Postural tremor of the hands, arms, and other parts of the body due to tension. It is also known in medicine as postural tremor. This pathological condition accompanies a wide range of diseases. Doctors have been studying the features of such a pathology for a long time, therefore quite extensive information has been accumulated about the features of the course, methods of correction, and complications that people suffering from posture tremor have to face. Let's take a closer look at this topic.
Symptoms and manifestations
The type of tremor in itself is not a disease. It may indicate multiple sclerosis. There are cases when the tremor developed against the background of Parkinson's disease. It can accompany degenerative processes in corticobasal tissues. Tremor is fixed against the background of motor problems caused by drug therapy. Familial, benign tremor is possible. Sometimes the syndrome accompanies encephalopathy of the hypercapnic type. To determine,what is the diagnosis of the patient, it is necessary to organize a full-fledged study.
Consider that there are several types of tremor. In a number of pathologies, several forms are observed simultaneously. Below we will consider different options for combined states.

Theoretical introduction
Tremor of fingers, hands and other parts of the body of a postural form develops due to heredity, against the background of poisoning with medicines, chemical compounds, and also due to various diseases. Often, the condition accompanies pathological processes occurring in the thyroid gland. Tremor is easy to feel and notice, because during an attack, muscle breakdown appears, tissues contract, relax. Processes are fast. The muscle trembles. This is especially noticeable if the person stretches out their arms and tries to keep their limbs on the weight or focuses on some activity, such as walking. Symptoms become stronger under the influence of stress. The tremor is expressed in case of nervous overexertion.
It is known that the pathological condition usually appears or worsens due to excessive use of drugs, drugs, alcohol-containing drinks. The risks of worsening the condition are associated with the use of high-strength coffee. Energy drinks can lead to tremors, they also worsen an already existing deviation. The probability of a pronounced manifestation is characteristic of the period of influence of stress, excessive excitement, fright. The tremor becomes stronger if the person gets tired, the musclesoverexerted. Sometimes this condition indicates a fever, a malfunction of the thyroid gland.
How can I help?
Knowing in a particular case the causes of tremors (arms, legs and not only) that provoked in children and adults, you can choose the appropriate measures to correct the condition. Physical relaxation is needed. At the appointment, the doctor will explain what exercises can be done that will help a particular patient. This will take into account the localization of the tremor. Rest is always good. Soothing drinks, herbal teas should be included in the diet. It is recommended to do various procedures that stabilize the nervous state of the person. Muscle manipulations have been developed that allow you to take control of your body in order to reduce the number of unpredictable contractions or completely get rid of this problem. By mastering these techniques, a person learns to better control himself.
If a posture tremor is detected, you will have to reconsider your diet and daily routine. Refuse any products that irritate the nervous system, exclude caffeine, energy and a variety of invigorating substances. Avoid irritants that affect the nervous system. In general, the condition becomes better if you get enough sleep and quality rest. The ideal regimen involves resting for sleep before the onset of symptoms (or its exacerbation), as well as long and high-quality rest. This relatively simple measure has been shown to bring the tremor under control and achieve dramatic relief of symptoms.

About drugs
Toto learn how to treat tremor, you should consult a doctor who will clarify what caused the condition and select medications based on this. Assign sedative formulations, products containing propranolol. A good effect is shown by funds from the class of beta-blockers. All these drugs affect the human brain, stabilizing the complex work of internal organs. By taking these remedies, trembling, which is a key symptom, can be completely stopped.
Since tremor is possible due to excessive intake of chemicals, medications, it is necessary to check if there is such a factor, and if it is detected, eliminate it. Among chemical compounds, mercury is especially dangerous. By limiting or completely eliminating hazardous substances (including drugs), you can improve the he alth of the patient. In some cases, surgery is indicated. An implant is installed to control trembling in a specific part of the body or a generalized symptom.
Shapes and types
As stated above, postural tremor of the arms, hands, legs is a condition that is also known medically as postural tremor. All cases of tremor, in principle, can be divided into two categories: resting tremor and action tremor. In the first case, the phenomenon is observed when the muscle tissues are inactive, in the second, arbitrary contractions of the tissues are observed. In addition to postural, there is a kinetic action tremor. Postural often accompanies an attempt to maintain some particular posture. Kinetic is fixed when a person strives to do something. The closer he is to his goal, the strongerit becomes trembling. A classic example of such a state is intentional. Let's consider different variants and types of tremor, analyze what phenomena they are formed from and how they can be corrected.

