Mother's milk is the main food of a newborn baby. A woman's body starts working on making milk in the third semester of pregnancy. Closer to childbirth, the first discharge may appear from the breast - colostrum. This is very important both for the mother herself and for the unborn child, so the question “when milk appears after childbirth” worries all young mothers.

What is colostrum?
Colostrum is a kind of harbinger of milk. In fact, colostrum is called the first milk after childbirth. It has a yellowish color and a higher fat content than regular breast milk. As a rule, colostrum is produced in small portions, but this is quite enough for the baby to satisfy his hunger. A teaspoon of nutritious colostrum is equivalent in value to a whole glass of breast milk. It is important that the newborn immediately after birth be attached to the mother's breast, because this is the only way he will receivewhite blood cells and antibodies, which will further provide protection against viruses and bacteria.
When will there be milk?
The body of each woman has its own individual characteristics and it is difficult to determine exactly when milk appears after childbirth. Usually it comes a couple of days after giving birth, but in some cases you have to wait a week. The appearance of milk is impossible not to notice, because at this moment the breast increases greatly in volume, sometimes pain may appear, but this is quite normal, the pain will pass when lactation is fully established. When milk comes after childbirth, a woman feels the so-called hot flashes. They appear at the moment of applying the baby to the breast. In general, the process of sucking is very important for the mother herself. It is at this moment that lactation is activated and the production of the hormone oxytocin responsible for it occurs. Oxytocin, in turn, accelerates the process of separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus, the uterus is “cleansed”. Thus, the baby receives nutrition from the mother and helps her recover faster after childbirth.

When milk appears after childbirth, the mother becomes very thirsty. Do not be afraid, it will only be so at first, just the female body is being rebuilt, because now he will have to spend most of the liquid on the formation of nutrition for the baby.
Composition of breast milk
Breast milk is a complex aqueous emulsion that is made up of fat, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and s alts.
Fats arethe most variable part of milk. Their number corresponds to the needs of a growing baby. The fat content changes throughout the day and even during the same feeding. So, at the beginning of feeding, the percentage of fat content is less than at the end. That is, there is more fat in the "hind" milk. Therefore, it is important that the baby suck milk from one breast to the end, only after that it can be applied to the other. So he will get all the most valuable.
Protein is the main element for the growth of the body. In the first year of his life, the baby grows very quickly, and getting high-quality proteins is a must. Breast milk contains proteins in the optimal amount for the baby.
The main carbohydrate in breast milk is lactose. It is also called milk sugar. During digestion, lactose breaks down into glucose and galactose. Glucose is important as a source of energy, and galactose is involved in the process of formation and development of the child's nervous system. In addition, milk contains beneficial oligosaccharides, which are necessary for the nutrition of beneficial microorganisms.

When milk comes in after childbirth, it is important not to express the first "front" portion, because it contains the bulk of the vitamins. Milk is rich in vitamins A, D, group B. Scientists have found that children who eat breast milk rarely suffer from vitamin deficiencies, and in children who are weaned early, the deficiency is more common. Therefore, it is important on what day after the birth the milk came, because the sooner, the sooner the child will receive the first portion of useful and nutritious substances.
Minerals in breast milk are in an easily digestible form and are represented by micro and macro elements. Their number is fully consistent with the needs of a growing baby.
What foods increase lactation?
Young mothers ask questions of more experienced ones, and, as a rule, they are interested not only on what day after the birth the milk came, but also what foods can increase lactation. To preserve it, increase the quantity and quality of milk, the following products must be included in the diet:
- Fish, meat and egg dishes rich in proteins.
- Porridge combined with dried fruits and fruits (especially oatmeal and buckwheat).
- Nuts.
- Dairy products: cheeses, sour cream, milk, cottage cheese, kefir and yoghurts.
- Honey (with caution, baby may be allergic).
- Drinks, fruit drinks, milk tea, and juices.

Forbidden foods
Some foods can cause an allergic reaction in an infant, as well as disrupt normal digestion. These are such as smoked meats (including sausages), spicy dishes with a high content of spices, mayonnaise. You should refrain from red berries and fruits, as well as from sweets.

If there is no milk after childbirth
What should a young mother do if she does not have milk? The most important thing is not to panic. The body of each woman is individual, and it is very difficult to determine exactly when milk appears after childbirth. Tryinclude in the diet foods that stimulate lactation (the list is given above). Do not be nervous, try to calm down. Lack of milk can also be discussed with the doctor, perhaps he will advise you to drink special medications.