Burdock is a herbaceous biennial plant that grows in fertile soils. Many lovers of alternative medicine know about the medicinal properties and contraindications of a decoction of burdock roots. It's all about the rich chemical composition of this herb. There are vitamins A, B, C, E, P, oleic and linoleic acids, zinc s alts of chromium, calcium and a number of other trace elements.
General data
The properties of burdock root and contraindications to it mostly relate to the anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diaphoretic and laxative effects of this herb. In addition, wounds are disinfected with a plant, because it is a natural antiseptic that stops the symptoms of an allergic reaction and relieves itching. The use and contraindications of burdock roots relate to the treatment of gastritis, urethritis, cholecystitis, cystitis, pancreatitis, rheumatism, arthritis, hemorrhoids and some other diseases.

Often people consider burdock a weed, because it is found everywhere. But we must not forget that it has a lot of valuable effects. Burdock blooms in late spring. It is during this period that bees begin to collect pollen from it. The plant produces delicious honey. Useful properties and contraindications of burdock roots appear in all parts of the plant. However, the roots are more commonly used. Preparations are made in early autumn, if the grass is the first year. If we are talking about the second year, then the drug is prepared in the middle of spring.
In the first 12 months of a plant's life, the concentration of valuable elements in it is maximum. Useful properties and contraindications of burdock roots, collected at the moment, are most pronounced. Already after a year, the concentration of trace elements is not so high. The root is already woody, flabby. It is hardly worth preparing healing potions from this.
To prepare a burdock root extract with beneficial properties and contraindications that will manifest itself most clearly, you need to dig this part of the herb, then clean and wash it. After that, the root is cut into pieces of 10-15 cm. Excessively large parts must first be cut lengthwise. Dry the grass in ventilated rooms, spreading it in a thin layer on the fabrics. The drug is stored to preserve the medicinal properties and contraindications of burdock roots in wooden vessels.
About useful properties
Burdock has an analgesic, choleretic, diaphoretic effect. In addition, it demonstrates a mild laxative effect. If you often use drugs from it,skin starts to look noticeably better.

The plant contains inulin, and the beneficial properties and contraindications of burdock root extract are directly related to the fact that they reduce the amount of leukocytes in the blood. It is indicated to prevent the appearance of stones and s alt deposits. In addition, the oil from the plant provides accelerated growth of hair follicles. Since ancient times, recipes for burdock roots with medicinal properties and contraindications have been very actively used to cure tuberculosis, as well as other diseases that in ancient times were dangerous to humans.
Using burdock
The roots of this herb are also used in the prevention of malignant tumors. The recipe in this case is simple - take 10 g of ground root, and then add 200 ml of boiling water here. After that, the healing drug is allowed to stand for at least half an hour in a water bath. Then you need to remove the broth from the water bath and let it brew for 3 hours. Drink it three times a day, 100 ml each.
Also, in the treatment of oncology, a separate decoction is prepared. But keep in mind that burdock root with medicinal properties and contraindications can never become a full-fledged medicine that fights cancer. This is only an addition to the main course of therapy, which is used only in consultation with the attending physician.
The honey potion for cancer is easy to prepare: you need to pour 10 g of grass into 200 ml of vodka and add a teaspoon of honey here. After mixing the components, it is necessary to close the tincture, andopen after 10 days. Use the medicine one tablespoon at a time, adding to a glass of water.
If burdock roots are used with medicinal properties and contraindications for people suffering from urolithiasis, gout, rheumatism, ulcers, the following prescription is needed. It is necessary to take 10-25 g of grass, pour 2 cups of boiling water. After you need the drug to insist for 60 minutes. Take it three times a day for 0.5 cups after meals. The duration of the course is 20-50 days.
It is known that the beneficial properties of burdock root, contraindications to it are directly related to prostate adenoma. It is believed that the herb is able to overcome this disease. To prepare the drug, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of the plant with a glass of boiling water, and then leave it for 2 hours. Drink a decoction three to five times a day for 0.5 cups. In addition, a healing ointment is prepared from the roots of this herb.
To get it, you need a part of the grated root mixed with 3 parts of vegetable oil. After this mixture is insisted for several days. Then boil it on low heat for 15 minutes. In this form, burdock roots are used to heal burns and cuts. It is very useful to make compresses from a decoction of a plant.

