Deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat: composition, indications and application

Deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat: composition, indications and application
Deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat: composition, indications and application

Pharmacology is one of the few most profitable industries with strong competition. The pharmaceutical market is tough and hard to admit new products from little-known brands. This trend often does not allow herbal and animal products, including drugs consisting of deproteinized hemoderivate of calf blood, to enter the struggle for a place on the market. But several relatively recent funds have successfully coped with the task and are quite popular both in Russia and abroad.

What is hemoderivat?

In fact, hemoderivat is a concentrated extract from the blood and tissues of animal origin of a certain mass, which is then converted into the form of an extract. Deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat is an extract from the blood of dairy calves. Through hemodialysis, specialists separate the protein and obtain a serum rich in oligopeptides, nucleotides, amino acids and glycoproteins.

Forms of release and purpose

Preparations of deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat are produced in Austria, Switzerland and Germany in the form of:

  • ointments;
  • gel;
  • pills;
  • injection solution.
Circulatory disorders
Circulatory disorders

The main function of the medicine is called by doctors the ability to increase the rate of oxygen delivery to organs and tissues, and improve its interaction with glucose.

In Russia, two trade names of deproteinized calf blood hemoderivat are widely used: "Solcoseryl" and "Actovegin".


The manufacturer positions the drug as a means to improve metabolism and regenerate damaged tissues. A variety of dosage forms contributes to the use of "Solcoseryl" in various medical fields.

  1. Injection solution is used for atherosclerosis of the lower extremities and ulcers that form due to venous insufficiency. The standard daily dosage is 5 ml intravenously or intramuscularly. For the drip infusion procedure, 20 ml of the drug is diluted in sodium chloride. Packing of ampoules with a volume of 2 ml in the amount of 10 pieces, with a volume of 5 and 10 ml in the amount of 25 pieces is made in a carton box.
  2. Gel helps to get rid of uncomfortable postoperative conditions as soon as possible and allows you to deal with such ophthalmic problems as:
  • burns of various nature;
  • mechanical damage to the organs of vision;
  • ulcers and inflammation of the cornea;
  • symptom of non-closure of the eyeslots.
Eye gel
Eye gel

Packed 5 g in an aluminum tube, the gel must be instilled into the eye 3-4 times a day. In severe cases, it is allowed to use the drug hourly until the pathological manifestations are eliminated.

3. The ointment, packaged in 20 g and placed in a metal tube, is used in the treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, frostbite and trophic ulcers. The application of a millimeter-thick agent is carried out several times a day on a previously cleaned surface. In case of serious tissue damage, oral administration of the drug is additionally prescribed.

4. Tablets in the form of dragees are also prescribed for complex therapy of traumatic brain injuries and pathologies of cerebral vessels. The daily dose in the amount of 300-1200 mg is divided into 3 doses. It is recommended to take the drug before meals. Course treatment can be up to 5 weeks.

The drug is based on deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood, which improves the condition of the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the process of microcirculation. The product contains a mixture of such active substances as: glycine, taurine, choline, ornithine, alanine and adenosine. The composition of the drug allows you to restore cell nutrition, stimulating metabolic processes, and slow down the oxidation of organic compounds in the area of damage.


Actovegin, identical to Solcoseryl, is produced in Austria and also consists of deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood. The trade name of the Austrian drug, in comparison with its analogue, receivedwide popularity in Russia. Despite the large number of contraindications, domestic doctors often prescribe Actovegin.

The drug "Actovegin"
The drug "Actovegin"

The only and logical explanation for this may be the possibility of using the latter in pediatrics and in the pathology of pregnancy. Patients note the affordable price of Actovegin as an additional plus.

The drug is indicated in cases of:

  • brain injury;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • oxygen deficiency in the body;
  • pathology of the vascular walls;
  • eye damage and inflammation;
  • burns and ulcers;
  • fetal hypoxia.

The frequency of administration and a single dose of "Actovegin" depends on the severity of the disease. The drug is prescribed in accordance with the release forms according to the following schemes:

  • eye gel is used three times a day, 1-2 drops;
  • gel for healing superficial skin wounds is used several times a day;
  • ointment and cream to accelerate skin regeneration, for the treatment and prevention of bedsores, it is recommended to apply a thin layer in the morning and evening;
  • tablets prescribed 1-2 pieces per day;
Tablets "Actovegin"
Tablets "Actovegin"
  • intravenous injections are carried out daily at a dosage of 5 ml (at the initial stage of the disease in a hospital, an increase in dosage is possible);
  • drip injections are made with a special solution, including deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood and sodium chloride, with a frequency of once aa day in a volume of 250 ml.


The opinions of experts about the preparations "Actovegin" and "Solcoseryl" are radically different. Some doctors in their personal practice were convinced of the effective action of the funds, others note a positive trend only in some cases, others consider animal medicines useless. Some doctors even talk about the possibility of infection, because the quality of the serum purification procedure is unknown.

Most of Russian patients take doctors' prescriptions seriously, listen carefully and follow their recommendations. Therefore, the need to purchase one or another prescription drug is not disputed. In this connection, according to opponents of animal products, the first half of the success in treatment is due to the placebo effect, and the second - to the complex of drugs that help to cope with the disease.


The drug "Cerebrolysin"
The drug "Cerebrolysin"

The choice of a drug that replaces "Actovegin" and "Solcoseryl" is based on the patient's chronic diseases, possible contraindications and the patient's well-being. Any discomfort during the initial intake of the drug is the reason for the cancellation of deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood.

An analogue of the drug can be any drug prescribed by a specialist. Russian doctors more often than others recommend Curantil, Mexidol, Cerebrolysin and Cortexin. The drugs Vinpocetine, Piracetam and"Elkar", which are used as prophylactic agents that help maintain he alth at the proper level.