Physiological tremor
Most often this type of tremor is a postural syndrome. The frequency is quite high - about 8-12 Hz. Sweeping movements are not observed. Often a person simply does not notice the phenomenon until a certain moment. There is a danger of occurrence in various parts of the body. Sometimes observed in the eyelids. It is necessary first to analyze, when planning to select a treatment, the causes of tremor (arms, legs, fingers, and so on). Tremor is usually caused by excessive psychological stress or physical exertion, severe muscle fatigue. Perhaps the manifestation of withdrawal syndrome against the background of a sudden refusal from alcohol-containing drinks. The physiological form is observed if the performance of the internal secretory organs is disturbed, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal tumor, and diabetic disease develop. Possible causes are mercury poisoning, the effect of carbon monoxide, the penetration of arsenic into the body. There are known cases of physiological tremor against the background of excessive intake of caffeine. This tremor is sometimes explained by the influence of medications. It is more often observed against the background of lithium preparations, neuroleptics, valproates. It can be triggered by certain types of antidepressants, dopaminergics.
Determining how to start after determining the causes of tremor treatment (hands, eyelids, fingers), firstselect adequate therapy based on the current disease. If it is possible to correct the factors provoking tremor, they are eliminated if possible. Alcohol should be completely removed from life, coffee should be reduced, and stress factors should be avoided. If there is no result, the doctor prescribes beta-blockers.
Essential tremor
This form is the most common in medical practice. Combined state: kinetic, postural. The level of occurrence reaches 7%. The condition is extrapyramidal pathological, that is, it does not signal another disease, but in itself is a disease. There are two main types: hereditary, sporadic. The first type of postural-kinetic tremor of the arms, legs and other areas is observed in approximately 60% of patients with this diagnosis. The mechanism of inheritance is autosomal dominant. For the first time, symptoms manifest themselves on average at the age of 35, with a possible deviation of five years up and down. However, there are many cases when such a tremor indicated itself with symptoms almost from birth. Sporadic first manifests itself no earlier than 60 years of age, although rarely the first symptoms come later than 70 years of age. Senile tremor belongs to this class. Its alternative name is senile. At first, the phenomenon worries with attacks due to excessive stress, mental stress, therefore it does not attract the attention of a person.
Most often, postural-kinetic tremor develops simultaneously on both sides. The brushes especially tremble if a person tries to drawcircumference and extend the arms forward if eating using a spoon. Over time, the phenomenon covers the head, swaying is observed on the principle of negative, conciliatory head movements. There may be a condition in which there are no other symptoms. In others, the tongue is affected, the tremor covers the eyelids, the ligaments responsible for the ability to speak, the jaw. At different times of the day, manifestations may differ in severity. There are no symptoms during sleep, which indicates the similarity of the pathology with other extrapyramidal ones. With excessive fatigue, the amplitude becomes stronger. This accompanies overheating, stress, coffee intake, mental stimulants, energy drinks. Many note that when drinking a small dose of alcohol, the tremor disappears. This provokes some to alcoholism, due to which, over time, the essential state is supplemented by the physiological one.

Features and therapy
Essential (kinetic, postural) tremor often manifests itself with a frequency of no more than 10 Hz. Over the years, the frequency tends to decrease to 4 Hz. As the condition worsens, a resting tremor is observed. The pathology was recognized as benign. It is customary to think that she is amenable to therapy. At the same time, the probability of obtaining the status of a disabled person reaches 18%.
Diagnosing essential tremor, which is caused by heredity or age-related changes, the doctor prescribes treatment to correct the manifestations. So far, it has not been possible to develop methods of influencing the root cause. Treatment is indicated if symptoms severely impair quality of life. Sedatives are recommended. Canuse motherwort, valerian tinctures. It is noted that all persons with such a diagnosis suffer from aggressive negative thoughts, they are afraid of becoming disabled due to serious illnesses. For many, taking sedatives alone is already enough to alleviate the tremor. Sometimes beta-blockers are additionally indicated. Use preparations containing metopro-, need-, proprolol. Good results are given by the appointment of funds with anaprilin.
Essential form: treatment in more detail
Since the causes of tremor in both children and adults cannot be corrected, it becomes necessary to prescribe symptomatic treatment, sometimes you have to take quite potent drugs. The use of such agents is associated with increased risks of intolerance. If the drugs mentioned above provoke such a response of the body, the doctor prescribes anticonvulsant medications. More often they use those whose active ingredients are primidone, hexamidine. If they are ineffective or not suitable, resort to topiramate, gabapentin.
In some cases, the doctor, explaining how to get rid of the tremor, talks about the effects of levodopa. They may prescribe drugs with clonazepam or the introduction of botulinum toxin A. If the condition is severe, all of the listed drugs are ineffective, neurosurgical therapy is necessary. It is necessary to stimulate the nuclei of the thalamus with an electric current.