Useful properties of burdock root and contraindications to it are directly related to hair care. After all, burdock oil serves as an excellent stimulator of their growth. You can buy it at any pharmacy, and someone prepares it at home. To do this, take 80 gplants and pour them with a glass of vegetable oil. The mixture is infused for a day, after which it is necessary to boil it over low heat. After applying to the hair, the oil is left for a while, and then washed off thoroughly. As a result, the hair becomes much stronger, their loss stops. Despite the oiliness, an increased fat content of the head will not be a contraindication to this kind of burdock extract. On the contrary, the oil saves with very oily scalp, normalizing the sebaceous glands. It is known that this oil also heals fungal diseases.
The healing properties of a decoction of burdock roots, contraindications to it are also associated with a person's weight. After all, grass promotes weight loss. To prepare a potion for this purpose, you need to take 20 g of the plant, pour boiling water over it, and then let the broth brew for 20 minutes in a water bath. Next, you need to strain it, you need to use the drug 1 tablespoon in the middle of a meal.
According to reviews, burdock roots for medicinal properties and contraindications help reduce appetite. To get it, you need to take 60 g of grass and pour 1 liter of boiling water. After closing the infusion, it must be left for 60 minutes in a dark place. After straining, you need to take it 4 times a day, 1 glass each.
As a result, burdock roots have no contraindications and no side effects. But you need to think about it yourself, taking into account the beneficial properties of grass. For example, it is hardly suitable for a person with anorexia to take a decoction of burdock roots with a contraindication and side effect in the form of a decrease in appetite. Sometimesthere is an individual intolerance to the components of medicinal potions from this plant. In fact, a contraindication to burdock roots is the presence of an allergy.

After all, any herb can provoke an unpredictable reaction of the body. An exact contraindication to burdock roots is pregnancy. Do not use products based on this plant for women during lactation. In principle, there are no contraindications to the roots of burdock of a different kind. But in order to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to this plant, it makes sense to first apply a small portion of the product with it. In the absence of a specific reaction, we can safely say that a person has no contraindications to burdock roots.
Additional recipes
Normalization of the digestive tract is facilitated by decoctions prepared from 230-250 ml of water with 1 tablespoon of herbs. Grass, brewed with boiling water, put on low heat for 8-10 minutes. Then let it brew for 15-20 minutes. After straining, drink a decoction of 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.
If a person suffers from urolithiasis, a decoction of 2 tablespoons of burdock root, filled with 750 ml of boiling water, will help him. It is important that the water is freshly boiled. The drug is infused for 1.5-2 hours. After pouring it into an enamel bowl, put it on a low fire, boil for 15-20 minutes. Next, you need to strain the drug. Take the drug 80 ml 3 times a day after meals. The remaining drug is poured into a separate container, covering it tightly, andthen left in the refrigerator. Before taking the product, it is mandatory to warm it to room temperature.
To normalize blood sugar, you need to take a drug from burdock roots, blueberry leaves, bean pods. You need 50 g of the collection of these herbs, taken in the same ratio, pour cold boiled water. It is necessary to let the broth brew for 10-12 hours. After it is boiled for 5 minutes. Then let it brew for another 1.5-2 hours. After straining, take a decoction of 150 ml 5 times a day.

With eczema, according to traditional healers, an ointment of 30 g of burdock roots and 250 ml of olive oil can easily cope. The plant is poured with oil, after which the mixture is allowed to brew throughout the day. After that, it is put on low heat for 15-20 minutes. When it reaches room temperature, it is filtered. Leave the mixture in the refrigerator for a month, no more. The drug is rubbed on the damaged area, applied in the form of a compress.
If a person suffers from colds and infections, medicines from burdock have an antipyretic effect. In addition, burdock is considered a natural analgesic, it helps to cope with inflammatory processes.
If intestinal motility is disturbed or there are hemorrhoids, a decoction of this plant will act as a natural laxative, anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, the substances that are present in the roots of burdock improve the activity of the pancreas. Therebydrugs from them are often used to detect metabolic disorders. They also help diabetic patients.
Compression products also treat all sorts of ailments associated with skin conditions. For example, burdock decoction saves from seborrhea. It eliminates the manifestations of the inflammatory process, itching. When eating burdock, normalization of stomach acidity is noted.
Joint treatment
Burdock root oil is used in the treatment of joints. To prepare it, 3 tablespoons of the plant are poured into 0.5 liters of vegetable oil. Leaving the mixture for a day to infuse, then cook over low heat for 10 minutes. After straining the drug, beeswax is added here. Enough about a teaspoon. When the mixture cools, it turns into a healing ointment, which will be very convenient to rub into the joints damaged by the disease. It is best to perform this procedure before going to bed, wrapping the area with a warm cloth.
Treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers
The healing properties of burdock roots associated with the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers are also known. It is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of the plant with 2 cups of boiling water. After the drug is insisted for 8-10 hours, and then, after straining, they drink a third of a glass three times a day.

