Anus discomfort in women: causes, symptoms, possible problems and treatment

Anus discomfort in women: causes, symptoms, possible problems and treatment
Anus discomfort in women: causes, symptoms, possible problems and treatment

In the article, we will consider why there may be discomfort in the anus in women. This condition most often distracts from everyday affairs, accompanied by anxiety. In some situations, a person is able to independently determine in which organ the pain is localized and contact a specialized doctor for treatment.

But there are cases when it is impossible to determine from the symptoms what hurts and how to deal with it. For example, discomfort in the anus in women can be caused by various reasons, differ in intensity. Therefore, we will try to understand the nature of the appearance of such symptoms, find out what diseases it can be caused by and who to turn to for help.

discomfort in the anus
discomfort in the anus

What can cause discomfort?

To begin with, it should be noted that the concept of "discomfort" is quite broad. And it includes pain, itching, burning, and excessive dryness. When a woman feels uncomfortablein the anus, this may not necessarily be due to damage to part of the rectum. Such sensations can cause diseases and other pelvic organs. Discomfort in the anus may be due to:

  1. Hemorrhoids, especially if complicated by thrombosis.
  2. Injuries to the rectum, including after anal sex.
  3. Sphincteritis, that is, an inflammatory process in the rectum.
  4. Paraproctitis and pararectal fistula.
  5. Proctitis.
  6. Perianal hematoma, which occurred due to rupture of veins in hemorrhoids or injury.
  7. Fecal stone, which is formed due to hardening of feces with frequent constipation.
  8. Coccygodynia, which occurs after a minor injury to the coccyx.
  9. Cancer.
  10. Spasm of the muscles of the perineum.
  11. Anal fissure.
  12. Cryptite.

Pathology in the rectum

Most often, the cause of discomfort in the anus lies in diseases of the rectum. The disease associated with inflammation of the mucous layer of the rectum is called proctitis. The following factors can provoke it:

discomfort in the anus in women
discomfort in the anus in women
  • excessive consumption of spicy, spicy and alcoholic products;
  • venereal disease - gonorrhea;
  • permanent constipation, in which there is stagnation of venous blood in the intestine, while the mucous layer is injured by fecal stones, all this can lead to infectious inflammation;
  • consequences of radiation exposure during treatmentoncological diseases;
  • parasitic infestations;
  • varicose hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • inflammation in the subcutaneous fat near the rectum;
  • purulent processes;
  • pathology of the bladder and urethra;
  • inflammatory processes of the vulva, etc.

Symptoms of proctitis are most often determined by the severity of the process. The disease is accompanied by: fever, false urge to empty the intestines, frequent constipation, burning sensation. Pain in the anus. But in the case of chronic pathology, the symptoms will be slightly different. Often discomfort in the anus and itching are very unpleasant.

Sometimes proctitis is characterized by swelling of the intestinal wall.

Proctitis treatment

Therapeutic therapy for this disease is a mandatory diet, in which food is consumed after mechanical, heat treatment. In addition, the amount of fiber is limited, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, spicy, smoked, spicy foods are completely excluded. Antibacterial therapy is carried out. Recommended sitz baths with the addition of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to wash the perineal area with a warm shower jet, do enemas with chamomile infusion or collargol. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease, reduce the frequency of constipation and get rid of hemorrhoids.

Why there is discomfort in the anus in women, you must definitely find out.

discomfort in the anus in women causes
discomfort in the anus in women causes

Could hemorrhoids be the cause?

The most common cause is hemorrhoids, or varicose hemorrhoidal veins. Such an ailment may appear due to:

  • chronic constipation - with a long process of attempts in a woman, pressure increases in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdominal and pelvic cavity and in the vessels;
  • heredity;
  • pregnancy, especially if it is multiple;
  • pathogenesis;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lifting heavy objects, inadequate exercise.

Symptoms and treatment of hemorrhoids

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are mainly manifested in the anal area. The disease is characterized by:

  • pain;
  • burning;
  • itch;
  • feeling full;
  • protrusion of the intestine, if it is an external hemorrhoid;
  • blood in feces;
  • bleeding (in which case emergency medical attention is needed).

With this diagnosis, treatment is conservative and surgical. In the first case, therapy consists in the prevention and treatment of constipation, the rejection of alcohol-containing drinks, spicy and spicy foods, with the use of adequate physical activity. Belt baths are prescribed, various gels and ointments, rectal suspensions are prescribed. Surgery is necessary in the later stages of the disease.

The cause of discomfort in the anus in women can be a neoplasm.

Benign neoplasms of the anusholes

Papillitis, polyposis and warts, in fact, these are different diseases, but often even doctors are mistaken in the exact diagnosis. Papillitis is characterized by inflammation of the papillae, which are located on the valves of the anal canal. In normal condition, they are up to 1 cm in size and do not cause any problems. But in case of inflammation, the papillae increase two to three times, they can fall out of the anus. A sick woman in this case feels a foreign body in the anus. However, sometimes this process is accompanied by pain.

discomfort in the anus in women
discomfort in the anus in women

But rectal polyps pose a threat to the girl. These neoplasms grow on the rectal mucosa. There are cases when they grow on a leg, or maybe without it, and also differ in color. Most often, the disease has no symptoms, but if the polyps are enlarged and located near the anus, they can be felt as a foreign body, there is blood and mucus in the stool.

