Zinc plays an important role in the functioning of the organs of the human body. The element helps to strengthen the immune system, maintains the normal state of the intestines, pancreas, liver, and bone tissue. If there is no lack of zinc, then a person recovers faster from infectious pathologies. Deficiency of this trace element negatively affects well-being. However, it can be replenished with the help of bioadditives, for example, "Zinkit". Sections of the article are devoted to reviews about this remedy, the description of the drug.

Causes and effects of zinc deficiency
Deficiency of this trace element occurs as a result of the following factors:
- Unbalanced diet.
- Pathologies of the digestive system.
- Excessive excretion of a substance from the body. This happens with the abuse of alcoholic beverages,taking laxatives or other drugs.
Lack of zinc leads to unpleasant consequences. A person's ability to work is deteriorating. There is twilight blindness. Bone tissue and hair become brittle, rashes appear on the surface of the skin.

Wounds are slowly healing. A person often suffers from viral diseases. To avoid these unpleasant phenomena, it is recommended to use the Zinkit supplement. According to experts, women especially need such a remedy during the period of gestation and lactation, people of puberty, those who play sports and do not eat animal food.
When should I take dietary supplements?
The product in question contains zinc sulfate. The use of the supplement contributes to rapid recovery after infections, surgical interventions. The tool improves the condition of hair, skin, nail plates. Zincite, according to doctors, is recommended to be taken in the following situations:
- Vitamin D deficiency.
- Burns.
- Skin pathologies, e.g. psoriasis, acne.
- Parasitic infestations.
- SLE.
- Arthritis.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Pathologies of the digestive system.
You should take "Zinkit" according to the instructions. Customer reviews about the drug testify that it gives a good effect, subject to the principles of a balanced diet. The person who uses the remedy needs to eat morefresh vegetables.

How to take dietary supplements correctly? The supplement is designed for a course lasting no more than a month. When the packaging is over, the use of the product should be resumed only after six months. The dose is determined depending on the age of the patient, the presence or absence of diseases. For adults, it is 15-25 milligrams, for minors - 10-20 mg. The tablets are dissolved in a glass of water. "Zinkit", according to customer reviews, is convenient to drink, it has a pleasant taste. It must be remembered that in case of pathologies of the digestive organs, dietary supplements should be taken only after meals.
When is the supplement prohibited?
Drinking "Zinkit" is impossible in the presence of the following conditions:
- Immune encephalitis.
- Severe violations of the functions of the urinary organs.
- Individual intolerance.
During the period of gestation and lactation, when using products containing iron, antibiotics, as well as in the presence of chronic pathologies, you should drink dietary supplements only as directed by a doctor. Against the background of taking the supplement, side effects may occur (loose stools, respiratory disorders and muscle tissue functions, nausea). But they, as a rule, do not happen if you follow the instructions for use when using "Zinkit". Consumer feedback indicates that the dietary supplement is generally well tolerated.
Customer opinions
Most people who took the supplement formed a positive impression ofher. The drug is easy to take, it tastes good. The dietary supplement improves the body's resistance, promotes the healing of abscesses and inflammatory elements on the skin. The fair sex is satisfied with the effect of the use of the supplement. Acne symptoms are much less. The need for the use of decorative cosmetics, such as foundation, has disappeared. Also, buyers say that the drug helps to cope with the symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies. To eliminate dandruff and increased oiliness of the scalp, many people use "Zinkit".

According to reviews, this dietary supplement is very useful for hair. However, some buyers talk about the shortcomings of the product. For example, that it cannot be combined with other medicines. In addition, the dietary supplement does not act immediately, the effect quickly disappears after the end of the course. Another disadvantage is the rather high price. But in general, there are few negative reviews about Zincite.