Cluster headache is the appearance of intense and burning pain that can be localized mainly in one specific part of the head. Such pains are capable to be shown by the whole series of attacks. Often they are called beams due to the appearance of a feeling of accumulation of a certain beam in one particular place.

How long do cluster headaches last?
The periods during which seizures occur can last up to several months, after which they can disappear for several years. Symptoms characteristic of cluster pain appear only at the time of attacks, after which they disappear completely. During the onset of an attack, it is very important to have time to eliminate pain, and, in addition, reduce the intensity of symptoms. If you have this kind of headache, you should consult your doctor.
Which people are most susceptible to pathology?
In the ICD system, cluster headaches can beassigned to several codes at once, which will depend on the reasons that cause this pathology. In most situations, such a headache is assigned the code G44.2. This code indicates the presence of tension-type headaches. In the event that attacks in a person occur as a result of inflammation of the facial nerve, then the doctor can classify the disease according to the underlying pathology and assign the appropriate code: G50-5.
According to statistics, cluster headaches are quite rare, and occur in approximately 5% of the population. Most of all, men are subjected to attacks of the beam character of pain. In comparison with the female sex, the probability of their having such a pathology is 1:5. The risk group for this pathology includes men who meet the following criteria:
- The presence of an anatomical feature, which is expressed in a split chin, a large physique, and, in addition, in the jaw of a square type. Also, this pathology usually occurs in those patients whose eyes are blue or light gray.
- Having bad habits.
- Age category from thirty to forty years.
Cluster headaches are very rare in childhood and are never diagnosed at birth.

Symptomatic characteristic of the disease
The manifestation of symptoms of this pathology directly depends on their following forms:
- Epic form. Within this form, during an exacerbation, whichcan last for several months, the patient may experience a large number of intense, but short-term pain attacks. After these attacks, the attacks disappear for a long period of time, for example, for a whole year or more. The symptoms of a cluster headache are quite unpleasant.
- Chronic form. Against the background of this form, severe symptoms disturb a person almost constantly. The intervals of enlightenment directly between attacks are very short.
What is the pathogenesis of cluster headaches? They are distinguished from other types of cephalalgia by the following features:
- A distinctive feature of pain is that the attacks begin with a slight burning sensation in the region of the eye sockets and temple. This sensation is usually followed by intense pain, which then escalates rapidly.
- The lightning-fast nature of development, in which only fifteen minutes pass from the moment of normal state to the onset of unbearable headache.
- Prolonged nature of the pain. In most situations, one cluster attack can last up to forty minutes, and immediately after that, unpleasant symptoms disappear completely.
- Time of day when an attack develops. Almost always, the pain occurs at night between the first and fourth hours, and its intensity is so high that a person can wake up.
- One-sided nature of painful sensations. The uniqueness of this pathology is that the pain always covers only one side of the head.
- Mobility restrictionsick. During the moments of attacks, the patient freezes, since the slightest movements cause him severe pain, in connection with this, he tries to find a position in which the intensity of the symptoms can decrease.
Cluster headaches may be accompanied by the following symptoms:
- The appearance of visual disorders. This is expressed in the narrowing of the pupil from the side of the pain. The pathological condition is accompanied by a deterioration in vision, and, in addition, tearing and swelling of the eyelids.
- Development of swelling and redness of the skin in the area of pain.
- The appearance of nasal congestion and discharge due to swelling of the mucous membrane.
- Observation of excessive sweating, and at the same time also pallor, nausea, irritability, aggressiveness and nervousness.
- Difficulty breathing and increased heart rate.
As soon as the attack of this pathological pain passes, the symptoms completely disappear, and the patient's well-being improves significantly.
Let's look at the causes of cluster headaches.
Causes of occurrence
Medicine has not yet identified the most accurate causes of this kind of pain, but experts often associate its appearance with the following body disorders:

