Can I take a hot bath with a cold?

Can I take a hot bath with a cold?
Can I take a hot bath with a cold?

Taking a bath benefits the human body. This procedure not only cleanses the skin and pores, but also relieves fatigue, soothes and relaxes. But is it allowed to bathe in the bath with a cold? During this period, people often refuse to wash, as they are afraid to worsen their situation. Are they right or wrong?

Do I need baths for a cold

Illness is not a reason to stop worrying about personal hygiene. It should be borne in mind that a sick person often sweats a lot. And this is just one of the reasons why cold baths are necessary.

Is bathing allowed for a cold?
Is bathing allowed for a cold?

Doctors agree that immersion in moderately hot water during illness in most cases is not only acceptable, but also beneficial. The body is evenly and qualitatively warmed up, which speeds up the healing process. However, each case must be considered individually. There are situations where taking a hot bath does more harm than good.


When should I take a bath for a cold? What are the indications for this procedure?

Bathing in the bathroom with a cold
Bathing in the bathroom with a cold
  • Difficulty breathing. Staying in conditions of high humidity, exposure to warm steam - all this helps to quickly get rid of a runny nose. The dry cough of the patient becomes wet, breathing becomes easier.
  • Body ache. Patients with SARS often face this problem. Warm water can help relieve muscle and joint pain. The general condition of the patient will improve. However, it is important that the water is warm, not hot.
  • Toxin poisoning. The human body suffers from poisons that pathogens secrete. There is profuse sweating, which leads to clogged pores. The removal of accumulated toxins slows down. Taking a bath with a cold helps cleanse the pores. The healing process is accelerating.
  • Depression. Some people easily endure the need to stay within four walls, to observe bed rest. For others, who feel the need for constant movement, their mood deteriorates. Bathing in hot water helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state.

Important points

So, doctors give a positive answer to the question of whether it is possible to take a bath with a cold. However, a person must remember a number of important rules and adhere to them.

Bath benefits for colds
Bath benefits for colds
  • Hot water and alcohol is an unacceptable combination for a sick person. There are people who, in order to warm the body whencold drink alcoholic beverages. However, it is better to refrain from alcohol during illness. And certainly you should not dive into the bath after a glass of mulled wine. It is also undesirable to eat an hour before bathing.
  • Taking a bath with a cold is not prohibited, but the duration of the procedure must be controlled. A long stay in a room where there is high humidity is contraindicated for the patient. This leads to increased production of mucus in the throat and nasopharynx. The question of how long you can swim, it is better to ask your doctor. Children are not recommended to do this for more than 5-7 minutes, while adults can lie in the bath for 10 to 20 minutes (depending on the condition).
  • The bathroom door should be kept slightly ajar. This lowers the level of humidity. All windows and doors in the house should be closed at the same time, this will avoid drafts.
  • Immersion in hot water is best before going to bed. After the procedure, it is recommended to immediately climb into bed and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Be sure to take care of additional warming of the legs. They must be worn with socks.
  • After taking a bath during a cold, it is good to drink a glass of warm milk with honey or a mug of herbal tea. These drinks will provide the additional warming and relaxing effect that the patient needs. After that, you can go to bed.


As mentioned above, a hot bath for a cold is not indicated in all cases. There are also a number of contraindications that are dangerous to ignore.

Is it worth taking a bath with a cold
Is it worth taking a bath with a cold
  • High body temperature (39-40 degrees). Doctors are unanimous that in such a situation, hot water only exacerbates the symptoms of the disease. To maintain personal hygiene, you can take a short shower. The water should be warm, not hot.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, high blood pressure. In the presence of these factors, it is also recommended to abandon the bath in favor of the shower.
  • Headache. Hot water will also increase the symptoms of the disease, and will not help to defeat it. There is a possibility that the pain will increase.
  • Allergy. If you have a similar problem, it is not forbidden to bathe in a hot bath. However, you should refrain from adding aromatic oils and medicinal herbs.

Consult your doctor

An unequivocal answer to the question of whether you can take a bath with a cold or not is not always easy to give. Therefore, it is best for a person to discuss this issue with their doctor. If the doctor forbids the patient to bathe in hot water, then in no case should this prohibition be ignored. The doctor can also determine the optimal duration of the procedure, give other useful recommendations.