Benign neoplasms include genital warts that grow on the skin of the perianal region, sphincter, inside the rectum. Many physicians associate the appearance of this disease with viruses.

At the first stage, the development of the disease is painless, but further, when the formations grow, they block the posterior opening. Sometimes warts form in whole groups. Symptoms are characterized by: moisture in the anus, burning, slight itching, rare pain.

How is ittreatment of discomfort in the anus in this case?

Treatment for papillitis, polyposis and condylomas

It is impossible to use conservative treatment in case of papillitis. Undeformed papillae are not dangerous for a woman. Only in case of their increase and with the appearance of pain, surgical intervention is necessary. The great danger of polyps is that they can easily develop into a malignant tumor, so doctors recommend that they be removed.

Condylomas are also not amenable to conservative treatment, only surgical removal is indicated, and this should be done as early as possible. What else causes discomfort in the anus in women?

Cryptitis in a woman

Cryptitis is characterized by inflammation of the sinuses in the rectal canal, due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into them.

If there is a blockage of the crypt, then the feces are not sufficiently covered with mucus and the feces are retained in the anal sinuses, thereby blocking them even more. This leads to stagnation of mucus, irritation and inflammation. In the absence of medical therapy, an abscess may even form. This disease is characterized by itching and pain in the anus. With bowel movements, the symptoms increase and the appearance of mucous secretions, pus and blood clots is possible. At the initial stage, the disease is amenable to conservative treatment, with the formation of paraproctitis or fistula, only surgical treatment is indicated.

causes of discomfort in the anus
causes of discomfort in the anus

Drop straightguts

Discomfort in the anus in women can cause rectal prolapse. This disease is quite serious. The reason for this condition lies in chronic constipation, excessive muscle strain during childbirth, regular anal sex, age-related changes in muscle tone. The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of a foreign body in the anus, at first the protrusion can be set on its own, and then the intestine does not set at all;
  • incontinence;
  • presence of traces of feces on clothes;
  • regular feeling of moisture;
  • difficulty defecation;
  • pain in the anus.

Such a disease is treated only by surgery. The causes of discomfort in the anus should be determined by a doctor.

Anal fissure

At a longitudinal rupture of the mucous membrane of the large rectum, an anal fissure occurs. The reason for its appearance is trauma after intense anal intercourse. Most often occurs in young women. There are two types of disease: acute and chronic. In the acute phase, severe pain occurs during and after defecation. The crack may heal on its own. It develops into the chronic phase as soon as fecal masses begin to accumulate in it, which leads to an inflammatory process. At the same time, pain intensifies, possibly the appearance of fistulas and abscesses.

Other pathology

There are a lot of reasons that can cause discomfort. In detail, we considered only a part of the diseases. There are some other factors that provoke itching:

  1. Anal lesion - dermatitis. It can occur due to the hygiene products used (soap, sanitary pads, underwear, intimate lubricant, etc.), non-compliance with the hygiene regime, excessive sweating. Symptoms go away after elimination of irritants. It is possible to prescribe antihistamines, topical glucocorticosteroids, moisturizing ointments.
  2. All sorts of purulent skin diseases - boils, carbuncles, phlegmon, or as they call pyoderma in medicine. May develop due to very oily skin, accumulation of impurities in microcracks, poor hygiene.
  3. Malignant neoplasms. At the initial stage, such an ailment passes without symptoms, but you should pay attention to the presence of a foreign body in the anus.
  4. Infection of the female body with various parasites. Accompanied by severe itching, sometimes burning and irritation.
  5. itching and discomfort in the anus
    itching and discomfort in the anus

How to diagnose a disease

Only a doctor can determine the diagnosis of discomfort in the anus in women, who collects the patient's history and examines where itching occurs. Additionally, a digital examination of the rectum determines the presence of hemorrhoids and other pathological processes. For a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor directs the patient to take a clinical blood test, feces to detect helminths.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of itching and discomfort inanus. That is, therapy is directed not at getting rid of the symptoms, but at the disease itself:

  1. If the cause of itching in a woman is a lack of personal hygiene, then it is enough to perform daily hygiene procedures.
  2. In case of parasitic invasion, therapeutic therapy is carried out with special preparations for worms. The medicine can only be selected by a doctor who will take into account the pathogen, the age of the woman and the presence of contraindications.
  3. Rectal suppositories are commonly used to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  4. If itching is caused by nerves, then the patient will be recommended a course of sedatives and antihistamines.
  5. discomfort in the anus
    discomfort in the anus

Mechanism of action of rectal suppositories

The effectiveness of suppositories for discomfort in the anus is based on their healing composition. When injected into the anal canal, medicinal substances dissolve and have a therapeutic effect on the rectal mucosa. As a rule, the active components exhibit only a local effect and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation. The exception is hemostatic suppositories. Their pharmacodynamics involves penetration into the local bloodstream in order to improve blood clotting.

The group of anti-inflammatory candles includes:

  • "Posterized Forte";
  • "Diclofenac";
  • Rektaktiv;
  • "Calendula homeopathic";
  • Betiol;
  • "Anuzol";
  • "Belladonna ex-ct (belladonna leaf)";
  • Procto-Glyvenol.

Due to the fact that itching is a symptom of more serious diseases, do not delay the trip to a specialist. Do not self-medicate, this can only aggravate the situation.

We looked at the main causes of discomfort in the anus.
