Neurasthenia is one of the varieties of diseases of the nervous system, in which the patient feels complete exhaustion. The disease is characterized by a gradual transition to complicated forms, if not treated at the initial stage. Knowing the symptoms of neurasthenia is necessary for every person, so that when the first signs of the disease are found, contact a specialist. However, it is almost impossible to establish a diagnosis on your own - all nervous disorders are so similar to each other.
First stage
As mentioned above, the symptoms of neurasthenia depend on the stage of the disease.

There are three of them. At the first stage, the disease does not have clear signs, it is more like ordinary overexertion and fatigue. The main symptoms can be called excitability and increased irritability. The patient is constantly under stress. He can be annoyed by almost all things that he previously treated with indifference or even good. He starts to feeltension literally because of the little things: a sharp sound, bright light, and so on. The patient in this state is able to break into a cry and raise a hand to loved ones. After that, he often feels guilty and tormented by remorse, but the next time he cannot restrain his emotions.
The initial form of neurasthenia is manifested by a decrease in efficiency. The patient begins to tire faster, cannot concentrate, gather his thoughts, think. Problems arise at work, which often leads to the loss of a position, which further aggravates the condition.

Symptoms of neurasthenia of the first stage may also affect general well-being. As a rule, sleep is disturbed, insomnia appears. During the night, the patient cannot rest, he is tormented by nightmares, or dreams with a plot about daytime problems.
Second stage
If neurasthenia, the symptoms of which were mild at the initial stage, is not cured, then it turns into a complicated form. It is characterized by fussiness, impatience and a bad, depressed state. The physical condition also worsens: headaches become constant, it is quite difficult to fall asleep in the evening, dreams become difficult. Daytime tormented by drowsiness and apathy.
Third stage
In the third stage of neurasthenia, the patient feels a significant deterioration. He becomes lethargic and apathetic, nothing in life pleases. He might cry because of

any nonsense, a sloppy word said in jest. Many neurasthenics at this stage give upwork, may go on a drinking binge or start using drugs. Growing depression often leads to more serious actions.
If you manage to recognize the disease in yourself, then you need to contact a specialist who will tell you how to cure neurasthenia. For this, special psychotropic and sedative drugs are used, and you will also have to adjust the daily routine. In almost all cases, the symptoms of neurasthenia, like the disease itself, are easily treated without leaving consequences. It is only important to see the disease in time and consult a doctor with it.