Ginger and garlic

How to enhance the healing effect of a hot bath for a cold? This will require garlic and ginger. The ingredients must be cleaned, individually grated on a fine grater. Garlic gruel should be wrapped in gauze, and then placed on the bottom of the bath. Ginger should be poured with boiling water, and then wait half an hour until itinsist. The resulting tincture is poured into the bath.

Bathing in water laced with garlic and ginger is indicated at the first symptoms of a cold. The procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes.


Mustard bath is indicated for patients with affected mucosa. Bathing in such water helps to quickly eliminate sore throat, cough. The procedure is also shown for a runny nose.

Preparing a mustard bath is easy. It is necessary to wrap 100-200 g of powder in a cloth or gauze, and then lower the bundle into water. It is not recommended to lie in the bath for more than 10 minutes. We must not forget that such a procedure can provoke tearing. Throwing a sheet over the tub can help prevent this.


Is it possible to dive into a bath with aromatic oils when you have a cold? This procedure is very useful, as it combines the effects of heating and inhalation. Substances of essential oils, which kill pathogenic microorganisms, get on the patient's mucous membrane. The healing effect of steam is also enhanced. You can use one of the recipes below.

Aromatic baths for colds
Aromatic baths for colds
  • Lavender. You need to mix soda and s alt in equal proportions (6 teaspoons each), and then add 10-12 drops of lavender oil. All this is thoroughly mixed, added to the water. Lavender oil has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, helps with coughing. It is better to take a bath before going to bed, as it helps to fall asleep.
  • Marjoram. You need to take 5 tablespoons of s alt, add 5 drops of marjoram oil. Mixtureadded to water. Taking such a bath eliminates body aches, relieves stress. For maximum relaxation, you can also add 5 drops of lavender.
  • Eucalyptus. It is necessary to mix 5 tablespoons of s alt with 7-8 drops of eucalyptus oil. The resulting composition is added to the bath. This recipe will help the patient who is worried about body aches. The procedure also helps with runny nose and cough.
  • Sage. You need to take a cup of s alt, add 2 tablespoons of oil. Then, tea tree, orange and sage oils are added in equal proportions - 7 drops each. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, poured with a small amount of water. Its addition to the bath will provide an antibacterial effect. It also helps relieve breathing difficulties.


The benefits of various medicinal herbs have long been known to mankind. They also have a healing effect on colds. For example, you can take motherwort, mint, nettle and pine needles (30 g each) in equal proportions, grind and mix thoroughly. The mixture must be poured with 2 liters of boiling water, after which it should languish for about 30 minutes over low heat. After it can be added to the bath.

Herbal baths for colds
Herbal baths for colds

Birch and oregano are good for colds. Approximately 300 g of the collection of these herbs should be poured with 10 liters of boiling water. The mixture is infused for an hour, then filtered and added to the bath. Additionally, it is allowed to use sage, birch and mint leaves, this will enhance the medicinal effect.

How to shower?

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to take a hot bath with a coldaccept is not always positive. In some cases, it is better to give preference to the soul. This allows you to take care of body hygiene and at the same time not worsen your condition. How to make the procedure as safe and useful as possible?

Bath alternative for colds
Bath alternative for colds
  • Water should be pleasantly warm, not hot. The optimum temperature is 35-37 degrees. Overheating will complicate the patient's condition, increase the fever.
  • The door to the bathroom should be kept half open to avoid high humidity. Put a non-slip mat on the bottom. We must not forget that it is difficult for a sick person to stand on his feet.
  • Standing in the shower for a long time is not recommended. First of all, this warning is relevant at high body temperature.
  • It is advisable to stop washing your hair for a few days. Drying hair takes a long time, especially if it is long. This can lead to hypothermia. Under the shower, the patient is recommended to stand in a special cap that protects the hair from water.
  • You shouldn't shower often. It is enough to do it once a day. The procedure is best done before bedtime. Immediately after this, you need to rub the body with a terry towel, put on socks, cover yourself with a warm blanket.


Illness is not a reason to neglect cleansing your body. If the patient follows the rules described in the article, he will not only not harm himself, but will also speed up the recovery process.