- Hypothalamus hyperactivity. The causes that cause the excitation of this region of the brain, which is responsible for the biorhythms of the body, are still unknown to doctors, but it is already believed that it is in this state andthere are bouts of cluster pain in the head.
- The presence of inflammation or excessive sensitivity of the trigeminal nerve.
- The appearance of hormonal failure. It should be noted that cluster pain is provoked precisely by the excessive production of hormones such as histamine and serotonin.
- Presence of vascular disease.
- Corresponding heredity.
There may be other causes of cluster headache:
- Having bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Off-season period. Attacks of the occurrence of this pathology can most intensively manifest themselves precisely in the spring or autumn period.
- Man's change of climate. Regular trips with flights to countries in which a different time zone can lead to jet lag, and at the same time to the excitability of the hypothalamus.
- Constant violation of the regime of day and night. For example, shift work at work can easily provoke such pains.
- Staying a person in regular stressful situations.
- Using certain medications such as Nitroglycerin.
As part of diagnosing cluster pain in the head, the doctor, as a rule, assesses the level of influence of these factors along with susceptibility to the pathologies described, and only after that the appropriate treatment for the patient is prescribed.
"How to get rid of a cluster headache?" - the question is not idle. More on that below.
Cycle of cluster headaches
A feature of this pathology is that attackscluster pain tend to occur with frequent regularity, at the same time of day. In this regard, they are sometimes also called headaches-alarm clocks. Most of these attacks occur between the evening and early morning, with peak times usually occurring between midnight and 3 am.
The total duration of these attacks is usually short. But at the same time, cluster attacks are extremely painful. In the event that they are not treated, they will last from fifteen minutes to an hour and a half. On the background of an active cycle, patients may experience only one attack per week, but sometimes there can be as many as eight per day. Cycles of such attacks typically last up to twelve weeks. And against the background of chronic forms, seizures can last much longer. Cycles are usually seasonal, often in the spring and fall.
Cluster headaches in children
Many parents, having heard the child's complaints of a headache against the background of good general he alth, fall into bewilderment. Sometimes the head may hurt due to a high temperature or a viral illness. But the sudden onset of an incomprehensible symptom for no apparent reason in an adult raises many questions, because it is not clear what this may be connected with and what kind of medicine to give to a small child.
Cephalgia is extremely rare in children. It is characterized by a burning, boring pain of high intensity. Localization - temporal and orbital regions.
On average, seizures last between ten minutes and three hours.

Primary headaches
Headache can be considered primary when it is not due to another disease. Primary head pains include:
- The appearance of chronic migraine attacks. These attacks often resemble cluster headaches. They lead to several short daily headaches with symptoms that resemble a cluster pattern. But compared to them, these attacks are much shorter and can last only a couple of minutes. In addition, they are more frequent and can occur up to fifteen times a day.
- Development of hemicrania. These are short-term, and at the same time strictly one-sided pains, they arise in the head and resemble neuralgia. They are usually found in women. Periodic attacks of such pain can last from several days to one week. Sometimes they resemble a migraine.
- Short-term unilateral neuralgic headache with conjunctiva and lachrymation. These pains are stabbing in nature, they cause burning in the eyes and can resemble a cluster type of malaise. But in this case, the attacks are short, their duration is only a minute. They can occur more than a hundred times a day. A typical symptom in this case is redness of the eyes along with tearing, forehead sweating and congestion.
First aid for cluster headache is very important.
How is the treatment done?
Before prescribing the treatment of this pathology, the doctor must differentiate it according to a certain set of signs and exclude the presence of otherstypes of cephalgia. The disease is diagnosed by the following signs:

