Rose hips contain such a mass of useful substances that it is sometimes called a vitamin in a vitamin. For example, the amount of ascorbic acid in rose hips is much higher than in kiwi or orange. Often, doctors recommend a decoction of the fruit from this plant to people with diabetes. So why is rosehip good for diabetes?
What is rose hips

It is a predominantly small shrub. It belongs to the Rose family. In total, there are about 140 species of this plant in the world. It blooms with fragrant pink inflorescences, after which red oblong fruits appear. To date, unique long-lived roses are known, whose age is more than one hundred years.
Shrub begins to bear fruit in the third year of life. The fruit owes its bright red color to the content of a huge amount of carotene.
Chemical composition
Useful substances are found in almost all parts of this amazing plant. For the preparation of medicines, inflorescences, leaves, stems and even rosehip roots are used. However, it should be borne in mind that such a variety of shrubs as “dog rose hips” is completely unsuitable for treating people and contains practically nothing useful. Of the vitamins contained in berries, the largest amount belongs to C, A, E, K and B.
Wild rose fruits also contain a lot of magnesium, which strengthens the nervous system, and potassium, which improves muscle condition. In addition, a large amount of iron improves blood composition, and calcium has a beneficial effect on bone tissue. The fruits of the shrub also contain about 8% sugar.
Useful properties

Thanks to vitamins P and C, the elasticity of blood vessels is restored. If you drink rosehip broth at least twice a week during the autumn-winter period, then any colds will bypass you. It significantly strengthens the immune system and promotes recovery in case of existing diseases. And also due to the bactericidal properties, rosehip preparations are used in the treatment of inflammation of the genitourinary system and diseased joints. Rosehip also proved to be excellent for diabetes mellitus.
Who is contraindicated
People with high acidity are not recommended to abuse this rather acidic drink. Otherwise, they experience irritation of the mucous membrane and, as a result, heartburn. Sometimes rose hips cause constipation. Therefore, when using a decoction, it should be alternated with foods or drinks that have a laxative effect. Due to a sufficiently large amount of vitamin K, blood viscosity increases, whichhighly undesirable with a tendency to form blood clots.
Side effects
Rosehip decoction in large quantities leaches calcium and loads the kidneys. Due to the huge amount of vitamin C, a concentrated decoction has a bad effect on the condition of tooth enamel. It is highly recommended not to take rosehip infusions for a long period of time. If used frequently, this remedy may cause the symptom of non-infectious jaundice.
Rosehip for diabetes

This drink saturates the body of a sick person with useful substances, strengthens blood vessels and prevents their fragility. Thanks to him, the condition of the capillaries improves. If there is a tendency to nosebleeds or bruising, then the rosehip preparation will help to cope with this problem. No wonder doctors strongly recommend using rosehip decoctions for type 2 diabetes.
As you know, patients with this disease are characterized by problems with blood vessels, as a result of which blood flow is disturbed. Ascorbic acid somewhat thins the blood, but due to the action of vitamin K, the effect is usually not pronounced. The rich fortified composition of rose hips also improves blood, strengthens its immunity, fights the first manifestations of inflammatory diseases that often accompany this disease, and in general significantly improves the patient's well-being.
Doctors, as a rule, highlight the following useful functions that rose hips have:
- In diabetes, it helps to improve insulin absorption, thanks towhat normalizes the level of glucose.
- Rose hips have been found to help reduce excess weight, which is also important for diabetics.
- Due to the presence of magnesium and potassium, the cardiovascular system improves and blood pressure normalizes.
- An important property of wild rose is its ability to monitor carbohydrate metabolism and, if necessary, stabilize it.
- Decoctions and infusions with wild rose have a beneficial effect on the pancreas and improve its function.

These berries have plenty of useful properties. Diabetics can also mix rose hips with other berries, as well as add herbal teas.
How to cook in a thermos
For the preparation of rosehip infusion for diabetes, it is best to use a thermos. In addition to convenience, a thermos has significant advantages over the traditional brewing method. Due to prolonged heating, a lot of useful substances are retained in the broth. Those people who used a thermos probably noticed what a rich color and aroma the water infusions of medicinal herbs have. The main condition for taking rose hips for type 2 diabetes is to keep the berries intact.
Dried fruits are poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water. Next, the composition is infused for three or four hours. The product should be used within one day. The next day, as a rule, a new concoction is prepared.
Crushed berries
Despite the laboriousnessprocess, this method of preparing rosehip broth for diabetes is preferred by many people. It should be borne in mind that when crushing berries, vitamins and trace elements become fragile and prone to destruction. Therefore, boil the dry mixture over low heat, under a tightly closed lid. The cooking time is noticeably reduced and is two or three minutes. The drink is rich with a pronounced sour taste.
Decoction of whole berries
To prepare a rosehip broth for type 2 diabetes, a convenient enameled pan is selected, washed rosehips are placed in it and poured with water. Next, the composition is brought to a boil and kept on low heat until the berries soften. For one full glass of dry or fresh fruits, you need two liters of water. Berries can be poured with both cold water and boiling water.

Already after preparation, the decoction is left to infuse for seven or eight hours. All obtained rosehip decoctions for type 2 diabetes and other diseases are consumed only after they are passed through double gauze or a fine mesh sieve. The fact is that the villi inside the fruit irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus. Therefore, it is very important to clean the medicinal product as thoroughly as possible.
Doctors advice
Doctors very often recommend the use of rosehip infusion for diabetes. The medicinal properties of this plant are very diverse. The fruits of this shrub will help improve the composition of the blood, cure the pancreas and restore the density of blood vessels. Patientscan mix berries with mountain ash, cranberries or black currants. Before drinking a decoction or water infusion, strain the composition through a sieve. Never use rosehip syrup.

If you have diabetes, it is also undesirable to use tea bags. The glue contained in the bags, despite its harmlessness, clogs the body and is a carcinogen in large quantities.
It should be remembered that some sugar is present in the composition of the berries and therefore the use of rosehip broth without measure can damage.
Root decoction
Patients with diabetes can also use root infusion. Slightly dried root is crushed with a knife, poured with water and boiled in a water bath. In order to prepare a water bath, you will need a pot of water and a liter jar. Three tablespoons of root are poured into a jar and poured with water. Then it is placed in a saucepan, which is heated over low heat. Boiling water in a saucepan heats the jar and thus prepares the medicine.
How to harvest rose hips

Despite the fact that rose hips can be purchased at any pharmacy, many people prefer to harvest them on their own. The fruits are harvested, as a rule, in September or October, when they contain the maximum amount of nutrients. It should be borne in mind that in frost, the rather fragile vitamin C is partially destroyed. The fruits should be firm, smooth, without visible damage. Collection not allowedwild rose, stained with fungal diseases or cobwebs.

The fruits are dried in the oven at a temperature of sixty degrees. Moreover, it is recommended to keep the door in the cabinet slightly ajar so that the air circulates freely. Next, the finished raw materials are transferred to a pre-prepared cardboard box and sent for long-term storage. You can also prepare a paper or canvas bag. This raw material does not lose its properties for three years.