Parkinsonian tremor
Parkinson's disease is often the cause of tremors in adults. Possible tremor with secondaryparkinsonism against the background of other underlying causes - taking medications, poisoning the body, trauma or vascular disease. The forms of tremor in such individuals are varied. A typical variant is a resting tremor, the frequency of movements is about 4-6 Hz. Trembling increases when the person is calm, talking, walking, watching TV. A person can easily do precise actions - dress, eat. Tremor of this type usually affects the limbs, chin. The head trembles rarely. The condition is usually unilateral, this character has been observed for many years. A combination of several forms of tremor is possible. More often there is a combination of tremors of rest and posture. Diagnostics shows a recurring tremor due to shiver delay: if a person is asked to extend the hands, the hands will begin to tremble only a quarter of a minute after that.
Explaining to the patient how to get rid of the tremor, the doctor will emphasize the need to use medications. Prescribe drugs that are effective in Parkinson's disease. They write out Stalevo, Levadopa, Yumeks. If the condition is secondary, the underlying primary disease must be determined and the appropriate treatment chosen.
Cerebellar Tremor
This is an intentional tremor that, under certain conditions, turns into a postural tremor. A pathological condition is observed if the cerebellum or the connections of the organ elements are damaged. Most often, a postural syndrome is transformed if a person is sick with multiple sclerosis. The frequency of the phenomenon is estimated at an average of 2.5 Hz. Affected limbs, head, body. It is possible to develop on the one hand orsymmetrical. Additionally, other features appear that indicate cerebellar ataxia.
Because degeneration in the cerebellum is a severe process, it is very difficult to cure intentional or postural tremor. The patient is prescribed a therapeutic program consisting of gymnastics that is most suitable for the identified violation. This helps relieve symptoms. To weight the limbs, it is shown to use bracelets, the weight of which can reach 0.8 kg. The doctor prescribes medicinal formulations. They use products that contain pregabalin, primidone, finlepsin. Pharmaceutical products containing ondansetron, diazepam, isoniazid are known for their effectiveness.

Rubral tremor
This is a combined phenomenon: kinetic, postural tremor. The frequency is quite low - about 3 Hz. The amplitude is quite large. Arrhythmia of movements is possible. As you get closer to the target, the amplitude becomes more significant. Often this condition accompanies midbrain disorders in a previous heart attack, stroke. The condition is combined with other manifestations - eye movement disorders, paralysis.
Treatment involves the fight against the underlying disease. To ease the symptoms, the patient is prescribed levodopa. Drugs that contain prozerin, clonazepam will benefit. The therapeutic course often includes valproates, hexamidine. Sometimes injections of botulinum toxin into muscle tissues suffering from tremors are indicated.
Dystonic tremor
This state is observed whendystonia, accompanies focal, generalized cases. The phenomenon is asymmetric, low-frequency, observed while maintaining a dystonic position. The amplitude increases if the patient resists hyperkinesis. Treatment involves fighting the underlying syndrome. Additionally, they are taught to make corrective gestures. This makes it easier for the case.
Neurotic tremor
This phenomenon is usually also combined, tremors of posture and movement are observed simultaneously. They have a large range. The cause is often polyneuropathy. Possible genetic diseases that are inherited. These include atrophic disease, recorded in the reference book under the name Charcot-Marie-Tooth. The underlying cause may be acquired diseases - foci of inflammation against the background of demyelinating neuropathy, polyneuropathy in diabetes or uremia. To weaken the undesirable phenomenon, it is necessary to choose an adequate course of the initial disease. Sometimes primidone is indicated. As you can see from the reviews on the treatment of tremor, pharmaceutical products containing anaprilin, propranolol can be prescribed.

Psychogenic tremor
The condition is observed against the background of hysteria, has an acute onset. The patient has violent emotions. In a matter of minutes, the amplitude and frequency of movements change greatly. As can be inferred from the medical reviews devoted to the course of hysteria, tremor (postural, kinetic) can appear when a person is calm or when moving, the main condition is the presence of an external viewer. If ato attract the attention of the patient, the strength of the manifestations immediately weakens. The patient is tired, which greatly distinguishes the phenomenon from organic trembling.
Shown psychotherapeutic treatment course. Prescribe sedatives. You can use "Glycine", "Afobazole". In some cases, tranquilizers are needed. Assign "Valium", "Xenax". Sometimes there is a need for beta-blockers. In this case, prescribe drugs containing anaprilin, metoprolol.