Gonococcus is the most common causative agent of infectious diseases. Gonorrhea is called the most "popular" sexually transmitted disease in our time. The origins of the disease reach us from biblical times. Hippocrates in his writings described a disease with similar symptoms.
Gonorrhea (gonorrhoea) is a disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This bacterium is found only in humans. Infection in 90% of cases occurs through sexual contact, in 10% - through household contact (towel, underwear), although this is rare, because a harmful microorganism can die when it is outside the human body, under the influence of sunlight, when treated with antiseptic agents.

The probability of infection during unprotected intercourse reaches 70% if the partner is infected. A fairly high percentage of infection with gonococcal infection in comparison with other sexually transmitted diseases. The infection mainly affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system.
Smears ongonorrhea, as a rule, are prescribed by a doctor when the patient contacts. Most often, clear symptoms of a gonococcal infection can make you see a doctor:
- pain during intercourse;
- purulent discharge;
- pain in the lower abdomen;
- dysuria;
- the presence of an unpleasant odor.
After contracting an infection, a woman feels a burning sensation and pain when urinating, while they become frequent and quite painful. If the infection is not treated, it can cause a serious disease - infertility, both female and male. In men, gonorrhea causes purulent urethritis. If the disease progresses, it is fraught with additional diseases, such as prostatitis.

If the infection has become chronic, it is difficult to diagnose. In 80% of cases, the disease is asymptomatic, or they may be minimal.
The incubation period of the disease lasts from 3 to 15 days.
Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases involves many ways and different methods for detecting infection:
- Examination of the genital organs by a doctor.
- Bacterioscopy (a method of bacteriological research to isolate the causative agent of gonorrhea).
- Microbiological culture with antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
- Smear microscopy.
- Determination of infection by PCR (polymer chain reaction).
- Immunoassay method (ELISA).
- Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
Smears for gonorrhea,swab indication:
- infertility;
- spontaneous abortion;
- chronic urogenital infections;
- acute inflammation;
- communication with a partner infected with an infection.
Preparation before taking a smear:
- exclude sexual intercourse 1-2 days before the smear test;
- do not use alkaline intimate hygiene products 1 day before and immediately on the day of the test;
- you can wash with warm clean water;
- do not use synthetic wipes;
- do not douche or use vaginal suppositories;
- Do not urinate for 2-3 hours before taking a smear.
Smears for gonorrhea are not given during menstruation. It is better to take an analysis 2-3 days after the end of menstruation or before the start of the menstrual cycle.

How a swab is taken
Bacteriological examination of a stained smear for flora is taken by a gynecologist from three locations:
- vagina;
- cervix;
- urethra.
For research, a small amount of mucus is taken from the above localizations.
Immediately before this, the doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina to push the walls apart. The size of the mirror is selected for each patient individually. This procedure is unpleasant, and in order to experience a minimum of sensations, the patient must relax the muscles and breathe deeply and evenly.

Biomaterial is taken with a special sterileprobe and applied to a special glass. After that, the glass is dried at room temperature and sent to the laboratory for analysis. In the laboratory, slides with smears are stained and viewed under a microscope. The smear results are usually ready within 2-3 days after the test.
Immediately after taking a smear, a woman may feel discomfort in the lower abdomen, pain and observe spotting. It's not scary, the symptoms usually go away after a couple of hours.
Where to take a swab
When signs of infection appear, a woman may misdiagnose the presence of the disease. She can easily mistake this for thrush, and burning when urinating for cystitis. It is not uncommon for a girl to find out that she is infected when her partner has gonorrhea. Therefore, it is important to contact a gynecologist in time and pass the necessary tests.
For examination, consultation and smears, you can go to the venereal dispensary at the place of residence. But there is another way.
It is possible to get tested for gonorrhea at any antenatal clinic. The gynecologist will perform an examination and, if necessary, may order additional tests, such as colposcopy, oncocytology, or additional tests to detect infections.
Men can be tested when contacting a venereologist, a urologist, in any paid laboratory or in a dermatovenerological dispensary.

Dermatovenerological dispensary provides a full range of services for patients. Most of them can be obtainedfree of charge under the CHI policy.
Deciphering a smear for gonorrhea is done by a venereologist. As a result of the analysis, it will be reflected whether gonococcus is detected or not. In some cases, it is written about the presence (or not) of gram-negative diplococci, this is also evidence of the presence of gonococcal infection.
You should not interpret the smear result yourself, it is recommended to contact a specialist for competent interpretation, interpretation of tests and an accurate diagnosis.
It is important to get regular Pap smears for gonorrhea, even if you are asymptomatic, as gonorrhea and many other infectious diseases can be asymptomatic.
Regular examinations and preventive laboratory diagnostics do not take much time, but thanks to them, you can not only detect any disease in time and start treatment, but also eliminate the risk of its occurrence.