Luxurious and lush hair is the subject of dreams not only for women, but also for men. Strong, he althy and, accordingly, beautiful hair always attracts the opposite sex and gives self-confidence. But here's the problem - your hairstyle gradually begins to thin out. Many, before solving this problem, ask themselves the question: "What causes hair to fall out?" Indeed, it is very important to understand the root cause of baldness in order to properly plan treatment.
Why does hair fall out?

So, the most common cause of hair loss is heredity. Unfortunately, if your parents, grandparents suffered from this disease, then you are predisposed to it. Baldness can be related to stress. If you are very worried or have experienced a deep shock, your body may react in this way. And in general, any changes in your he alth, such as hormonal changes, can affect the condition of your hair. So, many women lose their hair after giving birth. What to do in allthese cases?
Pharmacy variety
Of course, if the problem is genetics, then nothing can be done. This is where a transplant can help. In all other cases, we will be able to tell you what to do if the hair falls out very much. In stores and pharmacies, you will find many drugs that promise to help you. There are so many of them that it is very difficult to choose a good remedy. In this article, we will present you the most popular folk methods to combat hair loss.
Folk methods

Any mask you choose will work best if you first scrub your scalp with sea s alt before applying it. You can add kefir so as not to injure the skin too much. Wash off the scrub with shampoo after leaving it on for 30 minutes. If you are wondering what to do if your hair falls out very much, then pay attention to cosmetic and essential oils. Recently, a lot has been said about their healing effect. All you need is for a few hours (you can overnight) to apply any of the proposed oils: burdock, mint, sage or rosemary. These oils will help regenerate your hair and reduce hair fall.
The following recipe came to us from the East. Have you ever wondered why Indian women have such he althy and beautiful hair? They definitely never thought about what to do if their hair falls out very much. Their secret is henna. By mixing this product with honey and cognac in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 and adding any essential oil, we geta great mask to restore your hair.

Before you make a mask for the first time, do a test to see if it suits you. Apply the product for half an hour, and if you do not feel discomfort, you can safely continue. Generally, those with oily hair have no problems using henna (colorless!), while girls with dry scalp may not be able to use the mask.
Do not forget also about the healing properties of many herbs when you do not know what to do if your hair falls out very much. Prepare an infusion of nettle leaves as follows: pour the crushed leaves into 500 ml of vodka and let it brew for a couple of weeks. Next, dilute the infusion with water and store in a dark container. Rub into scalp after washing. The same manipulations can be made with other herbs. It's even better if you combine two products. Dilute the henna and add, for example, chopped chamomile to it. Leave the mask on your hair for about an hour, then wash off with shampoo.