Cachexia - what is it? cachexia in cancer

Cachexia - what is it? cachexia in cancer
Cachexia - what is it? cachexia in cancer

Cachexia - what is it? Cachexia, in other words, exhaustion of the body, is a complex process characterized by a significant loss of body weight and general weakness, as well as a change in the psyche. At the same time, fat and carbohydrate reserves are sharply depleted, protein synthesis decreases with a simultaneous increase in its catabolism (destruction). Cachexia may also occur in oncological diseases.

Primary and secondary exhaustion

There are two forms of cachexia disease - primary and secondary. Primary wasting is also called pituitary, and secondary is symptomatic.

● Primary or exogenous cachexia occurs due to insufficient intake of nutrients, as well as as a result of the following disorders: brain injury, tumor or systemic damage to the pituitary gland, autoimmune hypophysitis, prolonged stress, hemorrhages (hemorrhages due to thinning of blood vessels), anorexia, embolism (foreign particles entering the bloodstream causing blockage of blood vessels), chronic specific infection.

● Secondary or endogenous cachexia is the result of diseases and is caused by factors such as hypoinsulinism (deficiency of insulin), increased synthesis of glucagon, malabsorption (impaired absorption of nutrientssubstances), glucocorticoid deficiency, tumor growth, somatostatin excess.

what is cachexia
what is cachexia

Causes of occurrence

Cachexia disease occurs as a result of a number of causes and factors:

1. Prolonged malnutrition and starvation.

2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the esophagus, as well as celiac disease, enterocolitis.

3. Prolonged intoxication with brucellosis, tuberculosis and other chronic infectious diseases and suppuration processes.

4. Psychogenic anorexia.

5. Thyroid disease, adrenal insufficiency.

6. Endocrine diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

7. Heart failure.

8. Malignant tumors.9. Hypotrophy in children.

cancer cachexia
cancer cachexia

What are the symptoms of cachexia? What are these manifestations?


There are a number of symptoms that characterize cachexia. What this disease does to our bodies:

1. Sudden weight loss up to 50% of body weight, and in severe cases more than 50%.

2. Dehydration.

3. Muscle weakness.

4. Disability.

5. Sleep disorders.

6. Increased infection rate.

7. Decreased blood pressure (blood pressure).

8. Paleness and flabbiness of the skin.

9. Possible vitamin deficiency and tooth loss.

10. Trophic changes in hair and nails.

11. Development of stomatitis.

12. The occurrence of constipation due to impaired intestinal motility.

13. Low blood levels of protein, albumin, iron,Q12.

14. Women may experience amenorrhea (cessation of menstruation).15. Mental disorders.

Cachexia and the psyche

cachexia disease
cachexia disease

I would like to dwell on mental disorders in cachexia. They can manifest themselves in irritability, depression and tearfulness, which smoothly flow into apathy, a complete breakdown. With an exacerbation of the disease that caused cachexia, amentia / amental syndrome (clouding of consciousness, characterized by an inability to navigate, chaotic movements and absent-mindedness, as well as incoherent thinking and speech) or delirium (insanity in which a person is in a constant state of anxiety and arousal) can be observed, sees hallucinations), pseudo-paralysis.

Cachexia in oncology

Cancerous cachexia is a syndrome in which the mass of skeletal muscle and adipose tissue continuously decreases with the development of tumor formations, regardless of food intake. Depletion is especially pronounced in those patients who have cancer of the gastrointestinal tract or lungs. Such people can lose as much as 80% of their body weight, resulting in immobility.

Cancer as a cause of cachexia

Cachexia in oncological diseases is possible. The cause of cachexia may be the presence of a tumor. Due to the neoplasm, the metabolism becomes atypical, adjusting to it. The tumor needs substrates that can ensure its growth and development. It is no secret that cancer cachexia has a toxic effect on he althy organs and tissues, changing their structure and causing malfunctions.

cancer cachexia
cancer cachexia

When a large amount of lactic acid is formed in a tumor, the liver is damaged. In order to normalize the concentration of lactic acid, the body begins to use blood sugar and often cannot make up for the loss.

When cancer cachexia is observed:

- catastrophic weight loss and weakness;

- violation of self-regulation processes;

- decrease in plasma cholesterol levels;

- development of infections due to impaired cellular and humoral immunity;

- dysphagia (difficulty swallowing);

-vomiting, diarrhea;

- increase in energy demand;

- antidiuresis and, as a result, hyponatremia;

- hypercalcemia;

- edema;

- increase in blood glucocorticoids;- in some cases, delirium and even coma.

Consequences of cancer cachexia

Cancer cachexia is very dangerous. An increase in glucocorticoids in the blood activates the processes of gluconeogenesis (glucose synthesis) in the liver and muscle tissue, increases the breakdown of proteins and fats. Due to the uptake of glucose by cancer cells, hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) develops. Against this background (to which stresses can be added), the endocrine glands actively produce hormones, an excess of which leads to intoxication of the body and hemic hypoxia (the difference in the arterial-venous oxygen gradient decreases). Homeostatic deviations occur. All this can lead to death.

cachexia in cancer
cachexia in cancer

Cachexia treatment

BMost of the treatment of patients with cachexia is carried out in hospitals or dispensaries. The main treatment includes therapy to get rid of neoplasms. Nutrition is also being restored, which is achieved by enriching the body with vitamins, microelements, fats and proteins. For this, easily digestible products can be used. Use such drugs: multivitamin for the treatment of hypovitaminosis, enzyme to improve digestion. Food is administered in two ways: enteral (when it enters the gastrointestinal tract) and parenteral (food passes by the gastrointestinal tract). The parenteral method is used to remove the patient from a serious condition (coma) with cancers and treatment after them, severe malnutrition, severe infections, and swallowing disorders. At the same time, glucose, vitamins, amino acid mixtures, electrolytes, protein hydrolysates are administered (introduced parenterally). Appetite enhancers are also used in practice. If the patient suffers from disorders of food digestion and absorption, polyenzymatic preparations are used in the treatment (Pancreatin, Festal). To prevent vomiting, prescribe Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. It is also effective after chemotherapy. The cannabinoids contained in this preparation stimulate appetite, and, accordingly, weight gain. Weight loss can be h alted with fish oil, which is why it is also included in the treatment of conditions such as cachexia.

cachexia treatment
cachexia treatment

Treatment with drugs.

The following drugs are used to eliminate cachexia:

1)"Carboxylase" - helps to normalize weight, relieves pain and supports the functioning of body systems. Side effects - allergies. Should not be used if the body is susceptible to at least one component.

2) "Megeys" or "Megestrol acetate" - stimulates an increase in muscle mass and fat. Do not use in case of sensitivity to the components of the drug, persons under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In the presence of infectious diseases, antibiotic therapy is included in the treatment. If necessary, anabolic hormones are administered. In cases of psychogenic disorders, a psychiatrist is involved in the treatment. We hope that we have answered your question "Cachexia - what is it, how to define it and how to fight it".