Choose a good time to conceive a child

Choose a good time to conceive a child
Choose a good time to conceive a child

In the life of every family, sooner or later, there comes a moment when both spouses begin to dream of children. And in order for the news of pregnancy not to be taken by surprise, this moment must be approached with all responsibility, choosing the best time to conceive a child.

If we talk about the age of a woman, then the optimal period would be from 21 to 27 years. By this time, the reproductive system is already fully formed, the hormonal background is stable, and the body is young and full of strength. This is the best time to conceive a child. However, this does not mean that after 28 years a woman has no chance of becoming a mother. Late motherhood, of course, is fraught with various complications, but not always.

optimal time to conceive
optimal time to conceive

It is believed that the season also plays a role in the course of the entire pregnancy. There is an opinion that the optimal time for conceiving a child is the last months of summer and the beginning of autumn. A lot of sun, the presence of fresh vegetables and fruits (and hence vitamins), a good mood, the absence of epidemics - all this has the most favorable effect on the he alth of a couple who dreams ofchild, and significantly increases the chances of successful conception. But at the beginning of spring, it is extremely undesirable to become pregnant, because during the winter the body weakens and gets tired.

A good time to conceive a child is right after the holidays. Because before him or during pregnancy it is better to abstain. Since changing belts, flights, outdoor activities, extreme entertainment, alcohol and sleepless nights can adversely affect the development of the fetus. And now, upon arrival, a rested and happy husband and wife can start planning a baby with a calm heart.

As for the very preparation for pregnancy, it is as follows:

  • how to determine the time of conception
    how to determine the time of conception

    First you need to get "go-ahead" from the doctor - take smears, tests for STIs, do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and exclude possible he alth problems.

  • At least three months before the planned conception, you should exclude the use of strong alcoholic beverages and stop smoking and drugs.
  • You should limit your intake of too fatty and s alty foods.
  • If possible, maintain a he althy lifestyle and take walks in the fresh air.
  • It will be useful to limit communication with people you don't like and avoid stress.
  • Folic acid and vitamin E won't hurt either.

A woman can follow her feelings during her menstrual cycle, as it is possible to determine the time of conception by indirect signs. So, with an ideal cycle (28 days), ovulationoccurs 13-15 days after the onset of menstruation. This is the best time to conceive a child. It should be borne in mind that spermatozoa are able to survive in a woman's environment for up to seven days, but the viability of an egg cell is maintained for a day. About the approach of ovulation, a woman may hint at church discharge, resembling egg white, as well as mild pain in the lower abdomen.

good time to have a baby
good time to have a baby

You can plan the time of the year, the sign of the Zodiac and even the gender of the baby. But, believe me, whatever your plans and desires, the baby will choose when he will come into your life.