Prepared from burdock and a diuretic. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of burdock root, and then pour them with 0.5 liters of water. The mixture is simmered in a water bath for 25 minutes, boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Have a drinkhalf a glass twice a day, adding a spoonful of honey here.
Treatment of diabetes
Diabetics can use a special recipe from folk healers. It consists in combining burdock root with chicory root, flax seeds and bean leaves. Each ingredient must be taken in equal proportions. Next, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. The drug is boiled for 10-15 minutes, and then cooled. Drink 0.5 cups three times a day.
How burdock roots are harvested
Someone prefers not to buy burdock roots in pharmacies, but to harvest grass on their own. In this case, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations, because at a certain time the concentration of medicinal substances in this herb will be the highest, and collection at the wrong time may simply be devoid of useful properties.
It is best to collect burdock in autumn, and the later the better. At this time, the grass is preparing for wintering, and valuable microelements are just descending into the roots. They serve as the most valuable component for medicines.
During this period, they dig up the roots of young grass. It is quite simple to distinguish it - it will be the largest, most juicy. If the plant is old, the roots will not be as healing.
Before you dry the roots of burdock, it is important to rinse them with special care, cut into pieces. Dry the roots in such a way that direct sunlight does not fall on them. They can be stored for 5 years.
Interesting facts
In addition to all of the above, it is worthNote that burdock roots are also eaten. And in some cultures, for example, in Japanese, burdock is cultivated in vegetable gardens for the purpose of eating. They are eaten boiled, baked, fried. Sometimes the roots are used fresh. They can serve as substitutes for potatoes. Known burdock cutlets, cakes. The plant produces a delicious jam. Roasted root can replace coffee or chicory. Soups and salads are prepared from fresh burdock leaves.
This herb also participates in the dacha economy. They say that a wonderful drug is prepared from it, which drives away many pests - caterpillars, cabbage whites, scoops and other unpleasant creatures. To prepare such a natural fertilizer, you need to take a bucket of finely chopped burdock leaves, and then fill it completely with water. The remedy is infused for 3 days. After it is filtered, trees and shrubs are sprayed with it. The effect is immediate.
It is noteworthy that fructose is extracted from the insulin polysaccharide contained in this plant. It is she who is used in medicinal potions for those who suffer from diabetes. And this is one of the few substances that are suitable for the treatment of this disease. It is noteworthy that the world's first Velcro was invented from burdock in 1948 by Swiss engineer Georges de Mestral.
In Siberian, Japanese, Caucasian traditions, burdock is considered a vegetable. The components that are found in the composition of this plant provide blood purification, as ancient people believed. It contains several essential oils, indeedhaving a similar effect.
Burdock is very good for the liver, and due to its ability to stimulate the insulin-forming functions of the pancreas, it is also used in relation to people whose pancreas is not in the best condition.
To take the medicine from burdock, the plant is prepared according to a special recipe. It consists in preparing an infusion from 1 tablespoon of burdock root, filled with 200 ml of water. The mixture is allowed to boil for 10 minutes, and then left to infuse for 2-3 hours. However, it is permissible to leave it for the whole night. Take it 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
To strengthen the immune properties of the body, burdock decoction is made with peppermint, rose hips and hawthorn. A mixture of these ingredients, taken in equal proportions, is poured into 0.5 liters of water, and then boiled for 10 minutes. After you need to let the broth brew for a while, and use it instead of tea.

It is believed that an ointment of 4 tablespoons of burdock roots and 4 glasses of water helps with rheumatism and eczema. Evaporate this mixture to half of the total volume. Next, mix with 4 parts of butter. This ointment is intended for damaged areas. The greatest effect is achieved by combining such treatment with bath procedures.
If allergic diseases of the skin appear, a medicine from this plant can also help. It is prepared from 1 tablespoon of burdock root, hawthorn, wild rose, tops of sandy cumin. A mixture of herbs is poured with 2 glasses of water, after which it is boiled for 5 minutes, infused for 1 hour. Drink it in small portions before meals.
Be aware that in alternative medicine there are many more recipes with burdock roots with medicinal properties. At the same time, they have practically no contraindications. They are used to prevent many diseases, often for this purpose brewing burdock roots instead of tea and consuming on a regular basis.