- Seizures occur at the same time every day.
- Observation of five or more attacks, and, in addition, their remissions.
- Presence of symptoms characteristic of cluster attacks.
When the above signs are detected and other diseases are excluded by undergoing magnetic resonance imaging, doctors diagnose cluster headache and prescribe symptomatic therapy, which may include the following techniques:
- Using oxygen inhalation at the initial stage of an attack.
- Using a nasal spray or drops to relieve swelling of the mucosa.
- The use of medications that stop pain by eliminating the root cause of their occurrence.
Cluster headache is treated with medication.
Pill treatment
Drugs in tablet form are prescribed both in the presence of acute attacks of cluster pain, and in periods between attacks in order to prevent the occurrence of attacks. What are these miraculous remedies? As a rule, the following drugs help to eliminate pain and relieve concomitant symptoms:
- Use of ergotamines such as Akliman, Ergomar and Gynofort. These pills block the release of serotonin and calm the nervous system by toning the walls of blood vessels.
- The use of triptans, for example,Sumatriptana, Zomiga and Imigrana. These drugs block pain attacks by narrowing the cerebral vessels and eliminating the accompanying symptoms in the form of nausea and dizziness. Medicines for cluster headache should be selected by a doctor.
- Using pain relievers such as Ketanov and Lidocaine.
- Using calcium channel blockers, such as lithium carbonate or Verapamil.
- Prescription of anticonvulsants in the form of "Gabapentin" and "Topiramate". They are prescribed in the presence of a series of severe attacks, which are accompanied by an epileptic seizure.
- The use of tranquilizers, for example, "Afobazole". This tool is used as a prophylactic drug against the background of susceptibility to stress and the occurrence of cluster attacks because of this.
What else is the treatment for cluster headache?
Therapy with folk methods
Through folk recipes it is impossible to eliminate intense bouts of pain in the head. But it will be possible to remove their residual manifestations, reducing the likelihood of occurrence in the future. So, for the treatment of cluster headache folk remedies are suitable:

- The use of turmeric. This spice has anti-inflammatory, and at the same time also a sedative effect. If consumed regularly with food, the likelihood of cluster seizures will decrease.
- Using cayenne pepper. Due to its irritant effect on nerve fiberscapsaicin, which is part of the fruits of this pepper, can reduce the intensity of headache attacks. To do this, the ointment prepared on its basis is rubbed into the region of the temporal lobes.
- Using lobed pueraria. In Chinese medicine, this plant is endowed with special properties. In China, it is believed that infusions made on its root help in moments of seizures. The use of the plant reduces pain, coping with dizziness, and, in addition, eliminates stuffy ears.
- The use of ginkgo. The fresh foliage of this plant helps to normalize the functioning of the hematopoietic system, thereby ensuring the necessary blood flow to the brain tissues.
- Eating walnuts. These fruits have a beneficial effect on the vascular system, and, in addition, also on the structure of the blood, along with the state of the nervous system. For these purposes, it will be quite enough to use the kernels of three nuts every other day. The nice thing is that they are very tasty.
In any case, the intake of folk remedies must be agreed with your doctor. Only a specialist will be able to take into account a number of possible side effects with contraindications, which are usually associated with individual intolerance.
What does cluster headache mean now, but how to prevent it?
Prevention of this pathology
The attacks of this pathology are easier to prevent than to stop later. For these purposes, the doctor necessarily gives the person who suffers from pain attacks the necessary recommendations that help significantlyreduce the intensity of manifestations of such attacks of cluster headache, and, in addition, increase the time interval between them.
So, the standard preventive measures that are recommended for diagnosed this unpleasant pathology include the following:
- Complete refusal of the patient from all addictions, especially from smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Complete renunciation of intense physical activities and weight lifting, which cause severe overwork.
- Normalization of the daily routine along with the provision of proper rest, which will prevent the occurrence of jet lag.
- Avoiding situations that provoke the development of stress and injure the human psyche.
- Participation in psychological trainings that help restore psycho-emotional balance.
- Breathing exercises along with relaxation and meditation techniques.
- Change in diet. As part of this recommendation, experts advise four or five daily intake of products. It is very important to include seafood, fruits, nuts, vegetables and fiber in the menu. It is also important for people to regularly take those foods that are rich in vitamin B. Also, medications based on it, according to the prescription of the attending physician, are also suitable.
- Regular stay of a person in the fresh air.
- Hiking, cycling, and in addition, visiting the pool.
- Periodic spa treatment.

People who are prone to such headaches should always have medications with them that will help stop attacks, or you should at least know how to relieve the intensity of pain with improvised means. It is extremely important not to wait for the development of intense symptoms, but to take preventive measures in the event of the appearance of primary symptoms. In addition, you should regularly go to your doctor, get diagnosed and follow his recommendations.