How to recognize a concussion? Causes and symptoms of a concussion

How to recognize a concussion? Causes and symptoms of a concussion
How to recognize a concussion? Causes and symptoms of a concussion

Concussion is a common form of traumatic brain injury. Usually it is accompanied by a slight disorder in the activity of the organ, which occurs as a result of mechanical impact or a sharp movement of the head. Such damage leads to temporary disruption of communication between neurons. This article explains how to recognize a concussion and how to get help if it occurs.


This type of damage refers to closed craniocerebral injuries (ICD-10 code - S00-S09). Sometimes they pose an even greater danger than open ones. After all, a person does not attach due importance to this condition and does not seek medical help in time. The main risk factor is alcohol consumption. 70% of patients who were diagnosed with closed craniocerebral injuries (code according to ICD-10-S00-S09),were intoxicated.

He alth threat

Mechanical damage to the head leads to the fact that the connections between neurons are broken, and nerve cells suffer from a lack of nutrients, and this negatively affects their functions. The danger of closed injuries should not be underestimated. After a strong blow or bruise, you must contact a medical facility. It is recommended to take an x-ray of the head to exclude the appearance of cracks, bruising.

head x-ray
head x-ray

In addition, you should be examined by a neurologist. It is also important to know how to recognize a concussion in order to provide first aid to the victim in a timely manner.

Degrees of damage

They are determined depending on the severity of the injury and its clinical manifestations. There are three types of concussion:

  1. Slight damage. It is not accompanied by a violation of consciousness. The patient may experience disorientation in space. Dizziness, cephalgia, nausea with a mild concussion usually disappear a quarter of an hour after the injury. In some patients, the temperature rises to 37-38 degrees. However, the general condition of patients quickly returns to normal.
  2. Medium damage. With this pathology, there is no loss of consciousness. But the main symptoms (dizziness, cephalgia, nausea, disorientation) do not disappear within a quarter of an hour. Short-term memory loss is possible. As a rule, it is expressed in retrograde amnesia (the patient forgets the events that occurred a few minutes beforeinjury).
  3. Severe concussion. Accompanied by fainting. Loss of consciousness can be either short-term (within one or two minutes) or long-term (up to several hours). The patient has memory loss (like retrograde amnesia). Symptoms characteristic of a head injury disturb the patient for two weeks after the injury. There is rapid fatigue, sleep disorders, lack of appetite, disorientation.

How to recognize a concussion? It should be remembered that any, even a minor bruise or blow, can lead to this damage. Therefore, if such an event occurs, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of a person. If symptoms of pathology occur, you should consult a doctor.

concussion dizziness
concussion dizziness

Main signs of injury

This condition is characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. Impaired consciousness.
  2. Dizziness, which is felt at rest and increases with a change in body position, turning, tilting. The cause of this symptom is a circulatory disorder in the vestibular apparatus.
  3. Tinnitus.
  4. Feeling sick, vomiting.
  5. Feeling broken.
  6. Double vision. During the movement of the organs of vision (for example, when trying to read), pain is felt.
  7. Headaches (with a concussion they have a pulsating character).
  8. Increased sensitivity to light, sounds (not even too loud).
  9. Disorderscoordination of movements.

Indirect manifestations of pathology

Additional symptoms of adult concussion include:

  1. Slowness, slowness of speech, inability to answer questions normally.
  2. Violation of orientation in time, in space.
  3. Disorders of concentration, memory impairment.
  4. Excessive activity or lethargy.
  5. Different pupil widths.
  6. Lack of appetite.
  7. Sleep disorders.
concussion rehabilitation
concussion rehabilitation

In older patients, loss of consciousness occurs with this damage less frequently than in younger patients. However, in elderly people there is a violation of orientation in space and time. For them, a characteristic symptom of a concussion is a headache in the back of the head, which has a pulsating character. This symptom does not disappear for 3-7 days and is intensely manifested in people suffering from hypertension. Such patients need special attention.

Ways to help

It is important for everyone to have an understanding of how to recognize a concussion and how to act when there are signs of injury. First of all, if the victim has lost consciousness, it is necessary to call an ambulance service.

help with brain injury
help with brain injury

The person should be laid on a flat hard surface, placed on the right side, knees and elbows bent. The head must be thrown back and turned towards the floor (ground). This iswill prevent fluid from entering the respiratory tract in the event of vomiting. If there are wounds on the head, a bandage should be applied to them to stop the bleeding. If the victim is conscious, lay him down on a flat surface.

We must carefully monitor the condition of the person, do not allow the patient to fall asleep. It is recommended to raise his head, apply a cold compress. The victim, who is in a faint, cannot be moved and turned over. If small or sharp objects, loose substances or liquids are located near the patient, these things are eliminated, otherwise they may enter the respiratory tract. A conscious person is not recommended to drink a lot of water. If thirsty, a small amount of sweet tea is allowed.

Features of therapy

Further assistance to a person should be provided by a doctor. The specialist has a clear idea of how to recognize a concussion, its degree, how to choose the necessary treatment methods. If this condition occurs, the patient should immediately contact the emergency room, regardless of well-being. Therapy is carried out either at home or in the neurological department of the hospital.

The main thing in the treatment of this pathology is bed rest, enough sleep, rest, lack of physical and psychological stress, especially during the first few days after the injury. In this case, the patient recovers quickly, he does not experience complications. The patient is forbidden to watch TV, play computer games,read, play sports.

sports injury
sports injury

Listening to calm music is allowed (without headphones).


What can a casu alty take if symptoms suggestive of a concussion occur? Treatment at home is aimed at eliminating signs of injury (nausea, dizziness, cephalalgia), as well as preventing complications and strengthening the body. Self-medication is unacceptable, all drugs are taken only on the recommendation of a specialist.

concussion treatments
concussion treatments

Medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation, tonics. The most popular drugs include Nootropil, Picamilon, Cavinton. They are used in the form of tablets, injections. In addition, herbal remedies (schizandra, ginseng), as well as vitamin complexes are prescribed. Osteopathy and acupuncture are recommended as additional methods of therapy. As a rule, if the doctor's instructions are followed, a person's well-being will return to normal in one to two weeks.

Probable Complications

If you do not go to a medical facility and ignore therapy, after an injury, he alth problems may occur. Three percent of patients have epileptic seizures, severe asthenic syndrome, hemicrania. Some patients experience minor complications that disappear after a while. The consequences of trauma include a decrease in memory and concentration, a feeling of weakness,depressive disorders, periodic cephalgia, emotional instability, irritability, sleep disturbances. In most patients, these symptoms become less pronounced and disappear within a year. For others, these manifestations remain throughout life.

Electroencephalography is recommended for every patient some time after the injury. This examination will allow to identify the possible consequences of damage in time.
