop fluid injection if you feel severe discomfort.

Enema at home for constipation in pregnant women
Despite the great effectiveness of this manipulation during pregnancy, it is undesirable to carry it out. This is directly related to the fact that the intestine during this period is close to the uterus, in connection with this, any procedures can provoke an increase in the tone of the latter. And this can already lead to extremely negative consequences for the course of pregnancy. Therefore, answering the question of whether it is possible to do an enema during pregnancy, the doctor will pay attention primarily to the period.
Enemas for constipation at home during pregnancy in its early stages are considered safe, since the uterus has not yet had time to greatly increase in size. But it must be remembered that if a woman has already been diagnosed with a threat of miscarriage and there are discharges with painful sensations in the lower abdomen, then the described procedure should certainly be abandoned. In addition, if there is any doubt whether such a manipulation can be performed at an early date, it is better to consult a doctor.

But enemas in the presence of late pregnancy are considered far from the best option in the fight against constipation. Beginningfrom the twentieth week, the risks of premature birth increase against the background of such a procedure. In severe cases, intestinal lavage can be carried out in a hospital setting. Also, enemas are used after a woman has started labor. In other situations, gynecologists prefer to prescribe to patients other methods aimed at eliminating constipation (we are talking about a special diet, microenemas, and so on).
We looked at what enemas for constipation are at home.