PPCNS - what is it? So doctors call perinatal damage to the central nervous system. We are talking about diseases of the newborn that appeared in the perinatal period (from 28 weeks of pregnancy to 7 days of life) of its development.

There are many reasons that can lead to such a pathology, but for convenience, scientists have divided them into only four groups. The diagnosis of "PPCNS" is made in the following cases.
This is the most common cause of PPNS. What does it mean? Sometimes the fetus inside the mother's womb lacks oxygen. The reasons for its deficiency can be an infectious or chronic disease of a pregnant woman, multiple pregnancy, hypertension, low or polyhydramnios. Hypoxia, which develops during the bearing of a child, is called "intrauterine". An acute condition may occur at the time of childbirth. The cause may be early detachment of the placenta, very slow delivery, when the head of the newborn remains in the mother's small pelvis for a long time, heavy bleeding caused by various reasons. As a rule, the consequences of acute or intrauterine hypoxia are:
- asphyxia of an infant;
- increased vascular permeability of the child;
- delayed development of brain capillaries;
- impaired breathing and circulation.

Sometimes, the wrong actions of staff during difficult births can lead to the fact that the tissues of the central nervous system or the brain of the newborn can be mechanically damaged. This also leads to PPNS. This means that with incorrect presentation, too large a fetus, during rapid labor and a “cosmetic” caesarean section, the risk of getting PCNS increases.
Metabolic disorders
Metabolic disorders in the child's body in the perinatal and neonatal periods can also cause PTCNS. That this happens quite rarely is confirmed by medical statistics. If a woman follows all the doctor's instructions during pregnancy, the possibility of developing PCNS is reduced to almost zero. The risk group includes newborns that appear in dysfunctional families. Perhaps the birth of children with alcohol or nicotine syndromes, drug or drug addiction.
Viruses most often provoke the development of PCNS. What does it mean? An infectious disease carried by the mother can harm the he alth of the fetus.
NCNS symptoms

The order in which symptoms appear and how quickly they develop depends on the severity of the lesion. In any case, the newborn may notice:
- change in muscle tone;
- tremor of hands, chin;
- rarelystool disorders, regurgitation;
- in severe form, seizures, respiratory and circulatory disorders can occur.
PPCNS. Treatment, diagnosis
The first diagnostician should be a neurologist who regularly monitors the child. In the event of symptoms of PCNS, he may suggest a series of examinations that will help establish the diagnosis and severity of the lesion. Be sure to undergo a CT scan, MRI, if necessary, an x-ray of the skull and other specific studies. The course of treatment also depends on the severity of the disease. Usually, anticonvulsants, decongestants (with cerebral edema) drugs are prescribed, as well as drugs that improve the condition of blood vessels and the metabolism of nerve fibers.