We want a baby: the best time to conceive children

We want a baby: the best time to conceive children
We want a baby: the best time to conceive children

Many couples do not know how to calculate the time of conception. They believe that regular sex and lack of contraception are necessary for pregnancy. So it is, but few people are aware that there are only a few days in a month on which a partner can become pregnant. The ability to conceive a child depends on the woman's fertility and her menstrual cycle.

best time to have children
best time to have children

In order for pregnancy to occur, it is necessary that ovulation occurs and the egg is fertilized by the quality sperm of her sexual partner. As a rule, under ideal conditions, this happens on the 14th day after the start of menstruation - this is the best time to conceive children. But each woman is individual, and therefore the time of ovulation can move forward or back a few days. At the same time, the egg itself, released from the ovary, in which the dominant follicle has matured, remains viable for only 24 hours, while male spermatozoa are active for 5-7 days after ejaculation.

how to calculate conception time
how to calculate conception time

In order to track the best time to conceive, you can use tests ondefinition of ovulation. They fix the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) into the body - its maximum is reached when the second strip on the test becomes brighter than the control one. After the LH peak, the ovary ovulates within 12-48 hours - during this period of time, unprotected sexual intercourse can lead to a desired pregnancy.

You can determine the best time to conceive by visiting an ultrasound room and performing folliculometry. On such an examination, the doctor controls the process of how the dominant follicle matures. He can determine the day of ovulation with an accuracy of one day and then confirm it by the presence of a corpus luteum in the ovary and free fluid in the retrouterine space. As a rule, the egg is released when the dominant follicle reaches a size of 20-25 mm.

conception of a child during menstruation
conception of a child during menstruation

Measuring your basal body temperature will also help you understand your body and determine which days of your menstrual cycle are your best time to conceive. In order to correctly calculate fertile days, it is necessary to observe certain conditions: measure the temperature (rectally), with the same thermometer and at the same time every day. You can mark temperature readings on a leaf by connecting the points of all measurements. As a result, you should get a curve with a sharp rise in temperature in the middle of the cycle - this is ovulation.

Pay attention to the signs that indicate the approach of ovulation. As a rule, 1-2 days before it, the discharge becomes like egg white, and sexual desire intensifies. ATsuch days a woman feels most successful and beautiful, which attracts the opposite sex.

Many people wonder if it is possible to conceive a child during menstruation. Considering that sperm cells survive in the acidic environment of a woman for 5-7 days after ejaculation, and ovulation occurred early (on the 9-11th day of the cycle), then pregnancy becomes quite likely.
