Why does the chin itch: causes, symptoms, treatment

Why does the chin itch: causes, symptoms, treatment
Why does the chin itch: causes, symptoms, treatment

In our article we will talk about why the chin itches. Such a ridiculous, at first glance, question can turn into serious difficulties. One of the possible causes of itching of the chin can be called jealousy. If the spouse, instead of answering simple everyday questions, began to scratch his chin, it is worth considering. Based on folk signs, one can predict the imminent betrayal of a spouse, discord in relations with friends, conflict with loved ones.

For men and women

For a man, an itchy chin is an alarm for his beloved. A careful review of the relationship does not hurt. Habit can dull the senses, a woman will become bored, and if a new face appears on the horizon, she may not be able to resist. In any case: both partners should be more attentive to each other. It is better to bring a new wave into the relationship.

why do pimples itch on the chin
why do pimples itch on the chin

So why does my chin itch? In ancient times, it was believed that the chin itches - a feast is just around the corner. The men, scratching their beards, glanced at the gate to see if anyone would be brought in with a drink. Why does a woman's chin itch? It is possible that appearedan ill-wisher who wears a beard. His constant, negative thoughts are tantamount to a negative impact that constantly undermines he alth. The next option: a situation of conflict has already arisen in space, in which the victim will receive a blow to the jaw. It can also be an energy blow to the chin. The lower part of the face has already become the object of negative impact, and therefore itches. Itching also speaks of impending romantic events in a woman's life. Adventures promise to be stormy, but transient. Moreover, relationships will arise as suddenly as they leave. The depth and beauty of the upcoming novel will be unique. Why does my neck and chin itch? If one of your close relatives set off on a journey, a long journey, and after a while you get itching on your neck and chin, this means that the road did not work out. Coming back soon. The chin, neck itch for a new meeting with a person who has arrived from afar or a sudden meeting with a foreigner. If the family relationship is established, and the chin itches, you should not be surprised at the sudden possibility of a trip abroad.


Why does my chin itch? The reasons may be very different. First up is neuroscience. A large number of surging problems introduces stress into the normal course of life. Constant tension, intrusive thoughts - this is the cause of itching. Doctors say: if constant nervous scratching becomes a habit, then it will be much more difficult to get rid of it. The current overexertion can “wake up” a genetic problem or activate dermatitis forgotten in childhood.

Pathology of internal organs

why does my chin itch
why does my chin itch

The second option is the pathology of the internal organs. For chronic irritation, seek medical attention. Conducting research will help identify possible dysfunction, detect the disease at an early stage.

Violation of the lymph flow or demodicosis

The third hypothesis is a violation of the lymph flow, the problem of the submandibular lymph node. And for complete certainty, it is worth excluding the presence of a subcutaneous tick - demodicosis. Remember that the hallmark of mite exposure is noticeable redness and flaking.


Severe itching under the chin - the likelihood of an allergy. An allergic reaction to clothes is common: a collar adjacent to the neck, a fashionable neck scarf. A reaction to a cosmetic product, especially if something new has come into use. Drug provocation of allergies: the cause may be, for example, an antiviral drug.

Food and household allergies are also possible. A similar reaction can even be caused by a pet: a cat, a dog, a hamster.

Diagnosis to rule out other possible problems. Treatment

causes of itching in the chin area
causes of itching in the chin area

Required examination, additional consultation with a dermatologist. The following diagnoses require exclusion: psoriasis, neurodermatitis, hyperthyroidism, skin fungus. Neurodermatitis is dangerous not only with progressive itching that occurs in the evenings, but also with a psychological component. Treatment of the skin in this casenot enough. Psychotherapeutic assistance is mandatory for patients with neurodermatitis. A reaction to ultraviolet light should not be ruled out. When covering your face from a burn with a towel, you should not leave part of your chin exposed. The consequence of sun exposure is peeling, itching.

Itchy pimples. Possible causes

Why do chin pimples itch? Most likely, itching indicates the characteristics of a person's character. A pimple on the face - a bright change in a fragment of the appearance, speaks of a strong character trait, necessarily negative. A pimple is a pimple. Ancestors believed that the chin will tell about the strength of the spirit. A flaw in the appearance on the chin determines the lethargy of actions, low self-esteem, and a passive life position. For pregnant women, a pimple foreshadowed the birth of a boy.

why does my chin itch
why does my chin itch

For a girl dreaming of a groom - the appearance of a contender. Acne from a medical point of view (the term "acne") is an internal release of "dirty" substances from the body through the skin. It is caused by a weakened function of the liver or lymphatic system. With prolonged dysfunction of the filtering organs of the body, the concentration of pathogenic flora reaches a dangerous level, the body requires immediate release. This process can provoke clogging of the sebaceous glands, a barrier is formed, which becomes a barrier to cleansing the skin pores. A skin imbalance develops, prerequisites for the appearance of inflammatory subcutaneous processes are formed. Confectionery "distortions" in the menu adversely affect the functioning of the endocrine system. Baking, sweets, chocolate,ice cream should be consumed in moderation. Sometimes a person begins to seize stress, but it is no secret that the fleeting pleasure of eating creates the illusion of liberation from the problem. The dope dissipates, I want to “continue the banquet.”

why does a woman's chin itch
why does a woman's chin itch

Spicy and spicy dishes are ticking time bombs. In combination with polluted air emissions and poor drinking water, such nutrition poses a serious threat. The pancreas is overloaded, the endocrine system fails. Alcohol is a special topic: its quality, quantity, and most importantly, its strength. The higher the degree of alcohol, the stronger the blow to the liver. Alcohol poisoning does not for one day plant the protective functions of the body, makes the body vulnerable to infection, infection, including skin infection. Then the chin itches.


Treatment involves the exclusion of an irritant (allergy), ointments (for example, sulfur is often used today), special baths and diet. Specialists sometimes recommend taking a course of balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters). To relieve itching, antihistamines are often prescribed, such as Suprastin, Edem, Diazolin, Tavigil, Klemastine, Claritin and others. Antihistamine ointments "Soderm", "Mesoderm", "Lorinden", "Fenistil" are also prescribed.

itchy chin
itchy chin

When overtired, the help of a psychotherapist is needed. In other difficult casesmedical treatment is required (strictly prescribed by a doctor and under supervision).


We have already figured out why the chin itches. This question should not be ignored. Where to start: from folk signs or from seeking medical help - everyone decides for himself. No matter what life brings, you should not lose your head, “putting straws” is not harmful. It is desirable to solve problems in the early stages and not lose sight of anything.
