Mikhail Izrailevich Perelman is a world-famous surgeon, phthisiatrician, academician, scientist, teacher. He was a man of extraordinary intelligence, a lover of life, a professional, an example of diligence.

Childhood. Family of Perelman Mikhail Izrailevich
Mikhail Izrailevich was born into a family of Soviet doctors. The main activity of his father is surgery, in this field he won the authority of colleagues, respect and gratitude of patients. Parents for Mikhail and his younger sister were an example in everything. It was they who laid the foundation of universal human values in children, instilled the right attitude towards the profession. This played a significant role in the later life of their offspring.
Michael Izrailevich Perelman spent all his childhood in Belarus. In Vitebsk he graduated from high school with a good certificate. He loved to study. He was also active in sports. His cherished youthful dream is to become a pilot. But, unfortunately, due to vision problems, he was not accepted into the flight school. Mikhail Perelman also did not have to become an aircraft designer, since the Great Patriotic War began. Their family was evacuated to Ordzhonikidze, where his father becamehead of the local surgical clinic.
In the city of Ordzhonikidze, Perelman Mikhail Izrailevich decided on a profession and decided to become a doctor, but soon, due to active hostilities in the Caucasus, the Perelman family was sent to Novosibirsk. Here Mikhail Izrailevich continued his studies. Among all medical sciences, he showed particular interest in surgery. To gain deeper knowledge in this area of medicine, he became a member of the circle at the Department of General Surgery, which was headed by Professor S. M. Rubashov.
In 1943 the family moved again to Yaroslavl. In the difficult war years, there were not enough specialists, so the student Perelman had to study and be on duty in the hospital. As a fourth-year student, he performed surgeries on his own.
After graduating from the Yaroslavl Medical Institute, Perelman continued his studies within the walls of this university, where he defended his Ph. D. thesis.
After the end of the war, Perelman was sent with students to the city of Kologriv, where they had to operate and treat people in difficult conditions without electricity and centralized water supply. During this time, 154 operations were performed.

Professional activities
Working at the Yaroslavl Medical Institute, Perelman wrote research papers for a doctoral degree in medicine three times:
- The first topic was devoted to surgical intervention in the treatment of heart defects. For the first time in the USSR, Perelman Mikhail Izrailevich studied, compiled a methodology and implemented it onIn practice, a method of surgical intervention on the heart is ligation of the open ductus arteriosus. The research work was formalized and sent for review to Moscow, but there was no response. The fate of scientific work remained unknown.
- The second scientific study was vagotomy for peptic ulcer disease. Unfortunately, due to ideological prejudices, it is forbidden to study and apply in practice surgical interventions to suppress nerves. Therefore, it was not possible to defend the dissertation again.
- Third attempt to get a doctorate was the work on the study of pancreatic cancer. But tragic circumstances, namely the arrest of the supervisor, prevented the study from continuing.

Soon, Mikhail Perelman had to leave the department and move to Rybinsk. There he took the position of deputy chief physician of the city hospital. It was here that he was hardened as a leader and organizer. But Mikhail Izrailevich never stopped operating. As an excellent doctor and surgeon, he became known throughout the city. During this period, Perelman became interested in anatomy, the study of diseases of the chest and their treatment with surgical methods.
In 1954, Perelman was invited to the capital, where he began work first at the 1st Moscow State Medical University, then at the TsIUV, where he would work until 1957. In 1958, at the invitation of E. N. Mishalkin, he worked in the newly organized Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Modern equipment, highly qualified colleagues and mentors allowed Perelmanto perform many operations to reconstruct the organs of the respiratory system, to develop new methods of surgical interventions. It was at this time that he was awarded a doctorate in medicine.
In 1963, Perelman again moved to the capital, where he worked under the supervision of Professor B. V. Petrovsky. Together with a team of like-minded people, Mikhail Izrailevich explores and puts into practice innovative methods in the surgical treatment of the respiratory system. Soon he is awarded the title of professor.
Since 1981, he headed the department engaged in the study and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, 1st Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov. After 17 years, he headed the Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, where he worked until the last days of his life.

During his professional career, Academician Mikhail Izrailevich Perelman was awarded dozens of various awards. Order of the Badge of Honor, Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 5 medals, Order of Nikolai Pirogov (2005), Order of St. Anna (Imperial Court).
Private life
The personal life of Mikhail Izrailevich Perelman cannot be compared in brightness and richness with professional events. His first wife was Tatyana Boguslavskaya, a pathologist. In marriage, they had two sons who devoted their lives to medicine. Mikhail Izrailevich was a wonderful father. The children loved him very much. The second wife was People's Artist of the USSR Inna Vladimirovna Makarova, with whom they lived together for more than 40 years.

The first meeting between Inna Vladimirovna and Mikhail Izrailevich took place during the war years, when the young actress gave concerts in military hospitals. The second time they met was 30 years later, when Makarova was looking for a doctor for her mother, who suffered from severe asthma. Perelman was able to help the woman. But their relationship doesn't stop there. After three offers to marry, Inna Vladimirovna agreed.
Like many doctors, Mikhail Izrailevich did not pay much attention to his he alth. For him, the main thing was his work, students. A few days before his death, he spoke at a conference where he spoke brilliantly. On March 29, 2013, the chief phthisiatrician of Russia, Mikhail Izrailevich Perelman, suddenly died. The cause of death was cardiac thromboembolism. This is an irreparable loss for the family of the academician, and for his colleagues, followers, for all Russian medicine.