Mantoux test is a test for tuberculin, which is carried out to prevent the early diagnosis of tuberculosis. This procedure is safe if you follow all the rules for the administration of the drug, as well as the use of high-quality injections. Do a test annually and determine the body's response to the stimulus. If there is individual intolerance and contraindications, the response may be an allergy to mantoux. This fact has been proven by many generations of parents, this article will help to understand what is the reason.

Allergic reaction to tuberculin test can be caused by different reasons, and in some cases they are not even related to vaccination. For example, a child may be allergic to mantle because he has never been in contact with someone who is a carrier of tuberculosis. In this case, the child's immune system may react in a similar way.
The same reaction can occur if a child is allergic to a highly toxic substance such as phenol, which is part of the composition in small doses.vaccines. In children with a strong immune system, phenol does not cause any external negative manifestations, but those who are prone to such reactions will definitely have an allergy. Therefore, the question of whether mantoux is possible with allergies is quite appropriate. This must be reported to the doctor before vaccination, and he will cancel the vaccination.
Also, you can not do it in the presence of infectious diseases, epilepsy, skin diseases. In some cases, parents mistakenly believe that the mantoux test caused an allergy, which could also appear on a food allergen. In any case, there is no need to rush to show the child to a phthisiatrician and treat him for tuberculosis. The causes of individual allergic reactions can only be established by a family doctor.

Allergic reaction after vaccination
Already in the evening, an allergy may appear after mantoux. If this happens, it is necessary to remember whether the child has had infections recently, whether he is prone to allergic reactions, whether the vaccination site was properly cared for, and so on. Perhaps it was just the wrong care for the injection site, which caused a negative reaction. In any case, the child should be shown to a pediatrician, an allergist or an immunologist. They will also advise on exposure to other irritants.
If the doctor diagnoses "mantoux allergy", he prescribes other methods for determining tuberculosis. This can be both fluorography and sputum analysis. Mantoux is not the only way to find out about the presence of an infection, it is only the fastestdisease prevention method.

It is important that the Mantoux reaction (allergy) occurs suddenly. It is very often confused with a cold, shortness of breath or prickly heat. An allergic reaction to a vaccination shows the following symptoms:
- fever;
- rash on the skin;
- fatigue and loss of appetite;
- anaphylaxis.
In this case, the rash can be observed not only at the place where the injection was made. Blisters often occur in the groin, under the knees, on the face, elbows and buttocks. The skin begins to itch, exfoliate, becomes dry. Allergy almost always manifests itself in the form of a hyperergic immune response, which is expressed in an increase in the diameter of the papule, severe hyperemia, swollen lymph nodes, swelling, itching and pain.
In some cases, with individual intolerance to tuberculin, angioedema occurs, while the child has difficulty breathing, his neck, face and lips swell, white or purple blisters appear on the body. In this case, immediately call the doctors. Thus, mantoux allergy symptoms often show the same symptoms as those observed with a cold. It is important here not to self-medicate, consultation of specialists is necessary.
For this, it is recommended to call a doctor at home, who can prescribe antihistamines, indicate what to look for in the future. In the future, parents should always warn the doctor about the appearance of an allergic reaction whenvaccination. It must be remembered that all the above symptoms may not coincide with those that appeared in a child, since each child's body is individual and reacts to stimuli in its own way.

Allergy to mantoux, like any other, is not treated. It is recommended to give the child antihistamines, such as Zodak or Zyrtec, three days before the intended vaccination. Taking them will help facilitate the reaction to the tuberculin test. In this case, it is necessary to tell the doctor which drugs the child took. If this is the first time an allergic reaction occurs, follow the advice of a specialist.
First of all, it is necessary to exclude the impact on the body of a non-allergen. So, for example, a headache can occur due to watching TV. You can give your child half a tablet of Diazolin, which will relieve allergies, including on the skin. If there is difficulty in breathing, you should immediately call an ambulance. Sometimes the presence of an allergy indicates tuberculosis infection, so you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate therapy.

You can not make a vaccine in the presence of skin diseases, chronic infections, acute somatic ailments, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, rheumatism. It is not recommended to test mantoux on the same day as other vaccinations, the gap should be one or one and a half months. It is impossible to vaccinate in groups where there isquarantine for infections, it is carried out one month after the disappearance of symptoms.
If there are suggestions that the child is allergic to mantoux, prevention is carried out at home. To do this, first of all, strengthen the children's immune system. After all, it is known that the stronger the immune system, the easier the vaccination is tolerated. Consultations of such specialists as an allergist, pediatrician, immunologist are recommended for the need for an annual test. The best prevention is to prevent the irritant from entering the body. In this case, tuberculin acts as an irritant.
You can check in other ways, doing fluorography or passing sputum for analysis. If parents know if there may be an allergy to manta, they should also know that it is stopped by antihistamines. In any case, the parents themselves decide whether to write them a refusal in the clinic for vaccination. But it is recommended to check periodically.

Side effects and complications
Pediatricians and allergists do not recognize the occurrence of side effects after vaccination, although they often occur in the form of skin problems, constipation, and behavioral disorders. Often, the side effect manifests itself in the form of headache and dizziness, an increase in temperature up to forty degrees, fever, skin rashes, swelling, asthma attacks, itching at the injection site. Often there are massive complications in the mantoux test.
For example, sometimes after vaccination, children end up in the hospital with the samesymptoms. In some children, allergic reactions may manifest as lymphadenitis or micronecrosis, lymphangitis. In some cases, the quality of the vaccine, its transportation and storage can affect the manifestation of side effects. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner to avoid the occurrence of complications after vaccination. It must be remembered that the test for tuberculin should only be performed under conditions of complete sterility, with strict observance of all rules and conditions.

Thus, the test for tuberculin is not a vaccination against diseases, but a method for detecting tuberculosis infection in the body. Currently, this vaccination can be replaced by other methods of testing for tuberculosis. This may be sputum analysis, fluorography, and so on. It must be remembered that tuberculin is an allergen, so there will be reactions to it in any case. Sometimes they appear mildly and almost imperceptibly, while in other cases a strong reaction is possible, which can harm the he alth of the child. Therefore, consultation with a specialist will be appropriate in any case.