Arthritis is a common name for various inflammatory diseases: acute, chronic and recurrent. The general condition is as follows: malnutrition of the joint, accompanied by inflammation. Statistics say that every hundredth person in Russia suffers from arthritis of certain joints, and most often women.

Arthritis is a disease caused by:
- traumatic;
- immunological;
- infectious;
- genetic.
In simple terms, this is a metabolic disorder, infection of the joint. As a result - a noticeable deterioration in blood circulation, as well as nutrition of the tissues of the joint.
As mentioned above, arthritis is a systemic disease. It has several of the most common forms. Among them:
- arthritis of the knee;
- hip joint;
- shoulder joint;
- small joints (rheumatoid arthritis).
From a medical point of view, inflamed single joints are called monoarthritis, andmultiple - polyarthritis.
Clinical picture of the disease
First, arthritis affects small joints, and only then large ones.

In humans, this manifests itself in pain during various movements, as well as during the lifting of heavy objects. At the same time, the joints begin to swell. They get hot. The skin on the affected areas becomes noticeably reddened. The patient feels his physical constraint.
Of course, you need to see a doctor right away. If this is not done in time, then the already unpleasant symptoms will begin to worsen even more than before:
- general weakness of the body will begin;
- fever;
- the number of white blood cells will noticeably increase in the blood.
As a result, arthritis will become a chronic disease that lasts for years. From time to time it will be accompanied by flashes of rather sharp pain … Do you need this? To prevent this, we need time to sound the alarm!
Insidious arthritis. Treatment
Before the treatment itself, it is necessary to be fully examined. This will help your doctor determine the exact cause of your arthritis. The treatment itself is individual. It all depends on the degree of inflammatory processes, on their duration, on the main causes, as well as on factors such as:
- general features of the body;
- age-related changes;
- degree of metabolic processes;
- character of joint tissue destruction;
- presence of any diseases of the internal organs and musculoskeletalmusculoskeletal system.

Fortunately, most forms of this disease are curable these days! Today, qualified clinics use an effective method based on complex acupuncture, acupressure and other physiotherapy, combined with the use of herbal remedies for general and targeted effects. Experts say that such methods eliminate not only pain and associated inflammation, but also the causes of malnutrition and metabolism in the human body, as well as its impaired blood supply and reduced immunological function. Today, the treatment of arthritis is an absolutely safe procedure. Remember, arthritis is not a death sentence!